HISTORY AND THEOLOGY OF MISSION 333 INTRODUCTION TO CHURCH PLANTING (3) A systematic study of effective crosscul tural church planting. Specific emphasis is given to the theological underpinnings of church planting, qualifications for church planters, teamwork, demographics, philos ophy of ministry, strategy design, and turn ing over the leadership to the local church. 334 ADVANCED CHURCH PLANTING (3) A survey and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of various church planting strategies. Emphasizing key factors which the church planter can implement in a given crosscultural context with strategy for turn ing over the leadership to the local church. Prerequisites: 333 or consent of professor. 340 CONTEMPORARY INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIANITY (3) A survey of the contemporary world wide Christian movement, focusing on the obstacles and missiological issues that are challenges for missionaries and national church leaders.
456 WORLD RELIGIONS (3) The di stinctive features of the historical ethnic religions, with special emphasis on their comparison and encounter with Christianity and their bearings upon mis sionary strategies. 465 INTEGRATION SEMINAR: GOSPEL AND CULTURE (2, 3) Aseminar integrating Biblical principles into one's life and the discipline of Inter cultural Studies. Critical reading of integra tive papers provide models for student papers. Majors only. Others by permission. SOCIETY, TECHNOLOGY AND MISSION 430 SEMINAR: TOPICS IN INTER· CULTURAL HEALTH CARE (3) May be repeated with different content. CROSS CULTURAL HEALTH CARE DELIVERY Theories and ski lls related to health teaching, physical assessment, preparation and utili zation of indigenous health care. PERSONAL HEALTH MAlNTENANCE ABROAD Preparation for living overseas: healthy lifestyle, prevention of disease, mental and spiritual burnout, initial treatment where there is no doctor. ANTHROPOLOGY OF CROSS CULTURAL HEALTHCARE The anthropological study of problems of illness and health with emphasis on the cultural context of health care programs.
451 SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND CHURCH GROWTH (3) A basic understanding of church growth concepts as related both to the local congregations and to the task of worldwide evangelization. 457 URBAN RESEARCH AND MINISTRIES (3) The use of social science techniques to learn about the people, needs and oppor tunities for evange li sm in the city. 458 PEASANT AND TRIBAL CULTURES (3) Analysis of the cultural institutions and values in tribal, peasant and newly emerging economies, with special consideration as to their openness or resistance to change. 460 URBAN PRACTICUM (3) A program of crosscultural internships in the urban metropolitan area of Los Angeles. By permission of instructor on ly. 461 SEX ROLES IN SOCIETY (3) The dynamics of male and female roles in Western, non-Western and biblical cultures . Focus on responsibilities, obliga tions, expectations, leadership and inter relationships as they relate to the society as a whole. 470 SEMINAR/INTERCULTURAL STUDIES: SELECTED TOPICS AND ISSUES IN MISSIONS (1-3) Women in Islam: The theoretical and practical concerns of Arab women. Women in Missions: The theoretical and practical concerns of women today in the world of missions . Short Term Missions Preparation: Orientation for short term missions program.
Examines the role of religion and belief systems as they affect the appearance and direction of a variety of revitalization movements found in Africa, North America, Brazil, Asia and the Pacific. 446 HISTORY OF THE EXPANSION OF CHRISTIANITY (3) The background, origin, development and spread of the Christian faith from the apostolic period until today. 450 INTRODUCTION TO THE THEOLOGY OF MISSION (3) A study of the centrality of God's redemptive acts in behalf of mankind from both the Old and New Testaments, with emphasis on their application to the mission of the Church in modern times. (See Theology 468 ). 453 CHRISTIANITY AND CULTURE (3) Anthropological approach to Christian theologizing; interrelationships between su pracultural Christianity and human cultures.
Preparation for serving organizations involved in planning and implementing health care systems at the district and vi ll age level. 441 TOPICS IN APPLIED CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY (3) Application of anthropological insights to crosscultural problems. Course may be repeated with different content with department permission . 442 CULTURE CHANGE (3) The study of how cultures change, the dynamics and process of change, the place of change agents and the speed and inten sity of change.
473-474 PRACTICUM SEMINAR (1-3, 1-3)
Focuses on the need to understand the techniques of teaching the multicultural populations which our urban schools serve.
490 PRACTICAL MISSION TRAINING (1-6) Topics in missionary preparation. Will not credit to major.
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