


consent (student must have taken 401, 402,403, and 404 or equivalents). May be repeated with different content. SPECIAL OFFERINGS 101, 102 FOREIGN LANGUAGE (1-4, 1-4) The fundamentals of pronunciation, grammar, conversa tion, and reading in a designated foreign language. Course may include such languages as Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Korean. May be repeated with different content. Not offered on a regu lar basis. 201 FOREIGN LANGUAGE (1-4) Intermediate grammar and compos i­ tion with emphasis on communication and reading. Course may include such languages as Chinese,Japanese, Russian and Korean. May be repeated with differ­ ent content . Not offered on a regular basis.

of work (see 490,491). A History Department Honors Award (monetary prize) will be given annuall y for the out­ standing thesis. CALIFORNIA SECONDARY TEACHING CREDENTIAL PROGRAM The History Department in coopera­ tion with the Education Department pro­ vides a secondary teaching program in History. The general education require­ ment for United States history is History 200 and Psychology 200 for the Behavioral Science requiremen_t. Political Science 200 is required as a supportive course. Required courses are History 327, 403 and 480. Options exist for the fo llowing areas: 3 units from each of these: History 307, 308,401,402; History 304,312,400; History 331,332,440; also 6 units from each of these areas: History 313,321,323, 324,422,430; History 305,306,318,420, 424. Ed ucation courses required are: 300,330,425, 435, 450, 452. Student Teaching is generally done the semester fo ll owi ng graduation. HUMANITIES MAJOR/HISTORY CONCENTRATION T he Department of History offers a History concentration for the Humanities major (see Humanities section for specifics). It is bas ically a minor in History, but more Aexibility is possible through department advisement. MINOR A H ISTORY MINOR is offered with the completion of 18 units beyond the general education requirements, 12 of which must be upper division. The student is advised to take at least 12 units in one area of concentration. COURSES 100 WEST AND THE WORLD (4) Highlights in the deve lopment of Western civilization from its fo undations in the ancient Middle East to the present. Examination of the cultu ral contributions made in the arts, sciences, government and religion and their inAuence on the his­ tory of the Western World. Three hours lecture, one hour discussion. Alternate route for meeting History 100 require­ ment is Humanities 230. Fee: $5.

Chair: Dietrich Buss, Ph.D.

FACULTY Professors: D. Buss,Jessup, Wi lshire Associate Professor: Lind OBJECTIV_ES The department objectives are to increase the general knowledge in and understanding of history, to encourage analytical th inking in dealing with histori­ cal problems, including the relationship of Christian ity to culture, to enhance profi­ ciency in research and writing, and to stim­ ulate interest in the reading of literature bearing on the discipline. Offerings in geography are designed to develop und er­ stand ing of and appreciation for the physi­ cal and cultu ra l landscapes. Emphas is is on regional studies. Those interested in acquiring a background in physical geogra­ phy are urged to take physical science and geography survey 101.


HISTORY is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and major requirements. The history major requires the completion of 30 units beyond the general education requirement, 24 of whi ch must be upper division including 327, 480 or 490 and 491 Political Science 200 is required as a supporting course. Concentration of 12 units of course work in one of the following areas: ASIAN CiVILIZATlON, CIVILIZATION OF THE Alv!ERICAS OR EUROPEAN CIYlLIZATlON. History majors preparing for graduate school should include a fore ign language in their program with advice of the department. Other programs avail able include : HISTORY HONORS PROGRAM This program is designed for senior his­ tory majors who desire to und ertake a year-l ong independent research project under an individual professor, culminating in an honors thesis. Students who are a few units short of senior stand ing may petiti on the chairman for admi ssion in to rhe Honors Program. Students entering the program must have 15 units of upper division hi story. History majors with a departmental GPA of 3.5 or better are eli­ gible. Candidates for honors will be required to meet all hi story major require­ ments: the program will count as six units

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