

whi ch can be covered in depth. (3 ) The acad emic ri go r o f th e proposal sho uld be at leas t equal to th at expected o f o th er communi cati o n concentrati o ns. (4 ) If, in th e judgment of the committee, rhese goa ls can be met better th rough ano ther majo r o r concentratio n th e proposa l will be rejected. O btaining a d egree with thi s concentra­ tio n requires a minimum of 36 units, 21 o f whi ch must be from th e Departmen t o f Communicat ion. Two specifi c courses, 458 and 478 are required. A minimum o f 27 units must be upper di visio n. The interdi sciplinary pro posal must be submit­ ted and approved no later than the first semester of the juni o r year. No excep- ti o ns will be made. · SPEECH/DRAMA The courses in dram a are intend ed to ( 1) provid e o ppo rtuniti es fo r a ll stud ents to pa rti cipa te in d rama in o rder to deve lop communi ca ti o n skill s and ga in confidence and stage p resence and (2) equi p stud ents des iring to use drama in Christian min­ istry, elementary o r seconda ry ed uca ti o n, miss io ns, or other careers. T hose consid­ ering a career in drama sho uld p lan on additional experi ence . O btaining a degree w ith thi s conce ntra­ tion requi res 36 uni ts, 24 of whi ch must be upper di visio n. M ust include: 26], 280, 362,364 o r 467,458,468, and 478 . T he remaining uni ts shoul d be selec ted with facul ty advisement from th e fo ll owing: 160,220,270,282,352,353,356,35~ 358,359,360,361,382,385,452,459, 46 l, and Engli sh 460 (Drama. ) Los ANGELES FILM STUDIES PROGRAM In additi o n to o ur film p roducti o n courses o ffered o n campus, Bio la is able to o ffer a full semes ter o f intensive study of film and th e film industry th ro ugh the Los Ange les Film Studi es Program o f th e Chri stian Coll ege Coaliti o n. Stud ents li ve and study in the H o ll ywood area fo r either the fa ll or spring semes ter. Cou rses in cl ude, "Inside H o ll ywood, the Wo rk and th e Wo rking o f the Film Indu stry" (fo ur semes ter units), "Keeping Conscience: Ethi cal Chall enge in th e Ente rtainment Ind ustry" (four un its ), and "Film in Culture: Explo ring a Chri stian Perspecti ve o n th e N ature and Influence of Film" (four units). Each stud ent is also registered fo r an academi c inte rnship

within the film industry (four units). Effo rts are made to interrelate a ll aspects o f th e program, includ ing oppo rtuni ty to visit stu d ios and p roductio n locati o ns, par­ t ic ipate in criti cal film reviews, and inter­ ac t with guest speakers and spokespe r­ sons. T he aim o f the curri culum is to p rovide an o pportuni ty for studen ts to buil d upon previous und ergraduate expe­ riences and inves ti ga te future academi c and/ o r p rofessio nal o pportun ities. T he curri culum p resents a balan ce of theo ry and p rac ti ce thro ugho ut th e semester long p rogram. T he cost of the program is simil ar to that of a semeste r o n campus at Bio la. Six academi c units can be coun ted as credit fo r com 440 (I nternship), and com 459 (Prac ti cal and Ethi cal Issues in Communi ca ti o n Careers), both required co urses fo r the radi o-television-film con­ cen trat ion. The add itio nal 10 uni ts will be counted as commun ica ti on electi ves. T he program is open to qualifi ed juni o rs and seni o rs. Fo r furth er info rma­ tion, consult Dr. Tom Nash, of th e Communi ca ti on Department. MINOR A COMMUNICATION MINOR is o ffered with compl e ti o n o f a minimum o f 18 uni ts, 12 of wh ich must be upper d ivis io n. M ust include 457 and 458. Contact the Commu nica ti o n Department rega rd ing specific cou rses. COURSES Note: In all concentrations the total number ofunits for major area credit from practicum, internship and directed research courses may not exceed nine units. 1 00 INTRODUCTION TO PUBLIC COMMUNICATION (3) Develo pment o f communi catio n skill s in publi c speaking. Th e course will in clude attenti o n to aud ience analys is, speech, resea rch, o rgan iza t io n, and crit ical thi nking.

in sights in to dynami cs whi ch enh ance and hin de r interperso nal rel a ti o nships. Cann o t be counted toward th e majo r. 160 INTRODUCTION TO DRAMA (3) Appreciati o n o f dram a thro ugh an und erstanding o f its hi sto rical deve lo p­ ment, fo rms and styles, and pro ducti o n techniques . Lab Fee : $45 .


T hi s course focuses on th e indi vidual's communicati on in a group se tt ing: leader­ shi p in groups; group commu nica ti o n no rms and processes with emphas is on probl em solving and confli ct management techniques. 1 81 INTRODUCTION TO ARGUMENTATION AND DEBATE (3) Effec ti ve o ral communi ca ti o n: inven­ t io n, analys is, evid ence, metho ds of attack and defense and arrangement o f ideas . 202 INTRODUCTION TO MASS MEDIA (3) A survey o f mass medi a, including hi s­ to ry, regulatio n, current sco pe, suppo rt sys tems, effects an d ethi cs of newspapers, magazines, radi o, te levision, movies, records and books. 220 VOICE AND ARTICULATION (3) Vo ice improvement through stu dy of anatomical and phys io logical bases of the no rma l vo ice. Training in articul ation, p ronun ciatio n and re lated oral ski ll s. 223 BEGINNING SIGN LANGUAGE (2) In troducti o n and practice in th e funda­ mental skill s of signs and finge rspelling fo r communi cat ion w ith the dea f. Provides a bas ic und erstanding of the psycho logical and social impli catio n of deafness. Does no t mee t the fo reign language requiremen t.



Provides students with th e oppo rtuni ty to learn, exercise and refine skill s whi ch w ill faci litate personal growth and in crease their ab ili ty to solve p robl ems as member o f th e Res id ence Li fe Scaff. Stud ent sho uld be enabl ed to reach hi gh­ er leve ls of se lf-unde rstanding and deeper

Des igned fo r chose who possess th e bas ic skill s of manual commun ica ti o n. Furth er instruction in the deve lopment of sign vocabul ary, fingerspe lling, flu ency, recep t ive and ex press ive skill s. Pre requi site : 223 o r permi ss io n. Does no t meet the fo reign language requirement.

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