

Business Administration

470 SEMINAR IN ADVANCED BIOLOGY (1) Literature research followed by oral presentation, group discussion and evalua­ tion; independent thought and study stressed. May be repeated for maximum of two units of credit. Several coursese in environmental studies, available through Au Sable Institute, may be used for upper division elective units. See an advisor in the Department of Biological Sciencec for futher details . Prerequisite: junior or senior biological science major standing.

g.p.a. of 2.5 in all college level course work completed at the time of formal application to the department baccalaure­ ate programs. C. File the departmental application for admission, which shall include an essay, and affirm the above requirements have been achieved either at Biola University or another accredited institu­ tion. The application should be filed at the completion of the 4th semester with a fee of $20.00. D. Meet approval of the faculty of the Department of Business Administration. The process will require an interview with faculty/ students. This requirement may be waived by action of the department. E. Prior to formal admission in writ­ ing, students are continually advised as pre-business majors. DEGREE PROGRAM A BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION is offered upon the completion of baccalaureate require­ ments and the business major with one of the following emphases: accounting, advertising, finance, marketing, manage­ ment and computer information systems. Thirty of the required units must be upper division. Other requirements include courses: 190, 201, 202, 211, 212, 223, 321, 330,361,362,370,415,470. The general education requirement for a foreign language for those following a business administration major may be met by two years of high school language or the first four units of a college language. Business administration majors may use Bus 190 and 223 for a math credit toward the science/ mathematics requirements for the general education requirements, but the units cannot be counted in both gener­ al education and in the major. Philosophy 215 is recommended for all business majors. MAJORS Requirements for the six emphases are as follows: ACCOUNTING (60 UNITS) Accounting emphasis majors must complete: 221,311,312,313,314,315, 325,411, and 412. ADVERTISING (60 UNITS) Advertising emphasis majors must com­ plete: 221,331,334,460 and all courses in

Chair: Larry D. Strand, M.B.A.

FACULTY Associate Professors: Black, Buegler, Strand Assistant Professors: Simmons, Woodward Instructors: Dill, Wong

OBJECTIVES The Department of Business Administration offers six curricular emphases leading to a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration with concentrations in accounting, advertising, finance, marketing, management and computer information systems. Each program is structured to give the student broad understanding of the social and economic environment in which Christian business persons function, and provides a common body of knowledge for students who elect this major. Students study economics, finance, man­ agement, business law, accounting, and marketing as the core of the major based upon quantitative management skills. The six individual emphases prepare students through additional specified courses to enter a career field in those areas, or to select a graduate school upon graduation. It is the purpose of the department to prepare highly skilled, technically compe­ tent business persons who have broad preparation in the liberal arts as well, and who can make significant contributions in the world of work or in Christian organi­ zations they may serve. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Admission into Biola University does not guarantee admission as a Business Administration major nor permission to enroll in upper division business adminis­ tration courses. (Intermediate Accounting excepted). The following fur­ ther requirements must be observed. A. Complete, with a minimum of "C" (2.00) grade in each course, Business Statistics 190, Accounting 211 and 212, Economics 201 and 202, English 110A and 110B, and Calculus for Management Sciences 223 (24 semester hours), or the equivalent, with a cumulative grade point average of 2.5. A minimum requirement of 30 hours of General Education (includ­ ing Bible) must be completed with an over all g.p.a. of 2.5. B. Accomplish an overall cumulative

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