319 ORGANIZATIONAL ETHICS (3) The found ations and theories of ethics as related co the Bible, the market place, and the modern corporation. Case stud ies in modern ethi cs are discussed with a view to rais ing the moral consciousness of business professionals. (Th is course does not meet general education require ments. ) Prerequisite: upper division standing or consent. 361, 362 BUSINESS LAW I AND II (3,3) First semester: funct ion of law in our society, crimes, intentional torts, negli gence, contracts. Uniform Commercial Code, sales, and negotiable instruments. Second semester: property, partnersh ips, corporations, agency, land lord and tenant, security agreements, bankruptcy and busi ness regulation. Prerequisite for 362 is 361; requires upper division standing.
(See also Computer Science 302) 402 DATA BASE MANAGEMENT (3) Integrated data base system, logical organization, data description language (DDL), data manipulation language (DML), hierarchical networks and rela tional data bases, overview of selected data base management systems (DBMS) . Prerequisite: 280. Fee: $25. (See also Computer Science 402) 425 APPLIED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (3) A capstone systems course in tegrating the knowledge and abi liti es gained through other computer related courses, culminating in a comprehensive systems development project. Prerequisites: 280, 402. Fee: $25. (See also Computer Science 425) ECONOMICS 201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS (3) Macroeconomics: supply and demand analysis, fisca l and monetary policy, money and banking, international trade and the balance of payments. 202 WRITINGS IN MICROECONOMICS (3) Integration of basic microeconomic theory wi th research and compos iti on on issues related to market efficiency. The course includes an analysis of the firm in th e various market structures as we ll as studies in the resource markets and regula rory activiti es. A paper wi ll be a part of course requirement and double as pass/ fail on writing competency require ment. May not be transferred without consent. Prerequisite: 201 and Engli sh 110A and 110B.
Principles and theory of international trade; analysis of U.S. trade with leading industrial nations; trade and growth in developing countries; national po li cies affecting trade; economics of foreign exchange; balance of payments and mone tary arrangements. Prerequisite: 201, 330. FINANCE 229 PERSONAL AND FAMILY FINANCES (3) Managing family finances; budgeting use of credit; borrowing money; saving methods; purchase of life, health, proper ty and auro insurance; buying and renting property; taxes; buying securities; wi ll s and estates. 370 BUSINESS FINANCE (3) Problems and methods in securing funds for business firms; nature of securi ties markets, short- and long-term financ ing. Prerequisites: 190, 212. 437 REAL ESTATE (3) Laws relating to righ ts and ob ligations inherent in ownershi p of real property; how title to real property is transferred; homesteads, trust and deeds, li ens; land descriptions; escrow procedures; ti tl e insurance; the real estate broker. Prerequ isite: 361. 462 INVESTMENTS (3) Principles for the individual invesror; tests of a sound investment, information sources; types of stocks and bonds; mechanics of purchase and sale. Prerequisite: 202, 370. MANAGEMENT 111 BUSINESS METHODS AND PROBLEMS (3) An introduction tO the various major areas of business activities, ways in which business are organized, operated and financed and types of problems they encounter. 318 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (3) Organization and ro le of the personnel department in business; analyzing and solving case problems drawn from indus try. Prerequisite: upper division standing.
Principles of management; planning, controlling, organizing, organ izational behavior and communi cation, manage ment of confl ict and change , business ethi cs and societal relationships. Prerequisites: 201, 212, Psychology 200. 421 MANAGERIAL NEGOTIATION AND LEADERSHIP (3) Managerial leadershi p within the politi cal realiti es of modern organizational life. A strong emphas is wi ll be placed upon responsible handling of power and the ethical dilemmas that graduates will encounter in the business world . The course content wi ll include examination of value structu res and cri tical decision making that is founded upon the Chri sti an faith. Prerequ isite: 415 (majors ) and con sent (non-majors). 450 DIRECTED STUDIES (1-3) Extensive exploration of the literature in a selected field of business or eco nomics under facul ty guidance. Prerequisites: upper division standing and consent. May be repeated with different section title for maximum of six uni ts. 460 BUSINESS INTERNSHIP (1-3) Business work experience related specifi call y co field of study. A proposal describing learning objectives, coll ateral
Reading and analysis of articles in peri odicals and the daily press relating to eco nomic probl ems. Ut ili zes principles devel oped in 201, 202. Offered on sufficient demand . 350 MONEY AND BANKING (3) Nature, functions and flow of money and credit in the American economy and the world; analysis of commercial banking and U.S . monetary system. Prerequisite: 20 I.
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