division or graduate level. In addition, the M.A. in App li ed Lingu istics has nin e units of linguistics and a fore ign language requirement as program prerequisites. Prerequi sites may be taken concurrently with regular program courses but should normally be completed by th e end of the first year. GRADUATE REQUIREMENTS The Certificate in TESOL requires 22 semester units o f prescribed course work, o f which a minimum of 18 units must be Biola units , with at least 9 un its taken whil e in res idency. Practice teaching is required, but th ere is no comprehensive examination . The Master of Arts in TESOL is com prised of 41 semes ter units of specific and electi ve course work. The Master o f Arts in Applied Lingui sti cs requires 33 units plus 9 units of linguistics prerequ1s1tes and intermediate proficiency 111 a fo reign lan guage. Both degrees have two tracks for a final project: (1) thesis or (2) a comb111a tion of comprehensive examinatio n plus a research paper, or additi o nal coursework. Both the M.A. in TESOL, and the track of the M.A. in Applied Lingui stics which includes the Certificate in TESOL, require practice teaching. The M.A. program requirements may be reduced for students with a background in TESOL, lingui stics, o r English, but the minimum number o_f units required for the M.A. is 32, of which 24 must be taken at Bio la. A minimum of 12 units must be taken in coursework on campus. All students must successfully compl ete all required coursework with a minimum grade po in t average of 3.0 to qua lify for graduation. TEACHER PREPARATION PROGRAM In cooperation with th e Education Department , TESOL and AppHed Linguisti cs provides courses which can enable teachers who already hold a California Teaching Credential to gain a supplementary authorization in "Introductory English as a Second Language." Those interested should con sult with both departments for details.
o r Lingui stics Elective (500-600 level)
CURRICULUM 1. CE RTIFICATE IN TESOL !STE 509 Structure of English ISTE 525 Introducti o n to TESOL
3 6
!STE or ISAL Electives
3 3
Bible or World Perspective Elective 3 Summative Project (e ither A, B, or C) 4 A: ISAL 695 Research Seminar 1 ISAL 699 Thesis 3 B: !SAL 695 Research Seminar 1 ISAL 696 Research Paper 1 ISAL 697 Comprehens ive Examination 2 C: ISTE o r ISAL Elective 2 !SAL 697 Comprehensi ve Examination 2 To tal 33 To obtain the Certificate in TESOL, the following courses must be taken in place of the above electives: !STE 525 Introducti o n to TESOL 3 ]STE 527 Materials Evaluation and Preparatio n 3 !STE 560 Communicating Va lues through TESOL ISTE 692 Practicum in TESOL 3 ELECTIVES In addition to those li sted above, rhe fo llowing courses would be approp riate fo r electives: ISTE 580 English: Past, Present, and Future 2-3 ISTE581-582 Topics in TESOL l-3 ISTE 641 Issues and Trends in TESOL 3 !STE 664 English for Specific Purposes 3 !STE 665 Course Design in TESOL 3 ISTE 682 Supervising and Training ESL/EFL Teachers 3 ISAL 511 Applied Linguistics 3 !SAL 574 Practicum: Second Language and Culture Learning 3 (o r ISCL511 ) JSAL 584 Articulatory Phonetics 3 (o r INLT 413) ISAL 585-586 Topics in Applied Lingui sti cs 1-3 !SAL 646 Sociolinguistics 3 ISAL 648 Di scourse Ana lysis 3 SPECIAL STUDIES The following are special stud ies cours es to assist students in becoming profi cient in written grammar and compos ition skill s essent ial for effecti ve graduate work
ISTE 527 Materials Evaluation and Prepara tion 3 ISTE541 Inte rcultural Communicati o n for Teachers .) ., ISTE 560 Communicating Va lues through TESOL 1 ISTE 692 Practicum in TESOL .) ., ISAL 507 Introduction to Language and Linguistics .) ., ISAL614 Second Language Acquisition 3 Total 22 2. M.A. IN TESOL All the Certificate courses, plus the fo llowing: ISTE 621 Advanced Methods and Techniques in TESOL 3 ISTE 632 Language Tes ting and Assessment 3 !STE or ISAL Electives 6 Bible o r World Perspective Elective 3 Summative Project (e ither A, B, o r C) 4 A: !STE 695 Research Seminar 1 !STE 699 Thesis 3 B: ISTE 695 Research Semin ar 1 ISTE 696 Research Paper 1 !STE 697 Comprehensive Examinati o n 2 C: ISTE o r !SAL Elective 2 ISTE 697 Comprehensive Examination 2 Total 19 3. M.A. IN APPLIED LINGUISTICS PREREQUISITES: Introducti on to Linguistics 3 Pho netics o r Pho nology 3 Syntax 3 Total 9 REGULAR PROGRAM : !STE 541 Intercultural Communicatio n fo r Teachers 3 !SAL 511 Applied Linguisti cs 3 ISAL 614 Second Language Acquisitio n 3 JSAL 648 Discourse Analysis 3 ISAL 668 Seminar in Applied Linguisti cs 2 !SAL 677 Research Des ign and Statistics 3 ISTE 509 Structure of Engli sh (required for th e Certifi cate in TESOL)
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