Biological Science
emphases. Forty of the required units , including 111,211,222,281 or 282,312, 322,342, 401,450 or 470 and a minimum of 11 units of upper division electives. (Biology 211 is rep laced by 252 o r 301 for the med-tech emphasis.) MAJORS BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE Thirty-two units of supporting sciences from the Departments of Chemistry, Mathematical and Computer Sciences, and Physical Sciences are also required including Chemistry 105, 106, 301 and 302, Physics 111 or 211, and Math 105 or 210. Biology 312,401,450 and 470 have been designated as the writing competen cy courses. Other upper division biology cou rse work may be used with the consent of the department. All concentrations must include 24 upper division units. Note: The eight units ofgeneral educa tion science requirement are met by the completion ofthe ma/or. Other programs/ options in con/unction with this ma/or are:
Chair: Elisha B. van Deusen, Ph.D.
MINOR BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE MINOR Offered with the comple ti on of 20 units, 12 of whi ch must be upper division. General Biology (111) and Genetics (342) are required. The remaining elective units are to be approved by a department adviser. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS High school requirements are: one year of biology, one year of chemi stry, three years of mathematjcs, and two yea rs of foreign language. One year of phys ics is desirable. Deficiencies can be fulfilled with permission from the Department of Biological Science. COURSES 100 BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES - LECTURE (3) Unifying principles of biology with emphasi s on human organ systems. No lab is required, but Biology 110 is the lab course designed to accompany 100. Biology 100 without the lab (100) wi ll not receive transfer credit at most other uni versities. Not open to biology majors. 110 OBSERVATIONAL BIOLOGY - LABORATORY (2) Observational and inves tigative approach to surveying a range of biologi cal organisms and examining selected human systems. Three hours laboratory, one hour lecture/ discussion designed to be taken with Bio 100. Lab fee: $25. 111 GENERAL BIOLOGY (4) Introductory course for majors empha sizing the principles of cellular and mol ec ular biology, genetics and development, human physiology, ecology and natural selection. Laboratory (4 hours ) divided between observational and experimental approaches, with emphasis on coll ection and interpretation of quantitative data. Lab fee: $25 .
FACULTY Associate Professors: Kuld, Lin, Payne, Van Deusen Assistant Professor: Ebeling OBJECTIVES The biological science major, support ed by chemistry, physics and mathematics, incorporates a breadth in the major areas of biology to serve as a base for advanced or more specialized study. The curri culum is designed to prepare students for the fol lowing: (1) further study in the health related fields of medicine, dentistry, veteri nary medicine, pharmacy, medical tech nology, physical therapy, and physician's assistant, (2) graduate study in various dis ciplines of biological science, (3) sec ondary education, ( 4) careers in applied biology related to agriculture, industry, missions, etc. Upon completion of the biological sci ence major, it is intended that the student be able to: (1) understand and apply the scientific method to historical and current problems in the various biological disci plines and relate them to broader applica tions in life, (2) integrate pertinent scrip tural principles with known biological facts , (3) discuss theories of evolution and origins within the context of a scriptural view of creation, ( 4) know the basic bio logical functions of living organisms and relate these functions to the levels of bio logical organization (hierarchy) and to a better understanding of himself, (5) demonstrate writing competency and communicati on skills while using scientif ic terminology, (6) understand the rela tionship of chemistry, physics and mathe matics to the biological sciences, (7) describe genetic processes at molecular and organismal levels, (8) explain cellular organi zation , function and regul ation, (9) understand energy dynamics at the various levels of biological organization, ( 10) describe the integrated regulatory systems of plants and animals, ( 11 ) use (and under stand the theory of) selected scientific instrumentation and research techniques. DEGREE PROGRAM A BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE is offered upon com pletion of the university baccaulaureate and major requirements. The biological science major requires the completion of the fo llowing required hours and an
A Bachelor of Science degree in biolog ical education fulfills the state requirement for a Life Science Teachi ng Credential. Th is credential is offered with the compl e tion of 40 units, including 111, 211, 222, 281,312,322,342,352,401,450 or 470, and a minimum of seven units of upper division electives. A minimum of 17 units of supporting sciences from theDepartments of Chemistry and Mathematical and Computer Sciences are required including Chemistry 105, 106 and 301, and one Math course. The stu d ent must serve as a biology teaching assis tant (Biology 110 is recommended ). The student must also have an advisor in the Department of Education. CLEAR TEACHING CREDENTIAL The professional education courses required by the Department of Education are 300,330,410,425, 435 ,450,452,470 and Biology 300. At least 12 units of the above must be taken prior to graduation. All concentrations must include 24 upper division units. Note: The eight units ofgeneral educa tion math/science requirements are met by the completion of the ma/or.
Selected topics of current interes t and concern are studi ed. Sections are offered each year upon suffici ent demand. HUMAN ECOLOGY An introduction to contemporary envi ronmental problems emphasi zing man's role in their cause and responsible stew ardship of natural resources, including
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