Academic Calendar1992-93
OCTOBER 7 Day of Prayer (special chapel with regular class schedul e for all students) OcroBER21 Talbot and lntercu ltural Stud ies students' final draft of thesis due (December graduates)
FEBRUARY 26-27 University Day (7:00 a.111. Friday to 10:00 a.111. Satu rday; regular classes 111eet - no exams) MARCIi 2 Seminary Day MARCII 10 Day of Prayer (special chapel with regular cl ass schedu le for all students) MARCH 17-19 Missions Conference (special schedule of workshops and meetings in place of regular class schedul e) JV!ARCI I 17 Talbot and lntcrcultu ral Studi es students' fina l draft o f thesis due (May graduates) MARCH 22-APRIL 16 Registration for su111111cr session and preregistration for fall semester APRIL2 Last day to receive a refund when droppi ng a cl ass
SUMMER SESSION 1992 MARCI I 16-APRIL 10 Registration; all conti nuing students J\IIAY 25 Mc111orial Day Holiday (Monday)
No classes MAY26-27
OCTOBER 21- 23 Torrey Memorial Bible Conference
Registration - First session, new students; late registration for cont inuing students MAY 26-JUNE 12 First session (3 weeks ); undergraduate and graduate courses JUNE I Undergraduate application deadline for Fall JUNE 8- 12 Psycho logy graduate co111prchensive examinations
(special schedule of workshops and 111ectings in place of regu lar class schedule for al l students) OCTOBER 23 Last day to receive a refund when dropping a class OcroBER 26-NOVEMBER 25 Registration for lnterterm and preregistration for spring se111cstcr OcroBER 27-29 Talbot's Lyman Stewart Memorial Lectures
NOVEMBER25 Last day to withdraw from classes
J UNE 15 -JULY 3 Second session (3 weeks); graduate courses
NOVEMBER 26-29 Thanksgiving recess (classes resu111e 7:30 a.m., Monday, Nove111ber 30) DECEMBER 4-6 University Day (7:00 a.111. Friday to 10:00 a.111. Sunday, regu lar cl asses meet - no exams) DECEMBER 9 Talbot and lntercultural studies students ' first draft of thesis due (May graduates)
AJ>RIL3- 12 Easter Recess (classes resume 5:00 p.m., Monday, April 12)
J UNE 15 ;)ULY 17 Second session (5 weeks); undergraduate courses JULY 3 Classes will 111ect (staff free-floating hol iday ) J ULY 6-24 Third session (3 weeks); graduate courses
APRIL9 Good Friday Holiday No classes MAY5 Talbot and lntcrcultural Studi es students' first draft of thesis due (Dccc111bcr graduates) MAY7 Lasr day to withdraw from classes
AUGUST 1 Graduate application deadline for Fa ll
DECEMBER 18 Final day of instruction DECEMBER 18 Mid-year commencement
AUGUST 10-14 Psychology graduate co111prehcnsivc cxa111 inations
MAY7 Rosemead students' doctoral dissertations to librarian
FALL SEMESTER 1992 AuGusr 20 - 2 1 University facu lty workshop AuGusr22 New students arrival on campus
INTERTERM 1993 JANUARY I Undergraduate/Graduate ap plication deadline for Spring
MAY28 Final day of instruction
MAY29 Commencement
JANUARY 4 Classes begin - late registration JANUARY 15 Rosemead appli cation deadline
AuGusr 24-26 Orientat ion and registration for new students and registration for all students
SUMMER SESSION 1993 MAY 3 1 Memoria l Day Ho liday (Monday) No classes JUNE 1 Unde rgrad uate application deadline for Fall JUNE 1;)UNE 18 First session (3 weeks); undergraduate and grad uate courses JUNE7- 11 Psychology graduate comprehens ive exa111inations JUNE 21-J ULY 9 Second session (3 weeks); graduate courses JUNE 21-J ULY 23 Second session (5 weeks); undergraduate courses JULY 5 Classes will 111cct (staff free-floating ho liday) AUGUSI I Graduate application dead line for Fa ll AuGus r9-13 Psychology graduate co111p rchensive exa111inations
AUGUST 26 Clai111 resident ha ll room by noon ALIGLIST27 Beginning of classes for all students
JANUARY 22 Fina l day of instruction; undergraduate students JANUARY 29 Final day of instruction; graduate students SPRING SEMESTER 1993 JANUARY 27-29 Orientation for new students and registration for all students
AuGusr 3 1 Convocation
SEPTEMBER 7 Labor Day Ho liday (Monday) No classes SEPTEMBER 9 Last clay to co111pletc registration
FEBRUARY I Convocation and classes begin FEBRUARY 10 Last day to co111plctc registration
SEPTEMBER 11 Last clay to add new classes
FEBRUARY 12 Last day to add new classes
SEPTEMBER 14 -18 Spiritual E111phasis Weck (regular classes 111ce t) SEPTL'v!BER 14 - 23 Co111prchens ivc wrirtcn cxa111s for Ed.D. progra111
FEBRUARY 15-24 Co111prchcnsivc written exams for Ed.D. program
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