

University is a member. This semester-long pro­ gram is based in Washington D.C. and provides study/ internship opportunities for junior or senior level students in most of the majors. For additional information see the Political Science section, or make inquiry through the Department of Political Science.

senior student with a 3.0 grade point average and be approved by the department of the student's major, the coordinator of the program, and the University of Sheffield. Students who are accepted live in Sheffield uni­ versity housing and take 3 or 4 courses in the regular university curriculum. One of the courses will be taught by a faculty member designated by Biola and wi ll be a course des igned for the Biola students but open to other Sheffield students also. Those stu­ dents majoring in Biblical Studies, English, and History will find programs which are most relevant to Biola's needs; however, courses could also be taken in archaeology, chemistry, language and lin­ guistics, economics, mathematics, music, psycholo­ gy, sociology, and advanced language. Because of the nature of British higher education, students are expected to take their courses in no more than one or two departments. The program gives the student the opportunity to experience the British lecture and tutorial system first-hand, as wel l as enjoy the unique historical and cultural environment of the British Isles. Student are given an orientation at the Univers ity of Sheffield before starting their term of study. The faculty mem­ ber designated by Biola to teach the Biola course will mentor the students while at Sheffield , provid ing counsel and guidance throughout the term. The students who participate in the program are expected to abide by the rules and regulations of the University of Sheffield; in addition, they are expect­ ed to maintain Biola's code of conduct as they would on the La Mirada campus. At the end of the term the University of Sheffield will forward the stu­ dent's transcript to Biola where it will be interpreted in light of our American grading system. Anyone wishing additional information should apply to the Coordinator of the University of Sheffield Year Abroad Program in the Engli sh Department. OTHER STUDY TOURS There are other opportunities for travel each summer and occasionally at other times during the year. Tours are directed by those with experience in travel and are offered at a nominal price. Although these tours are not limited to Biola University stu­ dents, it is expected that those joining a tour wi ll be in basic agreement with the Christian viewpoint and the standards of conduct held by Biola University. In addition, it is expected that the individual's health will be strong enough to stand the demanding rigors of travel. For information write to the Office of Admissions.


The Latin American Studies Program is spon­ sored by the Christian College Coalition of which Biola University is a member. This program pro­ vides students the opportunity to live, study and work for four months in Central America, most of which is spent in Costa Rica. Students spend the initial six-weeks in intense lan­ guage study. This is fo llowed with two three-week seminars on the problems of Central America and social and economic development issues. The final month is spent in travel through Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, safety permitting. For additional in formation and application see Dr. David Dickson, or make inquiry through the Department of Foreign Languages.


Biola University is a participating member of Au Sable Institute, a Christian environmental steward­ sh ip Institute, whose mission is to bring healing and wholeness to the biosphere and the whole of Creation. In a setting of northern Michigan forests, wetlands, lakes and rivers, students take courses, gain field experience, and develop practical tools for environmental stewardship. Several courses offered in the summer and interterm may be used for upper division elective units in the biology major. Financial assistance is avai lable from Au Sable. Interested stu­ dents should obtain information and forms from the Department of Biological Sciences. LOS ANGELES FILM INSTITUTE In add iti on to our film production courses offered on campus, Biola is able to offer a full semester of intensive schooling in film through the Los Angeles Film Studies Program of the Christian College Coaliti on. Students live and study in the Hollywood area for one semester. For add iti onal information and appli cation see Dr. Tom Nash, or make inquiry through the Department of Communication. ENGLAND SEMESTER Biola, in cooperation with the University of Sheffield, offers the opportunity for a Fall term of study in the United Kingdom. App li cation and pay­ ment of tuition and room and board are made through Biola. The app li cant must be a junior or

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