

Computer Science

Elementary concepts in data structures. Computer problem solving methods. Prerequisite: 101. Fee: $25. Spring. 201 SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN (3) Business computing systems. Systems development life cycle. Techniques and tools of sys tem documentation and logical system specifications. Concepts and tech­ niques of structuring data o n bulk storage devices. File processing techniques . COBOL programming. Prerequisite: 102. Fee: $25. Fall. 202 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING (3) , Basic concepts of computer sys tems and computer architecture . Assembly lan­ guage programming. Micros, program segmentatio n and linkages. Prerequisite: 102. Fee: $25. Spring. 206 FOURTH GENERATION LANGUAGES (3) An introduction to fourth generation languages. Procedural and nonprocedural languages . Database, graphi cal, hypertext, and spread sheet systems. Projects ass igned in each area. Prerequisite: 102 or consent. Fee: $25. Spring. 230 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES (3) Organization and structure of program­ ming languages. Run-time behavior and requirements of programs. Introduction to programming language specifi cations and anal ysis. Study of various alternative

Chair: Walter Stangl, Ph.D.

MAJORS COMPUTER SCIENCE (53 UNITS) This emphasis must complete: 101, 102,202,230,300,302,311,325,400, 415, 440 and o ne upper division elective. Math 105, 106, 112, 291 and one upper division elective. INFORMATION SYSTEMS (54 UNITS) T hi s emphas is must compl ete: 101, 102,201,206,300,311,325,402,425 and one upper division elective. Business 202, 211,212,370,415. Math 103, 112 and 210. Note: All concentrations must include 24 utJper division units. The general edu­ cation requirement for a foreign language for those following a computer science major may be met by two years ofhigh school language or the first four units of a college language. The science/mathe­ matics requirement may be met by three units ofscience. MINOR A Computer Science Minor is o ffered with the completion o f 21 units. Students pursuing a minor are required to take a core curriculum of 101, 102 and one of 201 or 202 . The remaining requirements are fulfilled accord ing to interest in con­ su ltat ion with department adviser. At least two courses must be at the 300 or 400 leve l.

FACULTY Professor: Thurber

Associate Professor: Woo Instructors: Seitz, Shearer

OBJECTIVES Computer science studies the represen­ tation, storage and transformation of information utilizing computer systems. The Department of Computer Science at Biola University provides two primary areas of concentrati on in add ition to a basic c.ore curriculum. These two areas are computer science and information sys­ tems. The department also offers a selec­ tion of courses for those majoring in other fie lds who wish a minor emphasis in the area of computer science. Resources avail­ ab le to the department include two Digital Equipment Corporation VAX 3100 work­ stations, three H ewlett Packard 9000 workstatio ns, and a Digital Equipment Corpo ratio n Decstation 2100 all net­ worked together. We also have IBM, PC, PC-AT and Macintosh mi crocomputers. Operating sys tems include VMS, UNIX and DOS. The department end eavors to provide each student with an understanding of the organ izatio n and operation of modern computer systems. Fundamental va lues and knowledge are emphasized so that students will be ab le to stay ab reast of their field. At th e same time stud ents are exposed to practical ap li cations and cu r­ rent computer systems so that they will have signi ficant opportuniti es in the mar­ ket place upo n graduation. The pervasive use of computers today all ows the student to pursue a career in many different areas including aerospace, insurance, teaching, the computer industry, and banking, to name a few. Also, the student is prepared to pursue further stud ies in gradua te school typicall y in computer science or business. There is a concerted attempt by the department to integrate fa ith and learn ing in th e study of computer science and its impact upon o ur society. DEGREE PROGRAM A BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE is offered upo n com­ pletion of the uni vers ity bacca laureate and the computer science major in one of the emphases.


languages to include Ada and C. Prerequisite: 102. Fee: $25. Fall.

Elementary concepts of computers and data processing. Simple problem so lving techniques using the computer. Application to statistics, life science, busi­ ness and social science. BASIC program­ ming. Cannot be counted toward the major. Fee: $25. Fall, Spring. 101 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE (3) Introduction to computer hardware and software. Problem solving methods. Elementary concep ts of algorithm devel­ opment. PASCAL programming. Fee: $25. Fall. 102 APPLICATION PROGRAMMING AND DATA STRUCTURES (3) App li cation Programm\ng using a graphical user interface (e.g. Macintosh).

300 DATA STRUCTURES (3) Linear lists, strings, arrays and orthogo­ nal li sts; graphs, trees, binary trees, multi­ linked structures, searching and sorti ng techniques, dynamic storage allocation; applications. Prerequisite: 201 or 202. Fee: $25. 302 COMPUTER ORGANIZATION (3) Organization and structuring of the major hardwa re components of comput­ ers. Mechanics of information transfer and control within a digital computer sys­ tem. Fundamental s of logic design. Communi cations sys tems. Prerequisite: 201 or 202. Fee: $25.

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