

5. A "C" average (or a 2.00 grade point average) is required on all work taken at Biola University and within the major field. (Note: GPA requirements may be higher in some majors. See departmental requirements. ) 6. All correspondence course work must be com­ pleted and an official transcript received by the Registrar's Office before the senior year, two semesters prior to graduation. 7. All course work during the final semester which will be applied toward graduation require­ ments must be taken at Biola University. Special Note: All graduation requirements may be met within four school years by carrying approxi­ mately 16 or 17 units each semester. A student may still be graduated within four years ifhe wishes to take a higher load and enroll in Summer Session and/or Interterm. REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL GRADUATE DEGREES See individual degree programs for specific requirements for graduation. 1. Completion of all academic requirements and approval of the student's graduation petition by the major advisor and the Registrar's Office a year before graduation. 2. All course work during the final semester which will be applied toward graduation require­ ments must be taken at Biola University. 3. A minimum of twenty-four (24) units must be taken at Biola University in the degree program. 4. A minimum of twenty-four (24) distinct units must be completed at Biola in any additional gradu­ ate degree at the same level. This app li es to the sec­ ond (or additional ) degrees and double degrees taken at Biola for all graduate programs. COMMENCEMENT All degree requirements must be completed before the student may participate in commence­ ment ceremonies . Those who complete their degree requirements during interterm or summer sess ion must register in a nonresident status for the follow­ ing semester, with grad uation scheduled at the time of the next commencement. In such cases no tuition is charged. It is expected that all graduating students will be present at commencement ceremonies except in cases of extreme emergency or other similarly diffi­ cult circumstances. Permission to graduate in absen­ tia must be secured from the Regis trar's Office well in advance .

The Requirement normally should be attempted during the student's junior year, preferably during the first semester. Students with junior status should enroll in at least one of the Writing Competency courses offered within their major (most depart­ ments will identify their Writing Competency cours­ es in the Schedu le of Classes, although some depart­ ments distribute their own information sheet on the requirement). Some departments require a student to submit a portfolio of written work collected from several upper-division courses (students should con­ sult their advisors about the department policy). Several departments offer more than one Writing Competency course. If a student enrolls in more than one Writing Competency course, that student may choose the course in which he or she will attempt to fulfill the Writing Competency Requirement . Students who do not complete the Requirement during their first attempt must enroll in a second Writing Competency course in their major. After a second failure, students must take English 210 (Writing for Competency). A grade of C+ or higher in this course will satisfy the Writing Competency Requirement. Students cannot enroll in English 210 until they have failed their department 's requirement twice.

Bio/a offers under­ graduate preparatory /Jrograms in pre-law and pre-med for those wishing to pursue gradua te study in law or medicine.


1. All baccalaureate degrees require a minimum of 130 semester units of credit for graduation. Each major consis ts of a minimum of 30 units of which 24 must be upper division. The Bachelor ofMusic degree requires 142 units. A degree in biological sci­ ence requires 135 units and nursing requires 142 units. For specific major requirements please see indicated major listings. 2. All students who have entered the University in the fall 1986 or later and who will be graduating in the spring 1990 or later must pass the Writing Competency Exam. 3. Completion of all academic requirements and approval of the student's graduation petition by the major advisor and the Registrar 's Office a year before graduation. 4. A minimum of 30 units must be taken at Biola University, at least 15 units (upper division level) in the major field. Extension credit or credit by exami­ nation may not be used to fulfill the minimum resi­ dence requirement of 30 semester units. See para­ graph for information on minors.

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