

SCL 503 ECONOMY, SOCIETY AND VALUES (3) The study o f economi c and social rela­ ti ons as they impact human values, with emphasis o n analyti c too ls for compara­ tive research and cross-cultu ral mini stry. Prerequi site: 300. SCL 505 PHONETICS (3) T he study o f the articul ati o n, cl ass ifi­ cation, reproducti o n and recording o f speach sounds; principles of pho netic change . SCL 510 GENERAL LINGUISTICS (3) T he study of descripti ve lingui sti cs and its relevancy in language learning and Bible tran slati o n. May be repea ted with different content. SCL 511 LANGUAGE LEARNING AND LINGUISTICS (3) Applying lingui sti c techniques to learn how to speak ano ther language. T he theo­ ry and practice of th e LAMP method of language learni ng. Fee: $125. SCL 512 PHONOLOGICAL THEORY (3) Special prob lems in pho nological anal­ ys is fro m vario us languages includ ing abstract pho no logy. Pre requi site: 413 & 414. SCL 514 GRAMMATICAL THEORY (3) An introduction to th e theory of dis­ course lingui stics; considera ti o n of va ri ous levels o f surface grammar and semanti c unde rl ay, with app li cati o n to different lan­ guages. Prerequi site: 417 &418. SCL 517 FIELD METHODS IN LINGUISTICS (3) Ex tensive wo rking wi th speakers of no n-lndo-European languages: special emphas is o n coll ec ting and analyzing lan­ guage data, and o n d evel op ing a language­ learning program. Requirement: Completi on of/or simul taneous enro ll ­ ment in SCL 512 & 514. SCL 520 INTERPERSONAL AND INTERCULTURAL ADJUSTMENT (3) Issues relating to intercultural living with focus o n personal and interpersonal adjustment with natio nals and o th er mi s­ sio nari es; language, value confli cts, status and ro le, culture shock, stereotypes, cul ­ tural limi ta ti o ns and related top ics.

SCL 531 PEOPLES OF ETHNIC AMERICA (3) A study of no n-caucasian ethni c grou ps in the li gh t o f th eir hi storical and socio-cul­ tu ral background . Practi cal fi eld experi­ ence in an ethni c communi ty. Fee: $35 .

culture as they relate to the med ia and th e message.

SCL 691-692 TUTORIAL (3, 3) A self-s tudy course fo r experienced field wo rkers, und er directi o n of a facul ty mentor, in the subj ect area o f th e D.Miss . core requirement. T hi s course is limited to D.Miss. students who can demonstrate pri o r knowledge and competence in the subject area o f the required co re. SCL 702 SOCIAL ORGANIZATION (3) Cross-cul tural study o f the basic human groups of family, kin and communi ty, engaging the stud ent in fi eld methodo logy and research, and appli cati o n of princi­ ples and data of social organization to mi s­ sion strategy. SCL 705 SEMANTICS (3) Study of systems of symbols or "signs," examinati o n of stru ctures underlying cul ­ tu ral activity from fundamenta l level o f individual sign crea ti on to more complex sys tems. SCL 803 QUALITATIVE RESEARCH (2) An advanced course o n the ethn o­ graphi c method , emphas izing ri gorous research des ign and qu ali ty contro l wi th specific reference to educat ional resea rch . SCL 879 RESEARCH DESIGN (3) Develo pment and refin ement o f the doctoral di ssertation proposal th rough preparati o n, presentation and critique of proposal d rafts and examin at io n and di s­ cussio n of issues related to d issertati on research. HISTORY AND THEOLOGY OF MISSIONS SHM 540 PRINCIPLES OF CHURCH PLANTING (3) A study of the biblical mandate to establish local churches amo ng all of the peop les making up mankind. Special emph asis on intercultural chu rch p lanting amo ng th e unreached peopl es o f As ia, Africa, Lat in Ameri ca and the ethni c minoriti es of the wes tern world. SHM 546 HISTORY OF THE EXPANSION OF CHRISTIANITY (3) The background , o ri gin, deve lo pment and spread of the Chri sti an fai th from the apostoli c peri od until today. Emph asis will be given to the modern era, especia ll y


Specific area studi es with emphas is on customs, social structures, reli gio n, arts, hi story and inte rcultu ral communi ca ti o n. O ne or mo re secti ons offered every year in areas such as: Afri ca, As ia, Na ti ve Ameri ca, M iddl e East, South Pacific, Europe. May be repeated with d iffere nt course content. SCL 533 ETHNIC MINORITIES IN SELECTED CULTURES (3) Examines the prob lems, aspi rati o ns, and needs of ethni c mino riti es in selected cultures, th e d iff icul ties of determi ning basic human rights, and the confli cts asso­ ciated with the demands o f nati o nal gov­ ernments, cultural and ethni c ti es and re li­ gious trad itions. SCL 601 CONTEMPORARY ANTHROPOLOGICAL THEORY (3) Expl o res the key theore ti cal perspec­ tives empl oyed in cul tura l anth ropo logy today to critica ll y evaluate their utili ty fo r crosscultural research. Topics include Cultu ral Mate ri alism, Structu ra lism, Functio nali sm, Transactio n and Process, Cultural Ecology, Politi cal Economy, etc. SCL 606 NATURE OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL INQUIRY (2) Expl anation o f the re lati onshi ps between anthropo logical theory, problem definiti on, resea rch strategy and me thod­ o logy, data coll ecti o n and analys is, and generali zatio n and ap pli ca tion. Prerequi site: SCL 601. SCL 621 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLINGUISTICS (3) Study of the inter-relat ionships of lan­ guage and society in areas such as fo lklo re, worldvi ew, bilinguali sm, personali ty, clas­ sifica ti o ns and other to pi cs. SCL 622 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION (3) Principles and processes o f communi­ ca ting from one cul ture to ano ther. Focus o n di ffe rent perceptio ns, ways o f thinking, values, non-verbal exp ress ion, language express io n and sub-groups within a

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