
Application For Undergrad11ate Admission to Biola University

APPLICATION DEADLINES Fall:June 1st Spring: Jan uary 1st

Note: Application may be submitted after deadlines (lace fe e of $45), and will be considered and processed if space is available and time a llows.

App li ca ti on and reference forms are on fo llowing pages .

TO APPLY FOR ADMISSION•.. 1. Fi le app li cation. Specify when yo u plan to enroll (fall, in­ terterm, sp ring, summer). Every advantage goes to the early ap­ plicant. Address mai l to Office o f Admissions, Biola University, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, CA 90639-0001. 2. Remit the $35 application fee (nonrefundabl e). Do not send cash. 3. Applications filed after January 1st for spring semes ter or afte r June 1st for fall semester are considered "late applica­ tions", and requi re a $45 app li cation fee . 4. Request transcripts from high school and schools attend­ ed afte r hi gh school graduation . If enro ll ed at the time ap plica­ tion is fil ed, be sure to reques t transcripts of work you have fin­ ished and final transcripts upon completion o f course of study wheth er it is high school or college. 5. Arrange to take the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT is pre­ ferred ). SAT or ACT is required of all appli cants except chose who will have sophomore classification upon entrance (re­ quires 27 units semester units of accepted course work). The education department and nursing will require SAT scores re­ ga rdl ess of classification. 6. Request recommendations (forms suppli ed ). One refer­ ence must come from a member of the pas toral staff of your church. T he other may come from school or empl oyer. Forms must be add ressed to th e directo r of admi ss ions. AFTER YOU'VE FILED••• 1. You will be ass igned to an admissions counselo r and noti­ fied, by letter, of his/ her name. Any questions you have con­ cern ing admissions, financial aid, or housi ng should be diracted to your admiss ions counselor. 2. You wi ll be notified of items needed to complete fil e. Fai lure to comply on ly postpones a decision and admiss ions could cl ose in the meantime. 3. Interview: All applicants are expected to participate in an interview with an Admissions representative prior to a decision on th eir appli cation. On-campus interviews are preferred , when possib le, but phone interviews are substituted when trave l distance to Biola prohibits the campus visit. 4. A letter of acceptance wi ll be sent upon comp letion of fil e if you qualify for admission. 5. Remit required $100 enrollment deposit along with Validation of Acceptance certificate and the res idence informa­ ti on card . Send these three together to th e director of admissions.

6. If you plan co live on campus, please remi t a deposit o f $100 (in addition to enrollment deposit), to the director of admissions. 7. The medical examination form included with the accep­ tance notice must be compl eted and returned by a physician of the student's choice. Add ress co the Health Center. If your plans change and you do not plan to complete your appli­ cation or to enroll if accepted, please notify the Office ofAdmissions.


The Family Education Rights and Privacy of 1974 permits en­ ro ll ed university stud ents access to certain credentials in their fil es. Bio la University has long permitted access for the student to hi s previous educational records such as high school tran­ scripts and coll ege transcripts (i f a transfer), his SAT or ACT scores and his educational record at Biola Unive rsity. Because of the importance of preserving the confidentiality o f letters of recommendati on the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act permits an educati onal institution to suggest an ap­ plicant may waive his right to access to letters of recommenda­ ti on. Signing such waiver is not required as a condition for ad­ miss ion , rece ipt of financial aid form or receipt of any o ther ser­ vices o r benefits from Biola University. In order that Biola Un ivers ity may have valid recommenda­ tions it is suggested that the app li cant consider waiving hi s right to see such letters o f recommendation. Please be assured that letters of recommendation (along with transcripts, SAT/ ACT scores, and your own application) are used solely to determine an applicant's qualificati on for admission . Biola Univers ity will furnish (upon th e apphcant's request) the names of all individu­ als supplying references. H owever, the app li cant usually knows the identity of those to whom he gives th e reference forms. Signing the waiver statement on the reference form is all that is necessary on your part.

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