



the Educa ti on Department and the specif­ ic department using teaching ass istants.

Chair:Willi am Shanebeck, M .A..

FACULTY Professo r: Do land Associate Professo rs: Cornell , Gilman, Sargent, W. Shanebeck, Smith Assistant Professor: H olt, Rambo, Taskesen OBJECTIVES T he Department of Engli sh has fi ve objecti ves: the und erstanding of language as a means of communi cation, th e abili ty to speak and write with cl ari ty; an und er­ standing o f literature as a reco rd o f th e development o f human thought and the re fl ection o f human hi sto ry; the apprecia­ ti on and en joyment o f litera ture; and an acquain tance with the li tera ry heritage o f the English-speaki ng wo rl d. Histo ry 305 is recommend ed fo r all Engli sh majors.

450,452 STUDENT TEACHING, SECONDARY SCHOOLS (6,6) Full time laborato ry experi ence in school cl assrooms unde r the direction of qualifi ed supervising mas ter teachers and uni ve rsity supervisors. Weekly semin ar required. Prerequi site: appli cation an d consent. Students do ing student teaching are limited to a maximum o f 15 units that semester.

410 MAINSTREAMING (3) Focuses on competencies that teachers must develop to mee t needs of excep tio n­ al pupil s; special attention to needs of mino ri ty students, to cultu ral and ethni c d iffe rences, and to development o f moral/spi ritual values. Prerequisite: 330 and consent . 420 TEACHING READING IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS (3) Methods and materials fo r teaching read ing to students in elementary schools; attenti on to a vari ety o f app roaches and techniques; consideration of the needs o f pupi ls with varied cultu ral and language backgrounds. A minimum o f 30 hours o f observation/ parti cipa tion in schools is required. Prerequi site: 330 and consent. 425 TEACHING READING IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS (3) Me thods and materi als for teaching reading th rough content areas in sec­ ond ary schools; attentio n to reading tech­ niques, testing, and individualizati on. A minimum of 30 hours of observation/ par­


Kn owl edge and skill s in computer use in education se ttings; includes compu ter applications in curri culum, managing instructi on, record keeping, generating instructi onal material s, and use within appropri ate grade levels and subj ect areas to develop process skill s. Pre requi site: consent. 480 DIRECTED STUDY (1-3) Consideration o f topi cs in school cur­ riculum according to needs o f ind ividual stud ents. Prerequi site: consent.


ENGLI SH is o ffered upon completion of the uni ve rsity baccalaurea te and English majo r in one of the emph ases whi ch con­ sists of: 30 units, 24 o f whi ch must be upper di vision.

ti cipation in schools is required . Prerequi site : 330 and consent.


English 251 and 252 are required fo r the major and are prerequi site to upper division courses in the major. The stud ent must also compl ete three units of 400 Shakespeare, three units of 450 Studies in Literary Criti cism, three units o f 470 Seminar and select at leas t three units from each of 350, 360, and 370. Remaining units may be compl eted in any of th e up per di vision Engli sh course o ffer­ ings. T he following emph ases/ special programs are also offered : WRITING EMPHASIS The Engli sh Department offe rs a Writing Emph as is. T hi s program enables stud ents to suppl ement th eir study of liter­ ature with theoreti cal and voca ti onal train­ mg 111 writing. As part o f the regul ar general education requi rement, students must compl ete Engli sh 1lOA and 110B, English 251, and e ither Communi cati on 100, 170, 181,220, 280 . The majo r consists o f 36 units, 30 of whi ch must be upper di vision. Students must take three units in each o f the fo ll ow­ ing courses: Engli sh 252, 340, 350

430 ELEMENTARY CURRICULUM (4) Introduction to the scope and sequence of the elementary schoo l cur­ ri culum in mathemati cs, science, social studi es, and language arts; emphas is on variety o f teaching approaches, in tegra­ ti on across content areas, class room man­ agement, and resources avail able. A mini­ mum o f 60 hours of observation/ parti cipati on in publi c and Christi an schools is requi red. Pre requi site: 330 and consent. Fee: $20. 435 SECONDARY CURRICULUM (4) Secondary school curri culum, class­ room management, teaching methods, use of medi a and o ther educati onal skill s in content areas. A minimum o f 60 hours o f observation/ participa ti on in publi c and Chri sti an schoo ls is required . Prerequi site: 330 and consent. Fee: $20.

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