


311 OPERATING SYSTEMS (3) Computer operating systems; topics include time sharing, process communica­ tion, memory management, storage all o­ cation, interrelationships between the operating system and the architecture of computer systems. Prerequisites: 202 or 206. Fee: $25. 325 MANAGEMENT SCIENCE (3) Application of quantitative techniques in business organizations, linear program­ ming, queuing, and inventory models, net­ work analys is and dynamic programming and production scheduling and control. Cross li sted with Math 333. Prerequisites: 101 and Math 103 or Business 223 or Math 105. Fee: $25 . Fall, Spring. 400 THEORY OF ALGORITHMS (3) Various types of algorithms, analytic techniques for the determination of algo­ rithmic efficiency, NP-complete problems, comp lexity hi erarch ies, intractabl e prob­ lems. Prerequisite: 300. Fee: $25. 402 DATABASE MANAGEMENT (3) Integrated database systems, logical organization, data description language (DDL), data manipulation language (DML), of hierarchical networks and re la­ tional databases, overview of selected database management systems (DBMS). Prerequisite: 201 or 202. Fee: $25. 415 COMPILER THEORY (3) The theory of languages and their implementation. Topics include gram­ mars and language generation; lexical, syn­ tactical, and semantic analysis; code gener­ ation and optimization. Prerequisite: 300. Fee: $25.

Chair: Claire Sibold, Ph.D.

SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING Design and implementation of lan­ guage translators and system utiliti es. THEORY OF COMPUTATION Concepts from theoretical computer science, finite state concepts, decidability, computabi li ty, and Turing machines. COMPUTER GRAPHICS Computer interactive graphics, soft­ ware structures, screen display, graphical techniques. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Concepts and techniques of artificial intelligence, representation, search strate­ gies, control, communication and percep­ tion, and applications. COMMUNICATIONS Concepts of computer communication, local area networks, seven layers of com­ munication protocals, global networks. 480 RESEARCH SEMINAR (1-3) Special studies in computer science. Prerequisite: senior standing or consent.

FACULTY Professor:Jones Associate Professor: Sibold

OBJECTIVES The major function of the Department of Education is to provide professional preparation for reaching. Upon comple­ tion of the reaching credential program, the student should have satisfactory sub­ ject matter knowledge, understand pupil behavior, be competent in the ski ll s of reach ing, be ab le to develop and encour­ age critical judgment and creativity, and have developed strong social and personal traits, ethical standards, and a Christian phi losophy of educa tion. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelor of Arts degree in Liberal Studies is offered upon completion of the univers ity baccalaureate and major requirements. The liberal arts major is designed to prepare elementary school teachers with a broad foundation in sub­ ject matter. Course requirements consist of the following areas: 1. English, including grammar, litera­ ture, composition, and speech. 2. Mathematics and the physical and li fe sciences. Math 111, Computer Science 100, and one science lab are required. 3. Social sciences, other than educa­ tion and education methodology. Psychology 200 and lntercultural Studies 331 are required. 4. Humanities and fine arts, including foreign language. At least 24 upper division units must be taken. All appropriate general education courses are included in the major. Elementary school activities (Physical Education 201) is required as part of the student's physical educati on requ irement. Note: Biola 's teacher education pro­ gram is designed to provide professional teacher preparation for the California Preliminary Credential and/or Profes­ sional Clear Credential. In order to meet the new state standards, the faculty reviewed the Liberal Studies Waiver Pro­ gram and submitted the program to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing for approval. Students planning to enter this major are required to work closely with the Education Department.


Integration of knowledge and ab iliti es gained through other courses in the cur­ riculum within a comprehensive system for deve lopment project. Prerequisite: 402 or consent. Fee: $25.


One section offered each year. Course may be repeated for credit with different content (section title). Prerequisite: 300. Fee: $25.

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