

384 PUBLIC RELATIONS (3) The nature, methods and responsibili­ ties o f public relations in contemporary society. 385 PERSUASIVE COMMUNICATION (3) Techniques of persuas ive speaki ng and communication persuasion theories. Experience in the preparation and delivery of speeches. Prerequisite: 100.

analyzed from perspectives of art, genre theory, technol ogy, and rhetorical intent. Lab fee: $20.

425 AUDIOLOGY (3) Anatomy and physiology of the ear; hearing problems, testing and rehabilita­ tion. Practical experience in pure tone threshold testing. Lab fee: $15. 426 DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC METHODS (5) Methods of evaluation and assessment of speech voice and language problems. Introduction to therapeutic approaches and specific techniques related to speech and language habilitation and rehabilita­ tion. Prerequisites: 321,324 or pennis­ sion. Lab fee: $15. 428 AUDIOMETRY (3) Advanced study of procedures and problems in hearing measurement. Areas covered wi ll include speech audi ometry, masking, recruitment, diagnostic testing and amp li fication. 429 CLINICAL PRACTICUM: BIOLA SPEECH/LANGUAGE CLINIC (1-2) Supervised experience working with the speech handicapped population in the Biola Speech Clinic. Permission of the department must be secured the semester prior to enro lling fo r this course . May be repeated for a total of si.,x units. Prerequisite: 312,321,326,426, and departmental consent.



PRODUCTION (3) The first course of a three-course sequence (358,359,452) in which a dra­ matic film will be produced. This course emphasizes the essential pre-production aspects including script development, budgeting, casting, set construction, and/ o r location surveys, and develops ski ll s in using production equipment. Prerequisite: 352. Lab fee: $50. (Alternate Falls) 359 MOTION PICTURE PRODUCTION (3) Photography, in this course, will be done for the film projects begun in 358. Emphasizes li ghting, camera operation, sound recording, directing, etc. Prerequisites: 352, 358. Lab fee $50. (Alternate lnterterms) 360 WORKSHOP IN DRAMA (3) Specialized offerings in drama produc­ tion in areas such as: scene study, theatre management, mime, stagecraft and make­ up. May be repeated with different course content. 361 REHEARSALJPERFORMANCE (1-3) Enro llment by aud ition on ly. Active participation in Un iversity sponsored dra­ matic productions. May be repeated for maximum of 6 units. 362 ADVANCED ACTING (3) Development of the actor's individual creativi ty and expression: applying tech­ niques to various acting styles and charac­ terizations; ensemb le playing. Prerequisite: 261.


Application, practice and analysis of selected commun ication forms from a rhetorical perspective. Sections offered in religious, political and social issues com­ munications. May be repeated with differ­ ent course content.


The dynamics of organizational com­ munication centering in systems, struc­ tures and patterns; the role of communica­ tion in organizational development.


The gathering of informatio n through asking questions. Literature and research findings on techniques of li stening, non­ verbal communication and pychological dynamics of interview relationships. 421 ORGANIC DISORDERS (3) Communi cation disorders re lative to cleft palate and other cranial-facial anom­ ali es, cerebral palsy, and mental retarda­ tion. Prerequisite: 321, 324, or perm1ss1on. 422 ADULT LANGUAGE DISORDERS (3) Study of communication disorders caused by stroke and other neurological prob lems and injuri es. Classification, eval­ uation techniques and therapy principles included. Prerequisite: 321. 423 VOICE AND PHONOLOGICAL PROBLEMS (3) Functional phonology and organ ic problems of voice and articulation. Areas of etiology, diagnosis, and remediation covered. Prerequisite: 321,324, or permission.


In-depth study of various specialty writ­ ing forms. May be repeated with different course content. Prerequisite: Consent. 440 COMMUNICATION INTERNSHIP (1-3) Limited to qua li fied jun iors or seniors who wish to gain practical experience usu­ ally off campus in a work situation . Department permission required . May be repeated for a maximum of six units. 450 COMMUNICATION PRACTICUM ( 1-3) Directed practical experience in the various fields of communication. Permission of the department must be secured the semester prior to enrolling for course. May be repeated for a maximum of six units .


Use of acting ski ll s in front of television cameras using scenes from actual televi­ sion and film scripts. Includes critiques of acti ng methods. Prerequisite: 261 or per­ mission . Fee: $25. 383 SURVEY OF RHETORICAL THEORIES (3) Major theories of rhetorical and public address from classical to contemporary periods.

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