

336 BROADCAST JOURNALISM (3) A laboratory course in radio and tele­ vision journali sm, including all aspects of writing and deli very o f broadcas t news programs and documentari es . Wo rk on the KBBK news staff is required . Lab fee: $15. 347 PHOTOJOURNALISM (3) Further study in bl ack and white tech­ niques and introduction co color, with spe­ cial emphas is on the structure, law and ethi cs o f photojournali sm. Lab intensive and po rtfo li o o ri ented . Fee: $30. 350 STUDIES IN BROADCASTING (3) Aspects o f theo ry and practice of broadcas ting. May be repea ted with d if­ fe rent course content. 351 BROADCAST ANNOUNCING AND PERFORMANCE (3) Theory and practice of professional announ cing, newscasting, sports announc­ ing, interviewing and ocher performan ce fo r radio and tel evision. Fee: $10 . 352 INTRODUCTION TO TELEVISION AND FILM PRODUCTION (3) Introduces student to script ing fo rm, film and television cameras, lighting, editing, compos ition, much mo re. Lab fee : $40. 353 TELEVISION PRODUCTION (3) Students wi ll write and serve on p ro­ duction teams co produce a vari ety of fo r­ mats o f television programs. Prerequi site: 352. Lab fee: $50. 355 BROADCAST PROGRAMMING AND PROMOTION (3) Includes audi ence analys is and consid­ eration o f various programming theori es and techniques . Al so promotion tech­ niques fo r audience acqui sition and reten­ tion. Fee: $25. 356 DRAMATIC SCRIPT WRITING (3) Writing of dramatic scrip ts for tel evi­ sion, film o r stage . 357 HISTORY OF CINEMA (3) Survey of th e development of the mo tion picture (1890 to the present .) Films screened in th e course will be

th e rol e o f the speech pathologist in medi­ cal and educati onal se ttings.

230 INTRODUCTION TO WRITING APPLICATION (3) This course presents basic principles o f writing and how these principles are used in various applications especiall y in writ­ ing fo r the mass media. 245 PHOTOGRAPHY (3) Experi ence in fundamentals of black and white photography covering both cre­ ative and techni cal aspects. Fee: $30. (See al so Art 221.) 251 SOUND WORKSHOP (3) An introduction to the sound medium as applied to rad io, television and film . Lab fee: $25 . 261 BEGINNING ACTING (3) Lectures, demonstra ti ons and laborato­ ry experi ence in acting. Content includes concentrati ons, observation, contro l and effective use o f the body, pantomime, improvisati on, stage techniques, the actor 's resources and methods o f charac­ ter deve lopment. 270INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION (3) Thi s course focuses on developing communi cation skills in the dyadi c se tting including emphas is on essenti al precondi­ tions, confli ct management, interpersonal re lati onshi ps, non-verbal behavior and cre­ ative supporti ve climates. 280 ORAL INTERPRETATION (3) Learning to read types of literatu re aloud in a manner that enhances and enri ches the audi ence 's understanding and appreciation of that literature. 282,382 INTERCOLLEGIATE FORENSICS (2-2) Practical speech experience in debate, readers theatre and indivi dual speaking events. Each section may be repeated once fo r a to tal of eight units. 312 PHONETICS (3) The science o f the arti cul ate sounds o f human speech; cl ass ification, reproduc­ tion and proper recording o f speech sounds; principles of phoneti c change. (See also Intercultural Studi es 413 .) 321 INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION DISORDERS (3) Survey of the various types and class ifi­ cations of speech/ language d isorders and

324 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF SPEECH (3) Anatomy and physiology o f the speech and hearing mechanisms. The normal processes o f respiration, phonation, arti c­ ulati on, resonance, and hearing are covered. 326 LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT (3) Normal development of speech and language in children in terms of syntax, semanti cs, phonology and pragmatics. Mo to r and cognitive development surveyed. 327 CHILDHOOD LANGUAGE DISORDERS (3) Study of delayed language develop­ ment and childhood language di sord ers. Includes th eori es concerni ng eti ology, classification, evaluation and therapy. Prerequi site: 321, 326 or permission. 328 STUTTERING (3) Review of the theo ries dealing with the etio logy of stuttering and methods of ther­ apy. 330 JOURNALISM PRACTICUM (1) Supervised practi cal experi ence in wri t­ ing and/ or editing The Chimes; o r pro­ ducing The Biolan. Prerequisite: For The Chimes staff-completion of/o r current enro llment in 331 o r th e equivalent. 331 REPORTING (3) Basic training in news gathering and extensive writing of news and feature sto­ ries und er time pressure. Introducti on of copy editing techniques. Study o f the structure and history of the newspaper industry, press ethi cs and press laws. Computer operation abili ty requi red. 332 DESIGN AND LAYOUT FOR PRINT MEDIA (3) Bas ics of editing, des ign, layout, head­ line writing, typography, and use o f pho­ tographs and art work fo r newspapers, magazines, newsletters and o ther print media. Fee: $15. 334 ARTICLE WRITING (3) The writing and marketing of non-fic­ tion articles for newspapers and maga­ zines. Prerequi site: 230 o r permi ss ion.

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