\) and Theological Studies-Diversified. Talbot also/ offers the MAmR OF D1v1N1TY degree, the MASTER OF THEOLOGY degree, the degree and the DoCToR OF EDuCA110N degree. ROSEMEAD SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY The BACHELOR oF Am degree in psychology. The MASTER oF Am, the DoCToR oF PmHoLOGY and the DoCToR oF PH1Lo1OPHY degree in clinical psychology. SCHOOL OF CONTINUING STUDIES The BACHELOR OF Sc1ENCE degree in Organizational Leadership UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS DOUBLE DEGREE Students seeking a second baccalaureate degree must complete a minimum of 30 distinct units in a second area of major studies. A minimum of 160 total units are required for graduation with a double degree. All prerequisites, supporting courses and departmental requirements for each major must be completed. The student must confer with the departments in which he will major and with the Registrar 's Office. DOUBLE MAJOR A student may be graduated with two majors. The following information is for those pursuing two majors: All prerequisites, supporting courses and depart mental requirements for each major must be com pleted. The second major must have 'minimum' of 18 upper division units unique to that major (i.e., mini mum of 48 major units and 148 total units required - see individual major requirements). The student must confer with the departments in which he will major and with the Registrar's Office. MINORS Although Biola University does not require the student to have a minor for graduation, there are a number of instances in which a student may wish to take a minor, especially in planning for a career in teaching. By checking the various departments in the catalog, a student may determine if a minor is offered . A minor usually requires a 'minimum' of 18 units, 12 of which should be upper division and six of these should be unique to the minor, i.e., not counted toward any other requirements. The stu dent should confer with the departments in which he will minor and with the Registrar 's Office. WRITING COMPETENCY REQUIREMENT Before graduation from Biola, a student must pass the Writing Competency Requirement. This requirement wi ll not be given separately from the standard curriculum. Instead, each department has designed its requirement to suit the particular demands of its major. Double majors will need to complete the Requirement in both majors. Several upper-d ivisi on courses will offer the Requirement as part of their regular assignments.
most suitable undergraduate preparation. The satis factory completion of the courses required of all stu dents during their first two years in attendance at Biola University provides much of the necessary background. Biola University offers courses which serve as foundational material for several of the professions. There are certain basic courses in natural science, language and social science which are required by most professional schools. To be sure that the prop er courses are selected, the student should seek information from the professional school of his choice. Pre-Medical: In addition to the general courses a student interested in entering the medical field should take courses in biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics. See the biological science or phys ical science majors for specific recommendations and requirements. Pre-Legal: In addition to the general courses, a student interested in entering the field of law should take courses in modern language, political science, economics, American history and government and related subj ects. Pre-Seminary: Biola University provides an excel lent background in undergraduate education for seminary training. The requirements in general edu cation, Bible, and major fields meet the require ments for admission into seminary. The pre-semi nary student should check his program at Biola University with the requirements of the particular seminary he plans to enter. DEGREES OFFERED SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES The BACHELOR oF ARTS degree. Offered with majors in art, communicati on, English, hi story, humanities, lib eral studies, music, philosophy, social science and sociology. The BACHELOR oF MuSIC degree. Offered with emphasis in composition , music education, and performance. The BACHELOR OF Sc1ENCE degree. Offered with majors in art, biochemistry, biological science, business admin istration, computer science, mathematical science, nursing, physical education and physical science. SCHOOL OF INTERCULTURAL STUDIES The BACHELOR oF ARTS degree in the Intercultural stud ies. The MASTER oF Am degree in intercultural studies, world missions, applied linguistics and TESOL. The DoooR OF M11110LOGY and the DoCToR OF EDucAnoN degree. TALBOT SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY The BACHELOR oF Am degree in biblical studies and Christian education. The MASTER OF Am degree in Christian education, Ministry and Marriage and Family Ministries. A MASTER oF Am degree with emphasis in Bible Exposition, New Testament, Old Testament, Theology, Philosophy of Religion and Ethics, Specialized Ministries, Women 's Ministries, Youth Ministries and Biblical
Registrar's Office (310) 903-4720
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