

412 BIOCHEMISTRY II (3) Mathemati cal trea tment of bioenerget­ ics emphasizing major concepts and prob­ lem solving; principles of metabo li c pro­ cesses. Prerequi site: Chemistry 302 (Chemi stry 402 recommend ed). Alternate yea rs. 422 LABORATORY IN BIOCHEMISTRY (2) An integrated laborato ry course to accompany 411,412. Modern techniques in molecul ar geneti cs, metabolic process­ es, bioenergeti cs and enzyme mechanism. Six hours laboratory: one hour di scus­ sion/ qui z. Prerequi site: Chemi stry 301 and Bi ology 411. O ffered upon suffi cient demand . Lab fee: $40. 431 DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY (4) Analyzes the molecular, genetic and cel­ lular mechanisms whi ch control develop­ ment o f body form and specialized cell types from a single fe rtil ized egg, and whi ch maintain stable di ffe rentiated states in the adult. Laboratory emphasizes gametogenes is, ve rtebrate embryo logy, hi sto logy and d irected experimental manipul ation of embryos . Prerequisite: 312. Alternate years . Lab fee : $20. 440 TOPICS IN ADVANCED BIOLOGY (2-3) O ne secti on offered each year upon suffi cient demand. Course may be repeat­ ed with d iffe rent content (sec tion titl e) . ENDOCRINOLOGY Discusses mo lecul ar mechanisms of hormone synthes is, release and action on targe t ce lls, with emphas is on mammalian neurosecreto ry and endocrine systems, whi ch coordinate special ized body func­ tion and influence behavio r. Prerequisites: 111,281 and 312. MARINE ECOLOGY Observa ti on and field experimentation with mari ne o rgani sms. Coll ection and analysis of ecological data using und erwa­ ter techni ques . Prerequi sites: 352 and Scuba certifi cation. One hour lecture, fo ur hours labo ratory. Lab fee: $35. HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF BIOLOGY Histori cal and phil osophi cal develop­ ments leading to establi shment of biology as a modern science . Bio logists, scientifi c

method, theori es o f ori gins and evoluti on, bio-politics inves tigated. Prerequi sites : 111 or consent . IMMUNOLOGY A study o f the structures and functi ons o f the immune sys tem, humoral and ce ll medi ated immuni ty and an alys is o f med i­ call y signifi cant disorders of the immune sys tem. Prerequisites: 282 or 312. MICROSCOPY Theory and appli ca ti on of bright fi eld, dark fi eld, phase contras t, polarizing, scan­ ning and transmi ss ion microsco pes. Preparati on techniques of bi ological mate­ rials fo r, and observa tion with electro n mi croscopes emphasized. Prerequi sites: 111 o r 312. Lab fee: $35. ORNITHOLOGY Sys tematics, distributi on, phys iology, behavio r and ecology of bi rds. Field iden­ tificati on emphasized . Prerequi site: 100, 110 o r 111. Transpo rtati on fee: $35. 450 DIRECTED RESEARCH (1-3) Literature and labora tory or field research o f a specific subj ect or technique in bi ology; advanced students gain expe ri­ ence in experimental des ign, labo rato ry inves ti gation and techni cal writing. Requires a written repo rt. Prerequi site: junior or senior bi ological science major stand ing and consent one semes ter in advance. Lab fee: $30 . 460 PRACTICUM ( 1) PRE-MEDICAL PRACTICUM PRE-DENTAL PRACTICUM PRE-MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY PRE-VETERINARY PRACTICUM PRACTICUM Profess ionally supervised observation, demonstration and study in a local medi­ cal, dental o r labo ratory fac ili ty. Introduction to health care philosophi es, hospital and patient routines, personn el, instrumentation and specific trea tment practi ces (phl ebo tomy credential with medi cal techno logy section). Case study and research paper required . Thi rty hours of observati on. Prerequi si te: juni o r stand­ ing and pe titi on fil ed with pre-Medi cal Advisory Committee one semes ter prior to enrollment . Insurance fee : $20.

333 NATURAL HISTORY OF BAJA CALIFORNIA (3) Sys temati cs, di stributi on, behavio r and eco logy o f the common plants and ani­ mals o f Baja. Emphasis on desert ecology, and bird and whale migrations. T he course is a three week fie ld trip to Baja Cali fo rni a, Mexico. O ffered during intert­ erm onl y. Prerequi sites: O ne course in Coll ege Biology. Trip fee : $300 . 342 GENETICS (3) Integrates principles ofMende li an and mo lecul ar geneti cs toward understanding structure and fun cti on o f the gene. Emphas izes quantitati ve analysis of genet­ ic data and explo res current issues of geneti c engineering from techni cal and ethi cal vi ewpoints. Prerequi sites: 312. Al te rnate years. 352 MARINE BIOLOGY (4) Introducti on to oceanography, marine plant and animal di ve rsity, and ecological relati onshi ps. Research technology emphas ized through field trip observation and group experimentation. Th ree hours lectu re, fo ur hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 110 o r 111. Lab fee: $25 . 401 GENERAL ECOLOGY (4) An introducti on to the general con­ cepts o f the ecology of populati ons, com­ muni ties and ecosys tems, including phys i­ ological ecology, speciati on and evolutionary th eo ry. Labora tory incl udes computer simul ations, fi eldwork and a research project . Prerequi site: 211 o r 222. Lab fee: $20. 402 PARASITOLOGY (4) Taxonomy, life hi sto ry, phys io logy, ecology, and mo rpho logy o f animal para­ sites with emphasis on those affecting man. Three hours lecture, fo ur hours lab­ orato ry. Prerequi sites: 111, 211. Altern ate years. Lab fee : $20. 411 BIOCHEMISTRY I (3) Structu res and properties of bi omo lec­ ular components of ce ll s: including pro­ teins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleo tides, nucl eic acids, vitamins and coenzymes, kineti cs and mechani sm and regul ation of enzymes acti on in bio logical systems. Prerequi site: Chemi stry 302. Altern ate years .

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