

480 DIRECTED RESEARCH (1-3) Individual research in an area of com­ muni cati on determin ed in consultation with the instructo r. May be repeated fo r a maximum of three units . Prerequisite: consent.

o f preparati on, perfo rman ce and directing.


Advanced techni ques in miking, mix­ ing, record ing, process ing and rein fo rce­ ment of sound. Bo th techni cal and arti sti c aspects are covered, with a strong labora­ to ry emph as is. Prerequi site: 25 1. Lab fee: $50. 452 MOTION PICTURE POST· PRODUCTION (3) The fin al course in a th ree-course film produ ction sequence (358,359, 452 ). Emphasizes editing, music, sound effects, mixing, laboratory coo rdinati on, and di s­ tributi on. Prerequi sites : 352,358,359. Lab fee: $50. (Alternate Springs) 453 ADVANCED TELEVISION PRODUCTION (3) T he course gives intensive experience in profess ional level television producti on. Prerequi site: 353 . Lab fee : $50. 455 BROADCAST MANAGEMENT AND SALES (4) Students do a pro jec t including market research, specify ing phys ical fac iliti es, pro­ gramming, personnel and budget for a proposed radio o r television station. Suppo rt of the proposed stati on th rough adverti sing sal es is covered . 457 COMMUNICATION THEORY (3) Social scientific theory in interpersonal and mass communi ca ti on with emphasis on p ract ical usefulness of theori es. 458 METHODS OF COMMUNICATION RESEARCH (3) Methodo logy for communi cati on research, including sampling, ques ti on­ naire des ign, introducti on to stati sti cs . Students conduct survey research pro ject. A majo r goal is to become adept at read­ ing and evaluating research repo rts. Lab fee: $10. 459 PRACTICAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES IN COMMUNICATION CAREERS (3) Covers ethi cal and moral probl ems related to empl oyment, current issues in the industry, and career planning. 461 READERS THEATRE (3) Programming and presentati on o f prose, poetry and drama by two or mo re actors using th e skill s of o ral interpreta­ tion as we ll as those o f the acto r. Methods

467 DIRECTING (3) Fundamental s o f play directing and rehearsing. Includes bas ic concepts o f scri pt analys is, bl ocking, cas ting, rehearsal p rocedures, training the acto r and pre­ sentation o f one act produ cti on. Lab fee: $50. 468 DRAMA IN CHRISTIAN MINISTRY (3) H ow to select appro pri ate materi al, stage and direct dramati c presentati ons in a church or o ther Chri stian mini stry se tting. 470 COMMUNICATION SEMINAR (1-3) Various aspects and p robl ems in the fi eld o f communicati on. 472 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION (3) Relati onship between communi ca ti on and culture with emph as is on fac to rs affecting the quali ty and processes o f interpersonal communi ca tion between persons of different cultures o r subcul­ tures. (See also Intercultural Studi es 420.) 474 ADVANCED STUDIES IN COMMUNICATION BEHAVIOR (3) Selected communi ca ti on topi cs vari ed by semes ter. Secti ons o ffered include: famil y communi cation, no n-ve rbal com­ muni cati on, listening, communi catio n, and decision-making. May be repeated with different course content.


Teaching techniques fo r th e secondary school speech course and fo rensics team. Required for Engli sh/ communi cati on sec­ ondary education majo rs. Altern ate years. 478 PRAGMATIC SOCIAL THEORIES OF COMMUNICATION (3) Survey and applica ti on of social th eori es o f communi ca ti on, including general semanti cs, confrontations, com­ municati on to the gri eving, humans as manipul ato rs, and non-verbal forms o f communi cati on.

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