

the student's adviser. The 18-unit core includes: 300,322,340, either 310 or 313, 420 and 451. For the interdisciplinary program, 12 upper division units are to be chosen from outside of the major in a dis­ cipline that supports the student's career objectives. All students in the major are required to take Theology 468 to fulfill the Bible topical elective requirement. All students must have 24 upper division credits in their major program design. Students with senior standing may take 500 level courses (see School of Intercultural Studies gradu­ ate offerings) by permission. Note: For the lntercultural Studies majors only, Intercultural Studies 300 is prerequisite to all anthropology course­ work. Other programs include: FIELD INTERNSHIP The stud ent is encouraged to participate in a summer mission or semester intern­ sh ip program during the study program. TEACHER CREDENTIAL PROGRAMS In cooperation with the Education Department, Intercultural Studies pro­ vides waiver programs leading to a Ca li fornia Teaching Credential. The Diversified Studies program combines the lntercultural Studies core with liberal stud­ ies courses leading to a Multiple Subject credential suitab le for teaching in the ele­ mentary school. The Social Studies/ Inter­ cultural Studies waiver program combines the lntercultural Stud ies core with required coursework leading to a Single Subject Credential suitab le for teaching in high school. Those interested in a teaching credential should consult with Intercultural Studies and the Education Department. MINOR An lNTERCULTURAL STUDIES MINOR is offered with the completion of 18 units, 12 of which must be upper division, including 300. The student is expected to take theology 468 for Bible elective. Students must consult with department adviser.


COURSES ANTHROPOLOGY 300 GENERAL CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY (3) The nature of man and his culture; worldview and pe rception; culture change; a study of the subsystems of cultures, including social organization, religion, language and related topics. 322 INTERPERSONAL AND INTERCULTURAL ADJUSTMENT (3) Issues relating to intercultural living with focus on personal and interpersonal adjust­ ments with nationals and other missionaries.

Principles and processes of commu­ nicating from one cu lture to another. Focus on different perceptions, ways of thinking, values, non-verbal expression, language express ion and sub-groups with­ in a culture as they relate to the media and the message . (See Communi cation 472. ) LINGUISTICS AND TRANSLATION 310 GENERAL LINGUISTICS (3) Descriptive and historical study of lan­ guage; linguistic analysis, language classifi­ cations, language and its cultural and social settings. 313 LANGUAGE LEARNING (3) How to learn to speak another lan­ guage using proven techniques and activi­ ties that can help assure success as a lan­ guage learner. Practical experience in language learning in a foreign-speaking commun ity. Fee: $125. 413 PHONETICS (3) The study of the articulati on, classifica­ tion, reproduction and recording of speech sounds; principles of phonetic change. (See Communication 312.) 414 PHONOLOGICAL ANALYSIS (3) A study of the sound system of lan­ guages with emphasis on methods of reducing non-I ndo-European languages to writing. Prerequisite: 413. 417 GRAMMATICAL ANALYSIS (3) Linguistic structure and patterning beyond the phonological level, concentra­ tion on analysis of grammatical and for­ mal oppos itions and their structural relationships. 418 ANALYSIS OF MEANING (3) The study of the semantic component of the grammar of human language. 471 INTRODUCTION TO BIBLE TRANSLATION (3) An introduction to the principles and problems of intercultural communi cation with special emphasis on translating the Bib le into indigenous languages.


A study of non-caucasian ethni c groups in America in the li ght of their historical and socio-cu ltu ral background. Practical field experience in an ethnic community. Fee: $35. 332 PEOPLES OF THE WORLD (3) Specific area studies with emphasis on customs, social structures, religion, arts, his­ tory and intercultural communication. May be repeated with different course content. 400 COMPARATIVE FOLKLORE AND MYTHOLOGY (3) Major traditional and recessive ele­ ments in western civilization and cu lture from the time of an Indo-European unity to the present. Crosscultural influences; re lationship of history, myth and Bible; university of some mythological manifesta­ tions. Major schools of interpretation and tools of research. (See History 450. ) 401 MAGIC, WITCHCRAFT AND SORCERY (3) A treatment of conceptions of the supernatural, the function of religion in society, religion and social control, the nature of religious ritual and parapherna­ li a, sacred places and religious practition­ ers. Prerequisite: approval of teacher. 403 ECONOMY, SOCIETY AND VALUES (3) Explorat ion of theory and methods for the study of economic and social relations as they impact human values, with empha­ sis on anaytic tools for comparative research and crosscultural ministry. Pre requisite: 300.

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