

Foreign Languages

201 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH (4) Intermediate grammar and conversa­ ti on, with emphasis on reading for mean­ ing and speed. Class conducted in French. Five hours each week. 202 CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH (3) Prerequi site: French 201. Typical aspects of French daily li fe with special emphas is on idioms, useful phrases and conversational patterns. Topics deal with true to life situations and practical aspects of the language. T hree hours each week. GERMAN Students desiring to enroll in German should do so during their freshman and sophomore years. Elementary German 101 will be offered during the interterm in phase with Biola Abroad program. Please see Biola Abroad for further derails. Students with high school Ge rman should consult with department for placement. 101, 102 ELEMENTARY GERMAN (4,4) An intensive course developing the ski ll s necessary for hearing and reading comprehension and simple written German. Five hours each week. 105, 106 CONVERSATIONAL GERMAN (2,2) No prerequisite. A course sequence designed for students needing to satisfy four hours units language or desiring to learn German for European travel. Two hours a week plus one lab session. 201 INTERMEDIATE GERMAN (4) A grammar review with readings in German literature. Collateral readings in the fie ld of each student's special interest. Five hours each week. 320 STUDIES IN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (3) Both standard and speciali zed offe r­ ings; one or more sections offered each year in areas such as: Conversation, Survey of Literature, Folklore. May be repeated with different content (section title). 330 GERMAN CIVILIZATION AND CULTURE (3) Typical aspects of German civilization and the significant historical events and major contributi ons of the German peo­ ple. Readings in records of hi storical,

literatu re and cultural importance. Conducted in Engli sh.

Chair: David Dickson, Ph.D.

FACULTY Professor: R. Buss Associate Professors: Dickson, Dunbar OBJECTIVES The department 's program has two lev­ els of objectives: academic and practical. At a practical level, the objective of the department is that each studen t will acquire a degree of profici ency in a for­ eign language. For all languages this entails an ab ili ty to read and write the lan­ guage and a knowledge of the culture and literary traditions that accompany it. For the modern languages this also includes an ability to speak and understand the spo­ ken language. At an academic level, as a part of the liberal arts portion of the gen­ eral education curriculum, it also is intend­ ed that the student acquire: an apprecia­ tion for the ro le of language as an expression of culture, ski lls for using a for­ eign language as a research tool, and a set of attitudes and learn ing ski ll s for contin­ ued language learning after completion of the program. Note: To fulfill the foreign language requirement for the Bachelor ofArts degree, it is necessary to complete three semesters ofa modern language or four semesters ofclassical language, for a total of 12 units. See Biblical Studies section for other languages. COMPETENCY REQUIREMENT In following the sequence of courses in foreign languages the student must have a minimum grade of "C" (not "C-" ) to enroll is subsequent courses.

SPANISH Students desiring to enroll in Spanish are strongly advised to do so during their freshman and sophomore years. Students with high school Spani sh should consult with the department for placement. Student whose native language is Spanish may no t take lower-divisi on cours­ es for cred it but must take a placement test to continue Spanish. Note: Advancement from one course in the lower division sequence to the next will require demonstration ofproficiency. 101 , 102 ELEMENTARY SPANISH (4, 4) The fundamentals of pronunciation, grammar, conversation and reading. Taught with emphasis on communi cation, comprehension, reading and writing. Five hours each week. Either semes ter. 201 INTERMEDIATE SPANISH (4) Advanced grammar, composition, increased faci li ty in reading and conversa­ tion. Five hours each week. Either semester. 310,311 ADVANCED SPANISH (3, 3) Advanced work in reading, writing and conversation. Prerequisite: 201 or equiva­ lent . 401, 402 SURVEY OF SPANISH AMERICAN LITERATURE (3,3) A survey of literature of Hispanic America to modern times; reading and dis­ cussion of outstanding literary works and movements. Conducted in Spanish. Prerequisites: 310,311 or equivalent and consent of instructor. Alternate years. 403,404 SURVEY OF SPANISH LITERATURE (3,3) A survey o f the literature of Spain from earli est times to present; reading and dis­ cussion of the outstanding literary works and movements. Conducted in Spanish. Prerequisites: 310, 311 or equivalent. Alternate years. 480 DIRECTED RESEARCH (1-3) Individual research and writi ng for advanced studen ts by special arrange­ ment. Prerequisites: sen ior stand ing and


Students desiring to enroll in French should do so during their freshman and sophomore years. It is impossible to com­ plete requ irement for general education (B.A. degree) if student starts in hi s senior year. Students with high school French should consult with department for placement. 101, 102 ELEMENTARY FRENCH (4,4) Basic principles of pronunciation and grammar, vocabulary drill , graded read ing. From the beginning, classroom conversa­ tions in French. Five hours each week.

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