reading and expected benefits must be submitted and accepted by a supervisor/ instructo r during th e semes ter p ri or to registra tion. Departmental approval required . 464 ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (3) Methods, problems and factors invo lved in launching and ope rating small profit and nonprofit o rgani za tions. Prerequi sites: 330,370 or consent. 470 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT (3) Me thods of determining strategic deci sion maki ng in business and industry, with projects des igned to provide actual research experi ence, with case study approach. Prerequi sites: 202, 321, 330, 362,370, 415. MARKETING 330 MARKETING (3) Methods, po li cies and principles o f modern marketing sys tems; vari ous chan nels o f di stributi on and future trends . A paper will be a part o f course requirement and double as pass/fail on writing compe tency requi rement. Prerequi site: 190 and 201 o r consent. 331 CONSUMER BEHAVIOR (3) Consumer buying patterns, decision maki ng, mo ti vation and behavior. Behavioral science appli ed to the soluti on of marketing p roblem. Behavio ral research techn iques. Prerequi sites : 221, 330, Psychology 200 . 332 MARKETING FOR NON PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS (3) Examination and eva luation of the principl es o f basic marketing as applied to the nonprofit sector. Philosophy o f non profit marketing and its productivity are utili zed through individual student pro jects. Specifi c marketi ng strategies will relate to churches, para-church organi za tions, communi ty service agencies, fo un dations and o ther des ignated non-profit organi zations. Pre requi site: 330.
including th e church; assigned student projects. Prerequisite: 330.
jeers. Prerequi site: 330 or consent. QUANTITATIVE MANAGEMENT
190 BUSINESS STATISTICS (3) Collection and presentati on o f busi ness data, central tend ency and di spersion measures fo r business analysis, sampling and inference for con fi dence intervals and hypo thes is tes ting, business forecas ting with simple and multiple regress ion, index numbers. Prerequi site: consent.
336 SALES PRACTICUM (3) Anal ys is o f the sales manager as a pro fessi onal market tactician in a marketing firm. Includes survey o f personal selling effort with emphas is on interrelationships between sales activity and re lated market ing fun cti ons. Involves appli ed approach es and actual real wo rld experi ences in sales. Prerequisite : 330 o r consent. 431 MARKETING MANAGEMENT (3) Planning and implementing marketing po li cies and strategy. Developing market ing mix. Organizing and adminis tering the marketing and sales department. Pl anning di stribution channels of con sumer and industrial goods. Fo recasting and budge ting. Market analys is. Marketing problems. Public po licy in mar ke ting. Prerequi sites: 190, 201, 202, 221, 330, 334 or consent. 432 MARKETING RESEARCH (3) Research methods and applicati ons in adve rti sing, di stributi on, product develop ment. Identifi cati on o f data sources. Coll ecti on, analys is and interpreta ti on o f data in solving marketing probl ems.
H ow computers work; computer lan guage; fl ow charts; simpl e problems in computer programming and in data pro cess ing. Fee : $25. 223 CALCULUS FOR MANAGEMENT SCIENCES(3) Fundamental principl es of differenti al and integral calculus. App li cations chosen mainly from the management sciences . Prerequisite: Pass ing profici ency exam admini stered by Business Admini strati on Department o r receiving a "C" o r better grade in math 100 the pri or year. 321 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS(3) Info rmati on sys tems, their design, impl ementation and contributi on to man agement planning, decision making and con tro l. Applications involving micro computers and decision suppo rt systems. Prerequi sites: 212, 221. 325 MANAGEMENT SCIENCE (3) Mathemati cal programming with emph as is on probl ems in management and economics. Includes applications on production cont ro l, inventory contro l, scheduling, invento ry control , PERT and network fl ow problems. Fundamental mathematical optimization and measure ment th eory problems. Prerequisite: 190, 202,223,321. Fee: $25 . (See also Computer Science 325).
Preparati on o f resea rch reports. Prerequi sites: 321, 334 o r consent.
433 MARKETING DECISION MAKING (3) Solving marketing probl ems through th e application o f analyti cal techniques. Emphasis on fundamental und erstanding and application where techniques are reviewed , explained and appli ed to actual marketing data. Prerequi sites: 190, 223, 432. 435 INDUSTRIAL MARKETING (3) Analysis o f environment in whi ch industri al products are marketed to indus trial firms, gove rnments, and insti tutions. Strategies and case studi es. Student pro ject requi red. Pre requi site: 330. 436 RETAIL MANAGEMENT (3) Examination and evaluati on of chang ing concepts o f retailing and merchandis ing from a management viewpoint.
Adve rti sing methods currently used fo r promo ti on of products, services, ideas,
Philosophy of modern management and and events by business firms, trade associmeasures o f retail productivity are ations and communi ty o rgani zati ons, empl oyed in ind ividual student fields pro-
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