ARTS AND SCIENCES School ofArts and Sciences
Candidates for th e Master o f Arts degree in Educati on will be required to take four graduate units of Bibl e and/ or theology th rough Talbo t School o f Theo logy in place of the elective units if they have no t had such courses. Prio r approval is required. Thi s requi rement may be met by taking six units o f Bibl e sur vey courses (BE 519 and BE 520 are strongly recommended). COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 511 CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION (4) Analysis of admini strative duties and responsibilities relative to schoo l board, fac ulty, staff, pupil s, parents and community. 512 INDIVIDUALIZED INSTRUCTION (2) Individual diffe rences and means o f making in struction more relevant th rough analysi s o f needs, differenti ated assign ments and classroom acti viti es. 517 ADVANCED EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (2) App li ca ti o n o f psychological research and th eory of th e probl ems of learning, mo tivati on, class o rgani zatio n and con trol, and behavio r differences. 525 READING DIAGNOSIS AND. REMEDIATION (2) Appropri ate use and interpreta ti on o f tes ts and o ther procedures for diagnos is and prescri pti on in reading instru cti on . 535 CURRENT PROBLEMS IN EDUCATION (2) Contemporary trends in curriculum, teaching methods and school o rgani zati o n focusing o n signifi cant probl ems and issues th at affect teaching and learning. 560 CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION (2) Phil osophy and practices o f a Christi an teacher in the cl assroom and on the cam pus. Aims of Chri stian schools and means o f achieving them, including attitudes and convicti ons whi ch Chri stian schoo ls seek to d evelop in students.
Dean: Dr. Dwight J essup MASTER OF ARTS IN EDUCATION OBJECTIVES Upon compl eti o n o f th e Mas ter o f An s degree in Edu cation, it is intend ed that the· cand idate: und erstand th e theory and practi ce of the Chri stian phil osophy o f educatio n and o the r fo unda ti o nal areas; have a thorough knowledge of curr iculum design and instruct io nal procedures and have practi ced th ese in a school se tting; and have engaged in research rela ting to the subject in whi ch he instructs, resulti ng in a project des igned to imp rove hi s com pe tence in the field . Thi s degree is cur rentl y offered on ly in conjun ction with H ong Ko ng's Research Institute for Chri stian Educatio n (R.LCE.) . This program is des igned to strengthen the capab iliti es o f teachers. It provides a study of fo undations, curri culum and instruction and the results of research - all des igned to improve teachi ng and learn ing. T he program combines theory with practice th rougho ut using fie ld experi ence with the course work culminating in a pro ject. It seeks to integrate Chri sti an tru th through all of the courses and fi eld experi ences. Courses in Bible and theology are req ui red o f those who lack preparati on in those areas . T hi s program is des igned to be taken o n a part-time basis so th at it will be avail abl e to those who are employed full -time. Courses are offered in late afte rnoon and earl y eveni ng bo th during the school year and in summer sess io ns. The program can be completed in two full yea rs o r fo ur summers. A maximum of eight un its of electi ves and/or transfer credi t may be accep ted . T he program must be compl et ed within five years . N in e units of course load is conside red full -time status fo r all graduate stud ents. A pro fessional clear credential for teaching may be earn ed as part of a M.A. program. Pl ease see the Profess ional Clear Credential Program o utlined in the Ed uca ti o n section.2 SPECIAL NOTICE At th e prese nt time, no new appli ca ti o ns for admi ss io n and enro llment in the Master of Arts in Edu cation degree pro gram a re being accep ted. H owever, stu dents in a grad uate program in educa ti o n may enro ll in the graduate o r p rofess io nal clear credenti al courses whi ch a re o ffered .
A revised program is being plann ed and is schedul ed for impl ementatio n beginning in th e 1993/94 school year. ADMISSION OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS AND RESIDENT ALIENS See Admission, Registration and Requirements sectio n . GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Requ irements fo r th e degree include the successful compl eti o n of 32-36 semes ter units of prescribed and electi ve course wo rk and passing a written com prehensive examinati o n over the major fi elds o f study. A minimum of 24 of the units must be compl eted at Biola. A maxi mum of six units of 400 level course work may be used as electi ves toward th e degree. Pri o r ap proval is required . T hirty two semes ter units are required if a project o r th es is is compl eted; o th erwise 36 units are required . A graduati on petitio n must be fil ed o ne year pri o r to graduati o n with the graduatio n coun selo r, in the Registrar's O ffi ce.
CURRICULUM FIRST YEAR (PART-TIME) 535 Current Problems in Educati o n
Chris ti an Philosophy of Education
2 2
612 613
School Law
Principles of Curriculum Development Evaluati o n o f Teaching and Learning
Electi ves
Ind ividuali zed In struction 2
Advan ced Educatio nal Psycho logy Read ing Diagnos is and Remed iatio n School Counseling Instructi onal Research
2 2 2
608 628 630
Proi ect (op ti o nal) or Thesis (optio nal )
Comprehensive Written Exami nati o n
Develo pment o f techniques of evalua ti on o f in stru ction, in-service training, impl ementati o n of school p rograms and o th er supervisory activiti es .
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