210 SCULPTURE I (3) Introduction to the methods, materi als, and tools of sculpture and general con cepts of scul ptural fo rm. Fee: $50. 211 CERAMICS I (3) An introduction to wheel technique and begi nning throwing skill s. Formulation of basic glaze appli cations in the development of fire cerami cs will be emphasized. Fee: $50. 212 PRINTMAKING l(INTAGLIO/RELIEF) (3) An introduction to the language of etching and the wood bl ock prin t, with emphas is on the development of ideas and experimentation in bl ack and white. Prerequi site: 107. Fee: $55 . 213 PAINTING I (3) Basic color theory and pain ti ng tech niques. Traditional to contemporary styles will be expl ored . Prerequi site: 107 or consent . Fee: $25. 221 PHOTOGRAPHY I (3) Experience in fundamental s of black and whi te photography covering both cre ative and technical aspects. Fee: $45. (See also Communication 245) 304 CERAMICS II (3) Continued individual development in al l areas of ceramics. Introducing vesse l construction from hand-built techniques, low fire glaze applications and introduc tions in firing the kilns. Fee: $50 . 305 SCULPTURE II (3) Emphas ises sculptural aesthetics and appropriate technology. Students will be involved with fo rmulating a conceptual and technical bas is fo r ongo ing work. Fee: $50. 306 ELEMENTARY ART WORKSHOP (3) Developing and preparing art projects suitable fo r elementary school pupils. For liberal studies majo rs. Fee: $50 . 307 INTERMEDIATE DRAWING (3) Exploration of the overl apping rela tionships fo und in mixed media drawing. Experimentation is encouraged, with emphasis being placed on fi nished works of art. Fee: $25.
308 PAINTING II (3) Concentration on developing imagina tive resources of the individual through the use of oil s and acryli cs. Colo r, shape, image, visual, ideas and techni ques are covered. Prerequisite: 213 o r consent. Fee: $25 . 309 FIGURE PAINTING (3) An introduction to fu ndamental s of painting the human figure from gesture to finished work. Color theory and painting techniques to be expl ored. Interterm onl y. Fee: $50. 310 PRINTMAKING II (SERIGRAPHY/ MONOPRINTS) (3) An introduction to screenprinting tech niques and o ther mixed media alternat ive printmaking methods, including mono printing. Prerequis ite: 212. Fee: $55.
319 ADVANCED FIGURE DRAWING (3) Emphasis on long poses for serious thorough inves tigati on of the fi gure and the traditi ons of fi gure d rawing. Fee: $50. 320 ILLUSTRATION II (3) Continued exploration of illustra tion as a form of graphi c communication. Development of personal visual vocabu lary wi th the add ition of new media and advanced techniques. Conceptual devel opment of solutions fo r bo th editorial and advertising illustration. Fee: $25. 321 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF GRAPHIC DESIGN (3) Investiga tion of issues and ideas in the histo ry of graphi c design and illustration from the icon to the logo . Individual designers and periods explored. Fee: $20. 322 PHOTOGRAPHY 11 (3) Further study in technique of bl ack and white and introducti on to color photogra phy covering creative and technical aspects. Prerequi site: 221 Fee $45. 325 CONTEMPORARY ART FORMS (3) Interdi scipli nary studio expl o ration in contemporary model. Multi-image projec tion, general video technology, perfo r mance theory-practice, and instal lation theo ry practice. Fee: $50. 332 NON-WESTERN ART (3) Survey of non-wes tern art and architec ture. Introducing major forms, functi ons and ma teri als used by the peoples.of As ia, Africa, Oceania and the Americas. Areas of inves tiga tion will include aestheti c theo ries, val ue sys tems, as well as social, philo sophi c and religious traditions. Fee $20. 348 ART VIDEO (3) Concern s of video art including fo rmal, conceptual , and narrative approaches. Emphasis on the use of vi deo as a creative medium fo r personal express ion. Hands on studio fo rmat focusing on camera work and ed iti ng. Students are required to provide their own video cameras. Fee $55. 408 ADVANCED DRAWING (3) Drawing with an emphas is on personal experimentati on. Fee: $25 .
The history of pai nting, sculp ture and architecture from 1890 to 1970. Major aes thetic issues that shaped 20th century art will be examined. Fee: $20. 312 TYPOGRAPHY (3) An introduction to the symbolic and communicative aspects of typography. Emphasis on typography as a design ele ment. Pragmati c fo rmul ationof skill s related to layout, copyfitting, and typed specification, as they re late to the graphi c des ign process . Fee: $25. 313 GRAPHIC DESIGN I (3) Exploration of creative ideas and resources as re lated to graphi c des ign. Use of too ls, medi a, and terminology; includes development of layout skill. Fee : $25. 315 CONTEMPORARY ART TRENDS (3) A study of art produced since 1970, fo cusing on current movements within the international art communi ty. Fee: $55. 318 TECHNICAL DRAWING AND RENDERING (3) Introducti on to d rawing as a basic organizer of thought progressing to the use of drawing as a means of translating specific ideas. Rendering techniques and composition formul ati on through the use of a broad range of medi a will be empha sized. Fee: $25.
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