

12 dissertation units are completed, he or she must be enro ll ed continuously each semester until grad uation . This may be done at the rate of one unit a semester und er SEM 892 Ed.D. Continuation Research. This enrollmen t carries no cred it but keeps the student's registration current. (8) DISSERTATION The doctoral dissertation wi ll be based upon research conducted in the field of mini stry, usuall y over a period of six months to one year. The dissertation must demonstrate hi gh attainment in scho larship related to professional mi ss i­ o logy. The dissertation topic and propos­ al must be approved by the cand idate's advisory committee prior to beginning of the student's field research. Three weeks prior to expected grad uati on the candi­ date must submit to the School of lntercultural Studies dean the origi nal and four copies of hi s d issertation signed by the dissertation committee.

to serve his or her mini stry needs . Each stud ent will select a mento r from the grad­ uate faculty to guide hi s or he r dissertation research. The program contains an 18 unit core requirement, plus 30 uni ts of courses designed fo r the student's individual min­ istry needs from across the grad uate cur­ riculum of the University and 12 units of dissertation research. The core requ irements are as fo llows: l. DE 801 Historical and Philosophical Thought in Education 2. DE 803 Perspectives in Human Development 3. DE 804 Organizational Administration in Educational Leadership 4. DE 808 Educa tional T heo ry and the Practice of Teaching 5. DE 888 Educational Research Design 6. SST 721 Crosscultural Education In addition to the core requirements, students are expected to take SCL 500 Introduction to Library Research , SCL 803 Qualitative Research, and SCL 879 Research Design. (2) TlME LIMIT FOR D EGREE COMPLETION All course and academic requirements for the Ed.D. degree must be completed within•10 years, beginning on the date of the stud ent's first registrati on . Petitions for extension beyond 10 years wi ll be con­ sidered on a case by case basis for students who may encounter extens ive field experi­ ence or field research requirements.

least one sign ifi cant piece of written work demonstrating the student's skill in research writing. The results of this inter­ view are reported to the faculty which votes either to adm it, admit with condi­ tions, or not to admit the student to doc­ toral study. (5) COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATI01 S Written comprehensive examinations wi ll be required covering: (1) History and Philosophy of Education (2) Human Development (3) Educational Theory and Process (4) Crosscu ltu ral Training Theory and Methodology (5) Research in Crosscultural Education These examinations will be given in the third and fo urth weeks of each semester or by arrangement with the Ed.D adviso r. (6) FIELD MINISTRY AND LANGUAGE REQUIREMENT All students should have at least three years of practical educational experience in a cross-cultural setting. It is assumed that the student has acquired Auency in a language necessary for effective min istry and research. (7) ADMISSION TO CANDIDACY Official candidacy fo r the doctorate signifi es an advanced stage in the stud ent's progress and is characterized by self­ directed research and preparation of a dis­ sertation under the direction of a faculty advisor. In o rder to be admitted to candi­ dacy the student must have : a. Successfully completed the Preliminary Oral Interview b. Passed the comprehens ive examina­ tions c. Completed the field ministry require­ ment d. Received approval of the dissertation proposal by the Doctoral Committee Upon reaching candidacy a student must register for a total of 12 dissertation units prior to graduation. These units are divided equall y between SOS 890 Ed.D. Dissertation Field Research and SOS 891 Ed.D. Dissertation. Units are ordinarily taken at the rate of three or six per term during the dissertation stage . Unde r spe­ cial circumstances, and with the consent of the doctoral advisor, less than three units may be elected per term. If the doctoral candidate has not defended the dissertation by the time th e

(9) FINAL ORAL EXAivIINATION The fina l examination is an oral

defense of the dissertation before the doc­ tora l committee and other invited profes­ sionals. ( 10) GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS All students must present an acceptab le dissertation, have satisfactoril y passed th eir comprehensive examinations and have completed all required course work with a minimum 3.00 grade point average (GPA), to qual ify for graduation. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS INTERCULTURAL STUDIES SCL 500 LIBRARY RESEARCH SKILLS (1) Use o f reference and bibliograph ic sou rces fo r in-depth research at the gradu­ ate level. Required of all entering gradu­ ate students. SCL 501 DYNAMICS OF THE RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE (3) A treatment of conceptions of the supe rnatural , the functio n of religio n in society, reli gion and social control, the nature of rel igious ritual and parapher­ nali a, sacred places and reli gious practiti oners.


A student who fails to register for one or more semesters is automatical ly with­ drawn from the Ed .D. program. For rein­ statement, and before any course or dis­ sertation work can be resumed, the student must make formal application fo r readm iss ion to both the Schoo l of Intercu ltural Studies Adm issions Committee and the Biola Un iversity Office of Admissions. (4) ORAL I NTERVIEW AND ADMISSION TO DOCTORAi,. STUDY All stud ents wi ll have an oral interview with a faculty committee to evaluate their progress and potential for successful com­ pletion of the doctoral program. The interview is sched ul ed after one semester in residence, and the complet ion of at

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