confrontation and conflict resolution skills are applied to mini stry situati ons.
INTERCULTURAL Vocational opportuniti es with thi s option include service on a fo reign mi s sion fi eld o r service in one of the many subcultures in the pluralisti c soci ety o f the United States. DIVERSIFIED This opti on is fo r those who wish to des ign a special ization unique to their interests such as church-related camping, counseling, communication, business, music, computer science, etc. PRE-SEMINARY IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION If a student pl ans to pursue graduate work in Christian education, there are specializati on courses appropriate to a broader foundati on in spec ifi ed areas.
374). Six additional units are also required which may be selected by the stud ent from any C.E. departmental o fferings. Bible 320 must be taken as the Bible electi ve . CHRISTIAN SERVICE ASSIGNMENT Christi an educa ti on majo rs should choose assignments for Christian service during the freshman and sophomore years that include experi ences of Bible teaching. During the junio r and senior years, the vocati onal practicum requirements substi tute for the Christian service assignment. COURSES 150 FOUNDATIONS OF MINISTRY (3) Fundamentals upon which a Christian educa tion ministry is built. Relationships between worship, edification and witness will be expl ored with special emphasis on the educati on process, staff rol es and vocati onal oppo rtuniti es in Christi an educati on. 192 BIBLE TEACHING RESOURCES (2) Geography o f Bible lands as well as manners and customs of Bible times to enrich Bible teaching. Offered spring semester.
Introduction to human development characteristic. Aspects o f development will include the physical, intell ectual , social, personal, moral, faith and spiritual covering the whole li fes pan as a base for a more holistic Christi an education mini stry. 319 MEDIA IN MINISTRY (2) Skill development in the des ign and use of audi o-visual techno logy fo r use in min istry fo r all age levels and in a wide variety of teaching se ttings. O ffe red fall semes ter. 320 INDUCTIVE BIBLE STUDY (3) Essentials of inducti ve study ap pli ed to biblical narrative and epistolary literature.
This specialization is des igned to pre pare the student fo r the graduate work in marriage and family mini stries. PRE-SEMINARY IN PASTORAL MINISTRY This specializa tion provides a strong fo und ation in Christi an education upon whi ch to build a we ll -rounded pasto ral mini stry. No te: Students w ishing to do graduate work in the field ofChristian education may wish to take advantage of the Master of Arts program offered at Talbot Schoo l of Theology. The undergraduate and gradua te programs have been designed to minimize overlap and to maximize con tinued development and growth ofthe student in the field. There are three spe cializations des igned for students who wish to plan for graduate work at Talbot Schoo l ofTheology. One specialization is des igned for the M .A. in Christian educa tion at Talbot School ofTheology another for the Master of Arts in marriage and fam ily ministries and the third is the Master ofDivinity degree. Detailed in formation regarding these areas of specialization may be secured in the Christian education office or from any Christian education facu lty member.
DISCIPLESHIP (3) An overview of the biblical principl es o f evangelism and discipl eship. The class will seek to develop th e skill s o f personal evangel ism and explore the bibl ical teach ing regarding di scipleship; including per sonal requirements, objectives, essential components and appli cations to the local church and parachurch agencies. Prerequisite: 25 1. 372 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF CHILDREN (3) Discovery and evaluati on o f methods and materials appro priate for achieving learning objectives which meet the physi cal , mental, social, emo tional and spi ritual needs o f children (birth through grade six.) Students may choose 373 o r 374. Prerequisites: 150, 261. 373 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF YOUTH (3) Examination of the adolescent in our culture with emphas is upon des igning a mini stry to this age level within the con text o f the local church and parachurch agencies. Each student will prepare a model mini stry to thi s age level (junior high through coll ege) for use in enlistment and tra ining o f wo rkers and parents. Students may choose 372 or 374. Prerequisites: 150, 261.
LEADERSHIP (3) Basics of leadership for a Christian education mini stry. Emphas is upon devel opment o f personal leadership qualiti es including Bibl e study, worship, praye r and interpersonal development which relate to spiritual gifts and the church as an o rgamsm.
Majo r emphasis upon learning th eori es and their applicati on to teaching the Bibl e within the context of the local church and parachurch agencies . Al so considered will be lesson planning. 260 FOUNDATIONS OF INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS (3) Essentials o f th eory and experience necessary to initi ate, develop and maintain effective interpersonal communi cation skills, development and maintenance o f trust, fellowship, cohes iveness, effective communication styles, constructi ve
MINOR A mino r in Chri sti an education
requires the completion o f 18 units includ ing the foll owing courses: 150, 251, 261 and one o f the age level courses (372,373,
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