Biochemistry Biochemistry is the study ofthe chemistry of living systems. This interdisciplinary program draws upon the areas ofbiology and chemistry. OBJECTIVES The major is designed especially for those students planning a career in the health professions. The requirements for schools of medicine, pharmacy, dentistry and medical technology are met within this major. This program also prepares one for graduate school in a variety of bio science programs. There are excellent opportunities for careers in biotechnical, pharmaceutical and environmental related businesses and govermental agencies.
bonding and state of matter. Prerequisite: high school chemistry, intermediate alge bra. Fall semester on ly. Lab fee: $25. 106 GENERAL CHEMISTRY II (5) The principles and th eory of chemical reactivity including kinetics, equilibria and thermodynamics as applied to acid/ base, redox and other ionic systems. Prerequisite: Chemistry 105. Spring semester only. Lab fee: $25. 110 CHEMISTRY TOPICS ( 1-2) Various topics in introd uctory chem istry. Prerequisite: department approval. 301, 302 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (5,5) Structure and reactivity of carbon-con taining compounds; emphasis given to mechani sms of organic reactions. Second semes ter includes structural biochemistry. Laboratory emphasi zes analytical organic chem istry. Three hours lecture, six hours labo rato ry. Prerequisite: 106. Lab fee: $35. 350 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY (5) A survey of classical chemical methods of analysis such as titrimetric and gravi metric along with various instrumental methods including electrochemical, spec troscopic and chromatographic. Three hours lecture, six hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 301. Lab fee: $20. 402 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY I (3) The physical laws governing chemical reactivity are investigated. Subject include thermodynamics, kinetics , electrochem isrry and macromol ecular behavior. Prerequisite: 302, Physics and Calcu lus . 403 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LAB (1) Laboratory exper iments in chemical dynamics, kinetics , spectroscopy and quantum mechanics. Prerequi site: 402. 404 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY II (3) Quantum chemistry, mol ecular struc ture, spectroscopy, macromo lecul es and surface chemistry. Prerequisite: 402 411, 412 BIOCHEMISTRY I, II (3,3) Fundamental concepts of metabolism, bioenergetics, biosynth esis and other
FACULTY Professor: Rynd Associate Professor: Lin
OBJECTIVES While primarily providing servi ce courses for o th er programs, th e depart ment does o ffer two programs with chem istry as the major compon ent. These are Biochemistry and Physical Science with a chemistry emphasis. Since chemistry is the study of matter and the changes it undergoes, sequences of courses are designed to mee t the needs of students as they prepare for a var iety of different majors that require an und er standing of the nature of matter. The objective of these courses is to provide the student with a basic understanding of the laws of theori es of chemistry such that the stud ent will be able (1) to exp lain the basic physical and chemical properties of matter in terms of its structure, (2) to do quantita tive problem so lving, (3) to gain some level of proficiency in labora tory method o logy, and (4) to be acquainted with basic resource material in chemistry. DEGREE PROGRAM A BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE I I PHYSICAL SCIENCE \XllTH ACHEMISTRY EMPHASIS is offered. The requirements for this major are given under the Physical Science Department. The Biochemistry Program is given below. MINOR A CHEMISTRY MINOR requires the com pletion of the following courses: Chemistry 105, 106, 301, 302, 350 or 402, 403. Six di stinct chemistry minor units apart from any other major or minor.
DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelor of Science degree in
Biochemistry is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and major requirements. The biochemistry major requires the compl etio n of 65 units con sisting of the following: Chemi stry 105, 106,301,302,350; Biology 111,281,282, 312,322,411, 412,422,450, or 470; Math 105; Computer Science 100; Physics 111, 122. Note: The general education requirement for mathematics and science is met within this major. The foreign language require ment is met by two years in high school or four units ofcollege foreign language. COURSES (CHEM ISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY) 100 THE MATERIAL WORLD (3) The basic priniciples of chemistry for the non-science major. Uses materials of mod ern society as a theme for exploring the properties and structure of matter as well as th e methods and consequences o f transforming natural resources to con sumer products. 101, 102 CHEMISTRY SURVEY (3,3) Principles and theories of general, organic and biochemistry and their appli cations to medicin e and nutrition. Two hours lecture, three hours laboratory each semeste r. Prerequ isite: high school chem istry and algebra or passing grade o n entrance exam. Lab fee: $20. 105 GENERAL CHEMISTRY I (4) Principles and theo ri es of the structure and properties of matter including atomic theory, stoichemistry, mol ecular structure,
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