

(Lingu istics), 360,370, 400, 450,470 and Com111unicati on 230. Three additional units must be completed in any one of the fo ll owing courses: English 350 (Teaching Engli sh as a Second Language), 360,370, 420,430,440 or 460. Six units mu st be compl eted in any of the fo ll owing courses: Engli sh 342, Com111uni ca tion 330,331, 334,388, 430,or457 ENGLISH/COMMUNICATION TEACHING CREDENTIAL The English Department in coopera­ tio n with the Communication Department provides a program lead ing to a Single Subject California Teaching Credenti al in Engli sh/Communi ca ti o ns. T hi s program provides consid erabl e fl ex i­ bility for those planning to teach English in high school. Students who compl ete th is progra111 are able to waive the ationa l Teacher's Exa111 (NTE), which

107 ENGLISH FOR THE NON­ NATIVE SPEAKER: ESSAY AND ACADEMIC WRITING (3) Studies in essay o rganization and devel­ opment and critical read ing. This course wi ll be required of all stud ents whose native language is o ther than Engli sh and whose Engli sh Placement Test de111on­ stra tes need o f these skill s. Must be taken during the semester o ne is placed in the course. Prerequisite: English 103 or department placement. A "pass ing" score on the Engli sh Department essay must be achi eved before taking Engli sh 110A. Engli sh 110A must be taken in the semester immed iately fo ll owi ng successfu l co111pl etio n o f 107. Only six units of Engli sh fo r the Non-Native Speaker 111 ay be app li ed toward grad uati on. Fee: $25 . 109 ENGLISH FOR THE NON­ NATIVE SPEAKER: WRITING WORKSHOP (3) Indi viduali zed instructi on in essay orga­ nization and coherence, with special atten­ tion to persistent errors. Cred it fo r English 109 is contingent o n pass ing the Engli sh depart111ent essay test, whi ch is admini stered at the end of each semester. Prerequi si te: 107 or depan111ent place- 111 en t. On ly six units of Engli sh for the Non-Native Speaker may be app li ed towa rd graduation. Fee: $25. 110 STUDIES IN CRITICISM AND COMPOSITION (3,3) Sections A and B. Readi ng, discussion o f ideas and methods of writing, stress ing cr iti cal thinking, persuasion and evalu a­ t ion; expe ri ence in writing essays and the research paper. Both sections required. Section A prerequisite to sectio n B. 210 WRITING FOR COMPETENCY (3) Intensive practice in writing at th e col­ lege leve l. Designed for the students who have not satisfactoril y fu lfi ll ed their department's WCR (Writ ing Co111petency Requirement) as described in the General Stud ies section. A grade of C + or better will fulfill rh e co111 perency requirement. Prerequisite: Two unsuccessful atte111pts to complete GNRC 300 and instructor's signature. Fee: $25.

be upper division. The student selects units from three o r more of th e courses li sted above und er the depart111ent major. COURSES Note: Unless otherwise stated, a course may be repeated with different content (section title). 90 BASIC ENGLISH WORKSHOP (3) Workshop in Engli sh fu nda111entals e111phasizing grammar, punctuation , spelling and paragraph writing. Students sco ring less than 400 o n the ve rbal section o f the SAT must take and pass Basic Engli sh Workshop within the first year of res idence (before Engli sh 110). If a stu­ dent wishes to chall enge hi s SAT score he 111ay take th English Placement Tes t at the specific times when it is administered by the English Department at the beginning of each semeste r. If he fa il s thi s test, he 111ust take Basic Engli sh Worksho p; three semes ter ho urs with no unit credit toward grad uati on. 103 ENGLISH FOR THE NON­ NATIVE SPEAKER: PARAGRAPH DEVELOPMENT AND GRAMMAR REVIEW (4) Intensive grammar review, no te-taki ng skills and paragraph development. Emphasis on pre-writing, outlining, uni ty, sum111ari zing, and mechanics of composi­ tion. This course will be required fo r all stud ents whose native language is other than English and whose Engli sh Placement Test demonstrates need of these skill s. Must be taken during the first semester of residence, unl ess placed into ano ther class. On ly six units of Engli sh for the o n- ative Speaker may be app li ed toward grad uati o n. Fee: $25. 105 ENGLISH FOR THE NON­ NATIVE SPEAKER: ORAL SKILLS (3) Emphasis on li stening ski ll s, pronuncia­ tion, intonation, and conversa ti o nal stra te­ gies. Weekly interviews and fi eld work wi ll be required of all stud ents whose native language is other than Engli sh and whose Engli sh Placement Tes t de111on­ strates need of these skill s. Must be taken during th e first semes ter of residence. Prerequis ite: department placement. Only six units of Engli sh for the Non­ Na tive Speaker may be applied toward graduati o n.

otherwise would be required for a Cali fornia Teaching C red enti al.

In addition to the general educati o n requirement of 12 units in English 110 A/ B, English 250: A111erican Literature and Communicati o n 100, an Engli sh co re of 22 units (Engli sh 251, 252, Engli sh 320, 350, o ne unit o f English 470, and nine units to be selected from English 360 370 400,420,430,440,450, and 460) is ' ' required . Communicati on 476: Communicati o n Education Se111inar for 2 units is required. For a total o f 33 units in the majo r, an additional nine units are to be selected from o ne o f fo ur opti o nal areas in Communi ca ti o n: (1) journ al­ ism/ writing, (2) dra111a, (3) speech com/fo rens ics, (4) speech com/voca­ tional. The student must consult with the departments o f Engli sh, Communi cati o n and Education for the specifi c courses all owed in the four areas listed above. HUMANITIES MAJOR/ENGLISH CONCENTRATION The Department o f English o ffers an Engli sh concentrati o n for th e Humaniti es major (see Humanities sectio n for specifi cs). It is bas ically a 111inor in Engli sh, but mo re fl exibility is possib le through department advisement. MINOR In addition to the H UMAN ITIES MAJOR/ ENGLISH CONCENTRATION men ti o ned above, an E, GLISHMINOR is offered with comple tion o f 18 units, 12 of wh ich must

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