Christian Education A DIVISION OF TALBOT SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Dean: W. Bingham Hunter, Ph.D. Associate Dean: Denni s H. Dirks,Ph.D. Chair : Michael]. Antho ny, Ed.D., Ph.D.
The general education requirement for a foreign language for those majoring in Christian education defJends upon the number ofyears that were com/Jleted in high school ofthe same foreign language. Specific requirements are listed under "general education requirements" for the Bachelor ofArts degree. All specialization courses are subj ect to departmental approval. The speciali za tion areas offered are: ELEMENTARY TEACHING CREDENTIAL PROGRAM The Christi an education/ teaching emphasis majo rs must complete a core of 56 units, o f which 24 must be upper divi sio n and includ e: 150, 251, 260,261,371, 372,380,382; Education 300,330,420, 430, 440,442 and Math 111. Bibl e 320 must be taken as the Bibl e elect ive. In additio n to the 55 unit core, each stud ent is encouraged to select a special ization of eight units to be taken o utside of the Chri stian Education and Biblical Studies departments to fulfill their elective requirements. This option combines the C.E. majo r co re with li beral studies cours es. Thi s speciali zation requires more units than the others do but some units in the C.E. core are substituted for credential requ irements. Students must pass the gen eral knowledge section of th e National Teachers Examination (NTE) pri o r to stu dent teaching. The stud ent must consu lt with the Departments o f Chri sti an Education and Education for specifics. CHILDREN Vocational opportunities with thi s option include children 's director o r min ister in a local church, a staff member with o rgani zations that minister to children in th e United States or on a mi ss io n fi eld , a writer o f materials for use with children. YOUTH Vocational opportuniti es for youth spe ciali za tion would include a local church youth director or mini ster, a club director for yo uth parachurch agencies, a youth camp director, a Chri stian ed ucatio n director in a church that emphasizes youth or an assistant or associate pastor with responsibi li ties for youth .
chemistry of life processes. Three hours lecture. Prerequisite: 302.
420 SPECIAL TOPICS IN CHEMISTRY (3) Short subjects in such areas as th e chemical literature, va rious instrumental methods , polymers , organometallics and industrial chemistry. Prerequi site: depart mental approval. 422 LABORATORY IN BIOCHEMISTRY (2) An integrated laboratory course to accompany 411. Modern techniques in mo lecular genetics, metaboli c processes, bioenergetics and enzyme mechani sms. Six hours laboratory. One hour discus sion/ qui z. Prerequisite: Bio logy 312 and Chemistry 411. Alternate years. Lab fee : $40. 450 SEMINAR IN CHEMISTRY (1) A se ri es o f seminar topics dealing with current research subjects, vocational oppo rtuniti es, philosophy of science and faith. Every student presents one seminar on some area of research. Prerequisite: departmental approval. 480 SPECIAL PROJECT IN CHEMISTRY ( 1-3) Research or industrial internship. Requ ires a written report. Prerequisite: departmental approval.
FACULTY Professor: Dirks
Associate Professors: Anthony, Stevens Assistant Professors: Bech ti e, Garland, Johnson, Leyda Instructors: Cunningham, Ten Elshoff OBJECTIVES The Christian education major is des igned to prepare its graduates for pro fessional mini stries in church and parachurch agencies and to provide a foundation for grad uate training. Therefore, at the completion of thi s major, the student will have: realized hi s identity in relation to his positi o n in Christ and hi s spiritual gifts and abi liti es related to Christian mini stri es; demonstrated the essential knowledge and ski ll s to study scriptures inductive ly and to communi ca te biblical truths effec tively; es tabli shed a basic philosophy of Christian education which incorporates the biblical concepts of discipleship and leadership; demo n strated his ability to be sensitive to others as persons, und erstanding how people function in both individual and group learnin g expe ri ences; d eveloped and demonstrates hi s abi li ty to function suc cessfull y in teaching roles and/ o r in lead ership roles.
O-lRJSTIAN EDUCATION is offered upon com pletion of the uni versity baccalaureate and majo r requirements. The Christian educa tion major requires the compl etion of a core of 37 units, 24 of which must be upper divi sion and include: 150,251,252,260,261, 371,380,382, 415 , 423 , 461, 462 and one of the following: 372,373,374. Bible 320 must be taken as the Bible elective. In addition to the 37-unit core, each stu dent is encouraged to select a speciali za tion of 8 units to be taken outside of the Chri stian Education and Bibli cal Studies Departments to fulfill their elective require ments. There are eight speciali zati ons from which a student may choose that reflect a broad variety of ministry opti ons in this field. The diversifi ed specialization allows the student to design a program that best suits his/her vocati o nal interests.
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