

B. Diagnosing and Treating Pronunciation Problems

in TESOL or appli ed linguistics. Specific enrollment requi rements are indicated in each course. Note: Special Studies courses may not be used to meet program graduation requirements. SS 500 ACADEMIC WRITING (2) Practical instruction in grammar and compos iti on ski ll s needed to meet the demands of academic writing at the gradu­ ate and professional level. Experience in writing papers in relevant academic fie lds. Required for native Engli sh speaking stu­ dents assigned by the TAL departmental Writing Proficiency Exam. Must be taken within the first 9 units of graduate study. SS 501 ADVANCED WRITING IN ENGLISH (3) Grammar, sentence structure, and paragraph deve lopment for academic writing. Critical thi nking and compos i­ tion including extracting information from sources, synthesis, and proper for­ mat for written papers. Experience in writing papers in relevant academic fields. Required for non-native English speakers ass igned by the TAL departmental Writing Proficiency Exam or students who have completed the Biola ESL sequence o r its equival ent. M ust be taken within the first 9 units of graduate study. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS In general, !STE 525 or ISTE 551 are prerequis ites for 600 level !STE courses, and !SAL 507 is a prerequi site for most !SAL courses

material s, and use a variety of media, including video and computers.

C. Reading in the ESL/ EFL Context D. Writing in the ESL/EFL Context E. TESOL and the Teaching of Literature ISTE 621 ADVANCED METHODS AND TECHNIQUES IN TESOL (3) In-depth treatment of a variety of mod­ ern methods in TESOL and broad cover­ age of teaching techniques through demonstration, discussion, and practice. ISTE 632 LANGUAGE TESTING AND ASSESSMENT (3) Examination of theory and practical techniques in language testing for the ESOL classroom. ISTE 641 ISSUES AND TRENDS IN TESOL (3) Current theo retical and methodologi­ cal trends and the 's tate of the art' in the discipline, focusing on major issues in both research and application. Actual top­ ics may vary depending on student interest.

ISTE 541 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION FOR TEACHERS (3) Study of cu ltural values, nonverbal behavior, language and culture re lation­ ships, and patterns of reasoning, with the goa l of increasing intercultural awareness and teaching effectiveness wh il e decreas­ ing culture-based misunderstandings in and out of th e classroom. ISTE 551 ESL METHODS AND MATERIALS (3) Examination of methods and materials for teaching ESL in elementary and sec­ ondary multilingua l classrooms. Includes a discussion of bilingual instruction, tech­ ni ques for teaching oral and written lan­ guage, and assessment. ISTE 560 COMMUNICATING VALUES THROUGH TESOL (1) Consideration of ways in which TESOL may be used to promote cross­ cultural understanding through the com­ muni cation of diffe rent worldviews and values. ISTE 570 DEVELOPMENTS IN TESOL (1-3) Readings on recent deve lopments in major areas of the discipline; also may include new technical ski ll s. Designed to offer an update for students with signifi­ cant but not current background in the discipline. Required in some programs to val idate studi es taken more than fo ur years ago . Does not apply toward minimum requirements fo r degree and certifi cate programs, since credit is awarded for the earli er stud ies being updated. Prerequisite: Significant background in the subject and consent of instructor. ISTE 580 ENGLISH: PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE (2) Hi storical and social survey of the development of the Engli sh language from a smal l tribal language to the widespread in ternational language it is today. Possible future trends also discussed. ISTE 581-582 TOPICS IN TESOL (1-2) Topics are li sted in the class schedule each semester. Titles offered include: A. Materials Design for Voluntary Agencies


Exp lo rati on of issues involved in teach­ ing Engli sh to specific groups of students, especially those in scientific, technical, .· and vocational fields. ISTE 665 COURSE DESIGN IN TESOL (3) Examinati on of the communi cative approach to teach ing English in relation to syllabus design, curriculum develop­ ment, and program management. ISTE 682 SUPERVISING AND TRAINING ESL/EFL TEACHERS (3) Development of techniques for evaluat­ ing instructi on, conducti ng in-service tra ining, and providing supervision to ESL/ EFL teachers, whether native English speakers or not. Students will have oppor­ tunities to gain supervisory experience through mentoring one o r more teacher trai nees. ISTE 690 INDEPENDENT STUDY ( 1-3) Individual work, directed reading, or special problems in TESOL. Such wo rk must be done with the approva l and super­ vision of a faculty professor of record.


Study of the syntax of Engli sh in prepa­ ration for teaching non-native speakers. Theoretical insights taken from several approaches to grammar. ISTE 525 INTRODUCTION TO TESOL (3) An introduction to the field of TESOL dealing with learn er needs, approaches to and methods of teaching, techniques for the fou r skills, lesson planning, classroom management, and assessment. ISTE 527 MATERIALS EVALUATION AND PREPARATION (3) Principl es of ESOL mate rial s design. Enables teachers to evaluate and adapt pub li shed materials, prepare their own

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