630 PROJECT (2) Opti onal. Intensive study of curri cula and/ or instruction of signi ficant practi cal value to an educa tional instru cti on or set ting, culminating in a formal written repo rt. Pre requi site: permi ssion of grad u ate advisor. 632 THESIS (2) Opti onal. Emp irical study culmin ating in a fo rmal written repo rt. Prerequi site: permi ss ion of graduate advisor. 640 SEMINARS IN EDUCATION ( 1-4) In-depth studi es in areas such as: coop erative learning, curri culum, instruction, instructional medi a, classroom contro l and man agement, organi zation of schools, management o f personnel , publi c rela tions, impl ementati on o f Chri stian phil os ophy, early childhood educa ti on. May be repea ted for up to 8 uni ts of credi t. Prerequi site: permi ssion of graduate adviso r. 650 COMPREHENSIVE WRITTEN EXAM (0) Covers the fi eld o f study; must be taken prior to graduati on.
606 FIELD WORK IN ADMINISTRATION (2) Laboratory expe ri ences in Ch ristian school admini strati on under the direction of an experienced admini strato r. (Not required o f those with admini stra ti ve experience.)
A project designed to improve the pro gram o f a Ch risti an school, including a written repo rt embodying th e results. 608 SCHOOL COUNSELING (2) Principles, prac ti ces, particular prob lems and concerns in counseling pupil s and parents from a Chri sti an perspec tive. 610 CHRISTIAN SCHOOL FINANCE (2) Des ign, deve lopment and implementa tion of a budget in a Chri sti an school; fundraising procedu res and school buil d ing des ign. 61 2 SCHOOL LAW (2) Constituti on, statutes and court deci sions which affect schools, admini strators, teachers and pupi ls. Attention given to laws and regul ations relating to private schools. 613 PRINCIPLES OF CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT (4) Essenti al elements in curriculum for mati on; intensive study o f var ied existing cu rri cul a; analys is of contemporary trends in curri culum production . Attention to Chri stian school curriculum . 623 EVALUATION OF TEACHING AND LEARNING (2) Theory and fun ctio n o f tests and mea surements in educati on, including practice in the use and in terpretati on o f specific test and measurement devices used in schools. 628 INSTRUCTIONAL RESEARCH (2) Nature of educational research, research writing, and analys is of research content and methodology, including research des ign, measurement, methods of analys is, computer use in research, and evaluation o f research reports.
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