

301 VERTEBRATE BIOLOGY (4) T he biology of vertebrates, stress ing structure and function. Laboratory dissec­ tion of representative vertebrates (sharks, mud puppy, cat) emphasizes comparative anatomy. Prerequisites: 111 and 211. Alternate years. Lab fee: $25. 310 PROSECTION ( 1) An introduction to the human body through dissection and demonstration of a selected portion of a human cadaver. Thirty hours of laboratory. Prerequisite: consent. Dissection fee $20. (May be repeated for a maximum of two units credit). 311 NEUROBIOLOGY (4) Ana lyzes synoptic transmission at the neuro-muscular junction and between neutrons of the CNS. Emphasis on under­ standing cellular organi zation and neuro­ physio logy of major subsystems of the ver­ tebrate nervous system, with particular attention to the brain, visual system, spinal cord, and autonomic nervous system. Laboratory (4 hou rs) study of sheep and human brain anatomy, with directed . experimentation in electrophys io logy and pharmacology of the peripheral nervous system. Alternate years. Prerequisite: 100 or 111. Lab fee: $30. 312 CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (3) Discusses the molecular organ ization and function of ce ll s and their organelles, with emphasis on chromosome stru ctu re, gene express ion, membrane structure and funct ion, energy convers ion, and experi­ mental methods used co study subcellu lar components . Prerequisites: 111 and Chemistry 301. 322 LABORATORY IN CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (2) Practical appli cation of traditional and current laboratory techniques used in research, including microscopy, hi stology, chromosomal analysis, isolation and purification of DNA, RNA, and enzymes, analytical biochemistry, and cell culturing. Six hours of laboratory, one hour discus­ sion/ quiz. Prerequisites: 111 and Chemistry 301. Must be taken concur­ rently with or subsequent to Biology 312. Lab fee: $45.

such topics as biological diversity, cycles in nature, population dynamics, pollution, progress, energy sources, natural resources, endangered species, and atti­ tudes toward the earth. HUMAN BIOLOGY Selected body systems and/ or diseases will be studied in detail. NUTRITION A detailed study of the basic nutritional needs of humans: water, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Also included is limited coverage of cer­ tain nutritional issues such as health foods, megavitamins, obesity, and food additives, as well as a computer-aided per­ sonal diet-analysis ass ignment. PLANT/ANIMAL STUDIES An investigative and/ or identifi cation approach to studying selected plant and / or animal groups. Transportation fee: $300. (If fie ld taught). 130 SEMINAR IN BIOLOGY SCIENCE (1-2) Directed research (l iterature or labora­ tory) in selected areas of biology with writ­ ten and/ or oral presentations by students; intended to stimul ate inquiry and creative thought. or open to biology majors. 211 INVERTEBRATE BIOLOGY (4) Taxonomy and morphology of inverte­ brate phyla; laboratory dissection of inver­ tebrates. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 100 and 110, or 111. Lab fee: $25. 222 BOTANY (4) The study of the organs, tissues, func­ tions and responses to enviro~1ment of typ~cal flowering plants and the morphol­ ogy and life hi story of the major lower plant groups. Some classification of local forms is included, and limited use of the Scanning Electron Microscope is avail­ able. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 100 or 111. Lab fee$25. 252 HUMAN ANATOMY (3) An introduction to the basic structure and function of the human body. Laboratory emphasis varies from section to section to meet the needs of the differ-

ent majors. Cadavers are used. Two hours lectures, one hour pre-lab, three hours laboratory. Lab fee: $30. 262 NATURAL HISTORY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (3) A fi eld-ori ented course to study and identify the common plants and animals fo und within the major plant and animal commun ities of Southern Cal ifornia . Two hours lecture, four hours laboratory/field , including one or two extended field trips. Prerequisites: 100, 110 or 111. Transportation fee: $65. 281 PHYSIOLOGY (4) A study of the basic concepts of physio­ logical regul ation from the level of the cell to the integrated intact organism includ­ ing neural, muscula r, and neuro-endocrine regulatory systems. Laboratory including human systems analysis and electrophysi­ o logy. Three hours lecture, one hour pre­ lab, three hours laboratory. Prerequisite: Chemistry 101 or 105. Lab fee: $30. 282 MICROBIOLOGY (4) A study of microbial organisms with emphas is on bacteria and viruses, includ­ ing their morphology, physiology, metabolism and genetics; host parasite interactions; humoral and cell-mediated immunity. Laboratory practice in han­ dling microorganisms, including identifi­ cation and culture techniques. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequ isite: Chemistry 101 or 105. Lab fee : $35. 290 NATURAL HISTORY QF MARINE MAMMALS (1) Biology and natural history of marine mammals with special emphasis on the Cali fornia gray whale. Teaching tech­ niques for marine marnmal conservation and biology. 300 HEALTH SCIENCE (3) Fulfills the teacher certification require­ ment in health education. Proper nutri­ tion and obes ity; mental health and stress management; substance abuse (drugs, tobacco and alcoho l); human sexuality; physical fitness and disease; first aid . Three hours lecture. The course is designed for majors in physical education and/ or teaching credential cand idates. Noc for general education requirement in the sciences.

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