

emphasis includes a twe lve uni t com se sequence and a 3-6 unit fi eld practicum requirement in a crosscultural se tting. T he course sequence involves fo ur three unit courses all listed und er ISST 530 Seminar: Topics in lntercultural H eal th Care. The fo ur courses, offered consecu­ tively over a two year peri od are: !SST 530 (01) Crosscultural Health Care Deli very, ISST 530 (02) Personal H ealth Maintenance Abroad ISST 530 (03) Anth ropo logy of Crosscultural H ealth Care ISST 530 (04) Management Strategies in Crosscultural H ealth Care. T he crosscultura l health care practicum is arranged for either 3 o r 6 units credit and is des ignated as: ISST 530 (05) Intercultural Clini cal Practi cum . Cognate courses whi ch are highl y rec­ ommended for those pursuing the Crosscultu ral H eal th Care emphas is are : ISCL 702 Social O rganization, ISCL 622 Intercultural Communi cati on and ISST 802 Spiritual Confli cts and Coun seling. M.A. IN MISSIONS The M.A. in M iss ions is a 62-unit pro­ gram. However, stud ents with quali fied unde rgraduate strength may graduate with fewer units, though in no case fewe r than 32 units, o f which at least 24 must be taken at Bio la Un ive rsity. In o rd er to graduate the student must: A. Compl ete the required courses li sted below: l. 16 units of co re consisting o f: SCL 500,520; SHM 640 or 550; SST 560 o r SCL 702; SST 562,661. 2. 30 units of Bibl e/ theo logy including SHM 751, SST 802. 3 . 16 units of mi ss io logy/ intercul tural studi es electives. B. Successfull y pass the comprehensive examination over one's coursework. Those who have two o r mo re yea rs of prior miss ionary service may select to submit an acceptable thes is chosen m consultation with their advisor in li eu of the comprehensive examination. Copi es are to be submitted to th e librarian, as per uni ve rsity and school requirements. C. Maintain a grade po int ave rage o f 3.0 on a 4.0 scal e.

unaccredited co ll eges may be requi red to take certain add itional liberal arts course work (not app li cab le toward the graduate degree ), if thei r undergraduate program did no t include these courses . 2. Those without intercultural/mi s­ sions or Bible/ theology may have addi­ tional coursewo rk added to th eir program. . 3 . Al l applicants must submit a wntten statement outlining th eir voca ti onal obiec­ tives and how the degree will relate to those objectives. Applicants should attach a one- page, typewritten lette r to the app li cat ion. . 4. Al l applica nts are required to submit three letters of references on forms sup- pli ed by the school. . 5. All appli cants are required to submit official transcri pts o f al l previous schools at tended. 6. T he appli ca tion deadline fo r the fall is August 1 and for the spring isJ anuary l. Appli cations may be submi tted after this deadline (late app li cation fee o f $45), but will be considered and processed on ly if space is avail abl e and time al lows . DOCTOR OF MISSIOLOGY An acc redited master's degree in Intercul tural Studies, o r a related field, of whi ch 15 uni ts will be in Bibl ical and Theological studi es , and 18 units in Social Organiza ti on, ln tercultural Commun icati on, Cultu ral Change, Dynami cs o f Religious Experi ence (or Folk Religions), T heology of Miss ion, and Appli ed Anthropology, as described in . thi s catalog. A 3 .30 grade poin t average 1s requi red fo r admiss ion. DOCTOR OF EDUCATION A master 's degree or its equivalent appropriate to the Ed.D. is requi red for admi ss ion. The studen t must have a GPA of 3 .3 in th eir previous graduate study. Students may receive a 30-unit program reducti on, with specific courses waived , according to M.A. concentration. Three years of mini stry experi ence, o r its equiva­ lent, are required for entrance to the program. ADMISSION OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS AND RESIDENT ALIENS See Admiss ion, Registration and Requi r ments sect ion.



The M .A. in lntercultu ral Studi es is a 42- uni t program fo r the qualifi ed appli­ cant· in cases of extensive undergraduate wo rk in intercultural studi es/ mi ss ions it may be reduced to a minimum 002 units. Studen ts with littl e or no academi c or practical/ field preparati on in intercultural studies and/ o r biblical and theo logJCal areas may be required to take additional units, such as SCL 300 o r SHM 640, SCL

310 o r 413, BE 517, 519,520 and bibli cal/ theological electi ves .

In o rd er to graduate th e student must: A. Compl ete th e required courses li sted below: l. 16 units o f co re consisting o f: SCL 500 501, 503 o r SST 560, SCL 520 or 6'22, SST 562; and SHM 75 1. 2. 6 units o f Bible/ theology 3 . 20 units of advisor-approved elec ti ves. A student may choose to focus electives in areas of special­ iza tion such as anth ropology, mi s­ sio logy, Bible translati on, linguisti cs, T ESOL, etc. B. Successfull y pass a comprehensive examination over one's coursewo rk. C. Maintain a 3.0 grad e po int ave rage on a 4.0 scale. CROSSCULTURAL EDUCATION EMPHASIS The crosscultural education emphas is in the M .A. lntercultural Studies is des igned to equi p teachers, tra iners , con­ sultants , etc. in crosscultural aspec ts o f the educa tional process, international literacy, and Teaching Engli sh as a Second . Language (TESOL). The Mas ter o f Arts m Intercultural Studies core is required with the additi on o f SST 575 and 765 Some electives may be selected, in consultati on with the student 's advisor, from graduate level courses in the Departments of Education and Chri sti an Educati on. CROSSCULTURAL HEALTH CARE EMPHASIS The graduate emphas is in Cross­ cultural H eal th Care is des igned fo r both professional s and non-professional s who expect to be engaged in va ri ous fo rms o f health care educati on, practice or commu­ nity based development programs. The

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