

phy design, social dial ects and education, and translation .

dures of research des ign and bas ic sta tis­ tics used in social sciences. Prerequisite: Basic computer literacy. ISAL 690 INDEPENDENT STUDY ( 1-3) Individual work, direc ted reading, o r special probl ems in applied lingui stics. Such work must be done with th e approval and supervi sion of a facul ty pro­ fessor of record. ISAL 695 RESEARCH SEMINAR (1) Guidance in the development of a the­ sis o r research paper. Students produce a preliminary thesis sta tement, proposal, outlin e, and working bibli ography. Prerequi sites : (a) permiss ion of instructor. (b) no more than 6 units of coursewo rk remainmg ISAL 696 RESEARCH PAPER ( 1) A paper based on classroom research, litera ture review, or the design of a syl­ labus or appropriate teaching materials. Prerequisite: !SAL 695.

ISTE 692 PRACTICUM IN TESOL II (3) Extensive independent teaching in an ESL classroom und er the general supervi­ sion of a master teacher, plus weekly group discuss ion of issues in language pedagogy. ISTE 695 RESEARCH SEMINAR (1) Guidance in the development of a the­ sis or research paper. Students produce a preliminary thes is sta tement, proposal, outlin e, and working bibliography. Prerequi sites: (a) permission of instuctor. (b ) no more than 6 units o f coursework remaining. ISTE 696 RESEARCH PAPER (1) A paper based on classroom research, literature review, o r th e des ign of a syl­ labus or appropriate teaching materials. Prerequi site: !STE 695.

ISAL 574 PRACTICUM IN SECOND LANGUAGE AND CULTURE LEARNING (3) Field experi ence in independent lan­ guage learning and cultural investigation, using student-developed language texts and ethnographic interviewing. ISAL 584 ARTICULATORY PHONETICS (3) Discrimination, transcriptio n, and pro­ duction o f speech sounds. ISAL 585-586 TOPICS IN APPLIED LINGUISTICS ( 1-3) Topics are li sted in the class schedule each semes ter. Titles offered include: A. Contras tive Analysis B. ESL Dictionaries C. New Engli shes in the Third World D. History of Engli sh ISAL 614 SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION (3) Examinati on of the various factors, especially individual, sociol ogical, and psy­ cho logical, whi ch enter into the process o f acquiring a second language. Includes dis­ cussion of learning strategies as wel l as autonomous learni ng inside and outside of the classroom. ISAL 646 SOCIOLINGUISTICS (3) Overview of the re lationship between language and society. Topics covered include language and culture, language and social change, ethnicity, language contact, language poli cy, ethnography of communication , and social aspects o f conve rsa tion. ISAL 648 DISCOURSE ANALYSIS (3) Examinati on o f language in its commu­ ni cative contexts. Covers three main areas: text analysis, di scourse analys is proper (oral and written), and pedagogical appli­ ca ti ons . ISAL 668 SEMINAR IN APPLIED LINGUISTICS (2) In-depth examination of some main areas of app li ed linguis tics. Topics vary, depend ing on class interests. ISAL 677 RESEARCH DESIGN AND STATISTICS (3) Introduction to principl es and proce-


Students choosing the comprehensive examination as th eir summativc project must also do either ISTE 695 and !STE 696, or a two-un it elective in ISTE or ISAL. ISTE 698 PROJECT (1) Summative project in TESOL in li eu of thesis. Only transfer students who have written an acceptable M .A. thes is at anoth­ er institution are eli gible to do a project. Topic and scope must have department approval before work may be started. ISTE 699 M.A. THESIS (3) Research for and writing of an M.A. thes is. Prerequi site: Consent of M.A. committee. APPLIED LINGUISTICS ISAL 507 INTRODUCTION TO LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS (3) Introduction to basic concepts in the scientific study of language, maj o r areas of lingui stic analysis, and several subfi elds of linguistics important for ESOL teachers. Prerequisite fo r graduate cou rses in App li ed Linguistics. ISAL 511 APPLIED LINGUISTICS (3) Introduction to theoretical and practi­ cal issues in app li ed linguisti cs, focusi ng on several impo rtant areas; e.g., bilingual education , lexicography, literacy, o rthogra-


Students choosing the comprehens ive examination as their summative project must also do either !SAL 695 and ISAL 696, o r a two-unit elective in ISTE or ISAL. ISAL 699 M.A. THESIS (3) Research for and writing of an M.A. thesis . Prerequi site: Consent ofM.A. committee.

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