

Special Programs

sional goals. The program includes e ight units of undergraduate credit (equivalent graduate credit is available). Study begins with a campus-based class during the fall semester, involving guest lecturers, special fi eld trips and a weekend workshop. This is done in preparation for the abroad field studies "on-site" in the Holy Land during the January inter­ term. With this combination, the Bible as well as the morning newspaper comes ali ve as one traces the routes of biblical characters in conjunction with modern events. While traveling th e length and breadth of the country, students actually meet the people who live today around the ancient sites of Capernaum, the Sea of Galilee, Nazareth,Joppa, Jericho,Jerusalem, Masada, the Dead Sea, Beersheba, the p lace of Israel 's wilderness wander­ ings, Eilat, the Red Sea, and many more. Directed by biblical studies professor Ron Pierce, this unique travel-study opportunity provides a thor­ oughly integrated learning experience. In the course of study the central topic of "Israel" is approached from the varying perspectives of biblical studies, historical geography, intercultural studies, history (ancient and modern ) and political science. One even sharpens her/ his skills on interpersonal re­ lationships (small group dynamics ) and, at the same time, gets into shape physically for some very chal­ lenging hikes. With this in mind, the following com­ bined fall-interterm curriculum package was des igned, which may be counted toward graduation requirements in all degree programs. FALL SEMESTER: BBST 465 IS lnteg Sem: Israel/Middle East 3 units An approved Physica l Education class from the regular schedul e INTERTERM: BBST 311 IS Biblical Background 3 units PEED 110 YIS PE Skills/ Tech: Conditioning 1 unit Though seeking to keep costs as low as possible, personal safety and quality education are our prima­ ry considerations. Because tuition, fees, textbooks, room, board, air and land expenses are all included in a program package, it costs little more to study abroad than taking the same units while living on campus during the regu lar semester and interte rm. An information packet (including many "questions and answers" about the program, a preliminary itinerary and an application form) is available in the Biola-lsrael office in Feinberg Hall. Applications should be submitted along with a deposit early in the spring semester prior to preregistration for fall class­ es . Acceptance is on a first-come basis as far as the maximum class size of 30 students all ows. For fur­ ther information contact the program secretary at extension 4819. AMERICAN STUDIES PROGRAM The An1erican Studies Program is sponsored by the Christian College Coalition of which Biola

BIOLA ABROAD Biola Abroad is a fall semester of integrated stud­ ies in Europe. Students are given the opportunity to broaden thei r perspectives by combining learning with experience. To bring culture to life, classwork is richly supplemented by field trips in a half a dozen countries in central Europe. Classes are conducted in English and courses of instruction and credits are the same as those on the La Mirada campus. Because of economic and political instability, pro­ grams abroad are unde r constant review. A strong effort is made to offer a quality program at a reason­ able price. Academic semesters are planned with a German orientation each fall. Course offerings are primarily in the area of general educati on requirements on the sophomore level. Some upperclassmen with an interest in the humanities may qualify and all stu­ dents pursuing studies toward a baccalaureate with a near "B" grade point average may apply. It is impor­ tant that incoming students interes ted in taking part in Biola Abroad plan their curriculum from the start, leaving open courses to be taken abroad during their sophomore year and satisfying prerequisites. All par­ ticipants must be full-time students and choose one course from each of the five following blocks of classes for 12-15 units of credit.

Unirs Pn.:n:quisircs

Bible/ Chri stian Education

3 None 3 None

BBST 320 Inductive Bible Study CEED 320 Inductive Bible Study

Foreign Language HUFG 106 Conve rsational Ge rman 2 HUFG 105 HUFG 201 Intermediate German 4 HUFG 102 HUFG 320 Studies in Language and Literature: Language 3 H UFG 201 History/ Culture HIST 100 West and the World 4 None HIST 330 German Civilization and Culture 3 HIST 100 !NAN 332 Peoples of the World: Germanic 3 HIST 100 Literature ENGL 250 Literature in Context: Ge rman ic 3 ENGL 1lOA/ B Phys ical Education PEED 110 Conditi oning: Coed 1 None Applications for Biola Abroad must be comp let­ ed in February. For further information, please con­ tact Mrs. P. Buss, Administrat ive Assistant for Biola Abroad, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, CA 90639- 0001, or call Biola Un iversity, extension 4828/ 5573. BIOLA-ISRAEL Biola-Israel is designed for the serious student, committed to Christ and to building meaningful rela­ tionships with others. Students are not limited by academic major, personal background or profes-

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