SH M 742 HI STORY OF MISSIONS (3) The background, deve lopment and spread of Christianity through world mis sions; geographical thrusts, growth dynamics and church structures. SHM 751 THEOLOGY OF MISSION (3) An examinati o n of the theological fo undatio ns of mission derived from a study of the history of salvation. T hi s will encompass a study of the mission given to Israel and to the church including some interaction with contemporary theologies of mission. SHM 752 ACTS: BIBLICAL AND MISSIOLOGICAL (3) T hi s course will focus on the historical cultural and theological content leading ' the student toward mas tery of the Book of Acts. This will be fo llowed by a discussion of cogent missiological themes, such as evangeli sm, power encounter, contextual ization and the supernatural in missions.
contemporary growth dynamics in Africa, As ia and Latin America.
rary worldview beliefs in the existence and activity of spiritual beings or forces often encountered by the crossculrural wo rke r. A theology of spirits is developed to help establi sh theoretical and practical guide lines fo r appropriate understanding of and response to spiritual beliefs and potential conflicts encountered in various crosscu ltural setting. SST 558 PEASANT AND TRIBAL CULTURES (3) An lys is of the cul tural institutions and values in tribal, peasant and newly emerg ing economies, with special consideration as to their openness or resistance to change. SST 560 URBAN RESEARCH AND MINISTRY (3) The use of social science techniques to learn about the people, needs and oppor tunities for evange li sm in the city. SST 561 TOPICS IN APPLIED CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY (3) App li cation of anthropological insights to crosscu ltu ral problems. Emphasis on: marriage customs, leadership patterns, political relations, indigenous movements, culture change, worldview, etc. May be repeated with d ifferent course content. Prerequisite: SCL 300 or SHM 640. SST 562 CULTURE CHANGE (3) The study of how cu ltures change, the dynamics and processes of change, the place of change agents and the speed and intensity of change. Impli cations of such processes are examined in social, political, economic and re li gious aspects of society. SST 563 SEX ROLES IN SOCIETY (3) The dynamics of male and fema le roles in Western, non-Western and biblical cul tures. Focus on responsibilities, obli ga ti o ns, expectations, leaderships and inter relationships as they relate to the society as a whole.
SHM 550 CHRISTIANITY AND CULTURE (3) Anthropology approach to Christian rheologizing; in terrelationsh ips between supracultural Christianity and human cul tures. Focus on conversion, revelation, communi cation, transformation, indi geneity ,uid other related topics. SHM 555 INTRODUCTION TO WORLD MISSIONS (3) The nature of Christian outreach· a study of principles, history and methodol ogy of wo rl dwide missions. SHM 556 WORLD RELIGIONS (2-3) T he distinctive features of the historical ethn ic religions, with special emphasis on their comparison and encounter with Christianity and their bearings upon mis sionary strategies. SHM 640 APPLIED ANTHROPOLOGY (3) Study of man, culture, and environ ment with special emphas is o n the man ner in which their relationship with one another is affected by change agents such as missionaries, educators and develop ment workers.
SST 530 SEMINAR: TOPICS IN INTERCULTURAL HEALTH CARE (3) Maybe repeated with different focus. Topics include: CROSSCULTURAL HEALTH CARE DELIVERY Theori es and skill s related to health teaching, physical assessment, preparation and utilization of indigenous health care . PERSONAL HEALTH MAINTENANCE ABROAD . Preparation for li ving overseas: healthy lifestyle, prevention of disease, mental and spiritual burnout, initial treatment where there is no doctor. ANTHROPOLOGY OF CROSSCULTURAL HEALTH Care The anthropological study of problems of illness and health with emphas is o n the cu ltural contest of hea lth care progran1s. MANAGEi\l!E r STRATEGIES I CROSSCULTURAL HEALTH CARE. Preparation for serving organizations involved in planning and implementing health care systems at the district and vil lage leve l. INTERCULTURAL CLINICAL PRACTICUM. SST 535 SPIRITUAL CONFLICTS IN CROSSCULTURAL CONTEXT (3) Reviews the historical and contempo-
An overview and critique of the various theologies of mission advocated by vari ous branches of the Church down through the centuri es, beginning with Edinburgh 1910 to the liberation rheology debate of our day. SHM 691-692 TUTORIAL (3, 3) A self-study course for experienced field workers, under direction of a facu lty mentor, in the subj ect area of the D.Miss. core requirement. This course is limited to D .Miss. students who can demonstrate prior knowledge and competence in the subj ect area of the required core. SHM 732 ADVANCED CHURCH PLANTING (3) A survey and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of various ch urch planting strategies used around the world . Identifies key factors which the church planter can implement in a context specif ic, phase-out oriented church planting strategy.
A study of the principles and patterns used by God as He raises up leaders for His work. This study will include a discus sion of the vital place of sp iritual forma tion in leadershi p development.
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