T he student must complete th e pro gram in no more than 5 years. Exceptio ns may be made in cases where furl ough time is not sufficient co comp lete th e program in 5 years. TOEFL is requi red for international applicants along with proof of thei r abili ty to support themselves.
Inte rcultural Studies Admissions Committee and the Bi ola University O ffi ce o f Admiss ions. (4) O RAL ! NTERVIEWANDADMISSIONTO DocroRAL STUDY All students will have an interview with a facul ty committee co evaluate th eir progress and potenti al fo r successful com ple ti on of th e doctoral program. T he interview is scheduled after one semes ter in res idence and the completion o f at least one signi fican t piece o f written wo rk demonstra ting the student 's skill in research writing. T he results o f chi s inter view are repo rted co the facul ty wh ich vo tes either co admit, admit with condi tions, o r not co admit th e student to docto ral study. (5) COMPREHENSIVEEXAMINATIONS All students must pass comprehensive exams covering the fo llowing areas: 1) Intercultural Stud ies 2) Hi story and Theology o f Mi ss ion 3) Society, Techno logy and Mi ss ions 4) T he student 's special ization These exams are given once a year in April and serve as a majo r means o f evaluating a student 's sui tabili ty co continue studies coward the docto rate.
Upo n reaching candi dacy a student must register for a to tal o f 8 di ssertati on units prio r to grad uati on . T hese un its are di vided equal ly between SDS 880 D.Miss . Di ssertati on Field Research and SDS 881 D.Mi ss. Disserta ti on. With the concent of the doctoral advisor d issertation units may be taken at the rate o f onl y one per semes ter. If the docto ral candidate has not defended the di ssertation by the time the 8 di ssertation units are compl eted, he o r she must continue co be enroll ed each semes ter until graduati on. T hi s may be done under SDS 882 D. Mi ss. Continuation Reserach. T his en rollment carri es no credit, but keeps the student 's registra ti on current. (8 ) DISSERTATION T he doctoral di ssertati on will be based upon research conducted in th e fi eld of mini stry, usually over a peri od of six mon ths co one year. T he di ssertati on must demonstrate high attainment in scholarship related to profess ional mi ssi ology. T he d issertati on topic and propos al must be approved by the cand idate's adviso ry committee prior co beginning o f the student's fi eld research. T hree weeks prio r co expec ted grad uation the candi date must submit to the School of Inte rcultu ral Studi es dean the o riginal and fo ur copies of hi s di ssertation signed by the di ssertati on committee . (9) FINAL ORAL ExAMINATION T he fi nal examin ation is an oral defense of the dissertati on before the doctoral commit tee and o ther invited profess ional s. (10) GRADUATION REQU IREMENTS Al l stud ents must present an accep table di ssertati on, have satisfactoril y passed their comprehensive examinati ons and have compl eted all requi red course work with a minimum 3.30 grad e point average (GPA), co quali fy fo r graduati on.
A min imum of one year (typ ically two semes ters and a summer) of residence is required for the docto rate. Whil e the doc tora te is not awarded simply fo r comple tio n o f stated coursewo rk, th ere are bas ic unit requirements for the degree (33 semes ter uni ts beyond the M .A. ). A facul ty advisor will guide the student in plan ning a program of courses chat will bes t serve his o r her needs . Admi ssion into the graduate program o f th e Schoo l of In tercultura l Studies does not guaran tee completion o f the doctoral degree. T he D. M iss stude nt will compl ete a minimum of 33 semeste r hours in intercu l tural stud ies and mi ss iology. This core will consist of: 9 units: SHM 550, SST 661, SHM 742 6 units: Mi ss io logy o r In tercultural Studi es electives co be deter min ed in consul tati on with the adviso r. 5 units: Biblical/ T heological stud ies, consisting o f SST 535 and 2 units of e lecti ve. 13 uni ts : Dissertation research and writing, consisting o f: SCL 803, SCL 879, SDS 880, SDS 881 (2) T IME L IMIT FOR D EGREE COMPLETION Al l course and academic requi rements fo r th e D.Miss . degree musebe completed within 10 years, beginning on the date o f the student 's fi rst registration. Petiti ons fo r extension beyond 10 years will be con sidered on a case by case basis for students who may need extensive fie ld expe ri ence o r fi eld research requirements.
All stud ents must compl ete a mi nimum of three continuous years o f practi cal mi s sionary experience in a crossculcu ral (o r cross-subcultural) setting. le is assumed ch at th e stud ent will acquire fluency in a second language learned during thi s mis sionary servi ce and chat chis language will be the language o f fi eld research. (7) ADMISSION TO CANDIDACY O ffi cial candidacy fo r the doctorate signifi es an advanced stage in the student 's progress and is characteri zed by se lf directed research and preparati on of a di s sertati on und er the d irection of a facul ty advi sor. In o rder to be admitted to candi dacy the student must have : 1) Successfully completed the Preliminary Facul ty Inte rview 2) Passed th e comprehensive examin ation 3) Compl eted the field mini stry requirement 4) Received approval o f the dissertati on proposal by the Doctoral Committee
T he uni versity program requi res a to tal of 90 semester units fo r the Ed.D degree. A minimum of 48 semes ter hours of resi dence beyond the mas ters degree is required . In addi tio n, the student must complete 12 semester units of di sserta ti on research. A fa culty advisor will guid e each student in planning a program of courses
A student who fail s co register fo r one o r mo re semesters is automatically with drawn from the D.Miss. p rogram. Fo r reinstatement, and before any course o r d issertati on work can be resumed, the stu dent must make fo rmal appli cati on for readmi ss io n co bo th the School of
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