Communication 3 units Any one o f th e fo ll owing wi ll mee t thi s requirement. COMM 100 Introducti on to Publ ic Communi cati on COMM 170 Small Group Communi cati on COMM 181 Introduction co Argumentati on and Debate
Note: International students, please see the English section o f the catalog for English 103, 105, 10 7, and 109. Literature 3 units ENGL 250 Literature in Context ENGL 251 Engli sh Literature co 1798 ENGL 252 Engli sh Literature since 1798 Students may take any one of the above courses to fulfill the literatu re requirement. With English Department chair's permi ss ion, the student may sub stitute any upper di vision literature course from Engli sh o r Fo reign Languages. Fine Arts 3 units Any one o f th e fo llowing will meet thi s require ment: ARTS 100 Art Appreciati on ARTS 106 Art o f the Past ARTS 130 Introducti on to Studi o Arts
COMM 220 Voice and Articul ati on COMM 280 Oral Interpre tati on
Foreign Language If you have completed: (o f the same language)
12 units
You will be requi red to take:
(o f th e same language )
' BS
I year hi gh school
12 units 4 uni ts Elementary 1 and 2 and fi rst sem~te r Intermed iate None Elementary 2 and first semester Inte rmed iate (equals first co ll ege semeste r) 8 units 4 units None firsr semester lntermedi ate (equals second coll ege semesrer)
2 years high school
COMM 160 Introducti on to Drama MUSC 101 Introducti on co Music
3 years hi gh school
History 8 units To fu lfill the 8 unit histo ry requirement Hi story 100 is required as we ll as either Hi story 200 o r Po liti cal Science 200. H istory 100 T he Wes t and the Wo rld (four un its required ). Students who may
4 yea rs hi gh schoo l None (equals rhi rd co ll ege semeste r) ''·Co nversational Language courses may be used None toward the B.S. requirements but not the B.A. requirement. If you take a classical language for your fo reign Language you must take it through the 102 level for a B.S. degree. Students with two years of a high schoo l language must take the 102 and 201 sections o f th e same lan guage in o rde r to compl ete the B.A. requ irement . If the student needs to review p rio r coursework, he should e ither audit 101 o r forfeit all previous lan guage experi ence by taking the first semes ter course fo r credit. Exceptions to thi s poli cy are no ted unde r the approp ri ate departments (please no te the unit d iffer ence per semes ter fo r cl assical languages ). Internaci onal students for whom Engli sh is a second language need no t take a fo reign language under cer tain circumstan ces. In addition, students who have acqui red a second language without taking high schoo l o r co ll ege classes in it may be eligible for a wa ive r o f the requirement. (Fo r advisement sec the Foreign Language Department. )
have completed three units o f Wo rld civil izati on are advised to cake
Histo ry l 10 Perspecti ves on Wes tern Civili za ti on. History 200 United States Hi sto ry (four units requ ired ). o r Po liti cal Science 200 Survey of Ameri can Gove rnment (four units required ). Students who may have compl eted three units of United Sta tes Hi story o r United States Gove rnment are advised to take H isto ry 210, Perspectives on American Histo ry or Politi cal Science 210, Pe rspectives on Ame ri can Government co compl ete the requirement. Altern ate route fo r mee ting a minimum o f fo ur units o f Histo ry 100 and fo ur units o f Hi sto ry 200 o r Po li tical Science 200 . Stud ents who demonstrate pro fi ciency in the ir knowledge of History 100, 200 or Po liti cal Science 200 may opt for mo re advan ced courses in these fields to mee t th eir eight unit requirement. The respecti ve departments admini ster proficiency exam inati ons twice a yea r in September and February for those who want co quali fy fo r mo re advanced courses. Hi sto ry 110,210 (one un it) or Po litical Sci ence 210 (one unit) musebe taken concurrentl y with any departmentall y approved three-unit upper di vision
6 uni ts
ENGL 110A/ B Studi es in Criti cism and Compos iti on
Students with a SAT o f less than 400 must take and pass Basic Engli sh Workshop within the first year o f res idence (before Engli sh 110). If a student wishes to challenge hi s/ her SAT sco re he/ she may take the Engli sh Placement Tes t admini stered by the Engli sh Department at the beginning of each semes ter. If he/she fa il s thi s test, he/she must take Basic Engli sh Wo rkshop, Engli sh 090 (three semeste r hours with no credit coward grad uation).
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