ass ist stud ents in becoming effective and intentional learners in order that they may meet the academi c demands of the university. Programs include individ ual and group tutoring for most courses, a non-credit study ski ll s course and a "bridge" supplemental instruction program for first semester students. Individual appointments can be made with a learn ing assistance counselor. Also avail ab le is informa tion and computerized studymaterial for graduate exams. Inquiries should be made in Career and Learning Assistance Services. APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES Detailed information regarding grievances and appeals, whether in regard to scholarships, academic li fe, scholarships, federa l legislation or student con duct are found in the The Student Handbook of each school. Copies are availabl e upon request. FAMILY EDUCATION RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and provisions of the Cal iforn ia Education Code set out requirements designed to gove rn the access to, and release of, educational records, to estab li sh the right of students to inspect and review their records, and to provide guidelines for the cor rection of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings. Students also have the right to file complaints with the FERPA Office (U.S . Dept. of Education ) concerning all eged fail ures by Biola to comply with provisions of FERPA. Biola University has adopted policies and proce dures concerning implementation of FERPA on campus. Copi es of the poli cy are avail able in the Registrar 's Office.
Recognizing that a Christian university is not exempt from crime and danger, students are asked to use common sense and caution in every aspect of their activities. Crime statistics are avai lable upon request at the Office of Campus Safety.
1 covering in terviewing, job sea rch and ca reer ex loratio11 strategies, alum ni 11etworking, internship and full-time job listings, a com pu terized career guida nce program and a resource Biola's Career and Lea rning Assistance Services offers ca reer counseling and in ve11- tories, wo rkshops
Biola University believes that students from vari ous cultures contribute sign ificantly to the communi ty. The diversity that comes from their experiences enhances our environment of faith and learning. We also believe Biola can contribute to the international attempt to provide services which will help the inter national student to acclimate to the University. Contact the Students Affairs Office for further information. DISABLED STUDENT SERVICES A brochure describing services is avai lable upon request from the Students Affairs Office. COUNSELING SERVICES Personal counseling services are availabl e to inter ested graduate and undergraduate stud ents for a modest administrative fee. Individual counseling, group counseling, pre-engagement, premarital and marital counseling are available during the school year and summer months. Groups fo r special needs, workshops and seminars are held throughout the year. Inquiries may be made in person at the Biola Counsel ing Center or by phone at extension 4800. Emergency service during non-clinic hours can be obtained through the on call counselor at (310) 903-4800.
library. Learning assistance includes tutoring services,
instructional com puter programs, a11d a study skills cou rse.
Career Counseli11g Ext. 4875
Cou nseling (310) 903-4800
The Career and Learning Assistance Service offers a variety of services and programs to Biola students. CAREER DEVELOPMENT Career services include personal career counsel ing, interest testing, job search workshops, job li st ings, alumni career network, internships, reference files, career days and career expl oration workshops. A computerized career guidance program known as SIG! Plus is avai lable to all stud ents at no cost. The center has a resource library containing information about student internships, company descriptions, graduate programs, and career paths related to majors offered at Biola. Current full-time job li stings are maintained for student access. Students may receive hel p from a Paraprofessional Career Consultant any afte rnoon on a walk- in basis or make an appointment with a Career Counselo r. An an nu al career fair takes place in the spring. LEARNING ASSISTANCE Learning Assistance services provide programs to
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