

430 ADVANCED STUDY: NEW TESTAMENT (3) Independent student research and writ­ ing in addition to a seminar style class­ room atmosphere for the study of selected texts and/ or topics. May be repeated with different content for a maximum of six units counted toward grad uati on. Prerequisites: 101, 110, 120, 121, 200, 251,252. 440 ADVANCED STUDY: OLD TESTAMENT (3) Independent student research and writing in addition to a seminar style class­ room atmosphere for the study of selected texts and/ or topics. May be repeated with different content for a maximum of six units counted toward graduation. Prerequisites: 101, 110, 120, 121, 200, 251,252. 450 ADVANCED STUDY: CHRISTIAN THOUGHT (3) Independent student research and writing in addition to a seminar style class­ room atmosphere for the study of selected texts and/ or topics from either or both testaments, thematically arranged to emphasize biblical, historical and/ or systematic theology. May be repeated with different content for a maximum of six units counted toward graduation. Prerequisites: 101, 110, 120, 121, 200, 251, 252.

nature and responsibility before God, set in the broader context of church hi story and contemporary Christianity. Prerequi­ sites: 101, 110. ELECTIVES 311 BIBLICAL BACKGROUNDS (3) Contributi ons of archeo logy, geogra­ phy, culture, and hi story to biblical inter­ pretation . May include abroad-study in lands of the biblical world. Prerequisites: 101, 1 JO, 120, 121.

literary structure and content. Prerequisites: 101, 110, 120, 121.

371 EARLY HISTORY OF ISRAEL (3) Conquest through the establishment of David's kingdom, focusing on historical, cultural and theological issues that aid in interpreting events and texts. Prerequi­ sites: 101, 110, 120, 121. 372 LATER HISTORY OF ISRAEL (3) Kings and prophets from Solomon through the return from exi le, emphasiz­ ing historical, cultural and theological is­ sues that aid in interpreting events and texts. Prerequisites: 101, 110, 120, 121.


Methods and principles for interpret­ ing Scripture throughout church history and the present era. Theory is applied to texts with an emphasi s on the grammati­ cal-hi storical method. Prerequisites: 101, 110, 120, 121. 320 INDUCTIVE BIBLE STUDY (3) Inductive method applied to selected biblical texts. Specific focus indicated in semester schedule. Prerequisites: 101, 110, 120,121. 330 JESUS' LIFE AND MINISTRY (3) Chronological study of the gospels, similarities and differences between the writers, as well as the historical, cu ltural and theological factors aiding in interpret­ ing events and teachings. Prerequisites: 101, 110, 120, 121. 341 PAULINE LITERATURE (3) Authorship, occasion of writing, themes, theological issues, literary struc­ ture and content of Paul's writings. May focus on a sma ll er unit such as Prison or Pastoral letters. Prerequisites: 101, 110, 120, 121. 342 JOHANNINE LITERATURE (3) Authorship, occasion of writing, , themes, theological issues, literary struc­ ture and content ofJohn's writings. Pre­ requisites: 101, 110, 120, 121. 343 GENERAL LETTERS (3) Authorship, occas ion of wr\ring, themes, theological issues, literary struc­ ture and content of non-Pauline letters. Prerequisites: 101, 110, 120, 121. 360 PENTATEUCH (3) Mosaic authorsh ip, historical and cul­ tural backdrop, themes, theological issues,


Authorship, date of writing, historical and cu ltural backdrop, themes, theologi­ cal issues, literary structure and content of Job-Song of Songs. Prerequisi res: 101, 110, 120, 121 391 MAJOR PROPHETS (3) Authorship, date of writing, historical and cultural backdrop, themes, theologi­ cal issues, literary structure and content. Prerequisites: 101, 110, 120, 121. 392 MINOR PROPHETS (3) Authorship, date of writing, historical and cultural backdrop, themes, theologi­ cal issues, literary structure and content. Prerequisites: 101, 110, 120, 121. ADVANCED STUDY ELECTIVES (Descriptions o~en provide general framework for focused electives. Specific titles for 420, 430, 440 and 450 appear in the semester schedule prefixed by "Adv St:"; sections of465, by "Integ Sem:") . 411 NEW TESTAMENT THEOLOGY (3) Method, practice and history of the dis­ cipline. May emphasize selected writers or themes. Prerequisites: 101, lJO, 120, 121, 200, 251, 252. 412 OLD TESTAMENT THEOLOGY (3) Method, practice and history of the dis­ cipline. May emphasize selected writers, themes or eras. Prerequisites: 101, 110, 120,121,200,251,252.


Study of Paul's theology and worldview as contained in the Book of Romans, with special attention given to introductory and hi storical matters. Prerequisites: 101, 110, 120, 121, 200, 251, 252. 458 THEOLOGY OF MISSION (3) Study of God ' s redemptive acts in Scripture in behalf of mankind, with app li ­ cation to the mission of the Church today. Prerequisites: 101, J 10, 120, 121, 200, 251,252. 465 INTEGRATION SEMINAR (3) Relates Chri stian conviction to aca­ demic inquiry. May focus on a specific area or include a variety of topics. Often team-taught and cross-listed between departments. Usua ll y involves a major research paper/ project and class presenta­ tion. May be repeated with different con­ tent for a maximum of six units counted

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