

CONCERT SERIES The Music Department concert series features outstanding guest artists as well as its own wide ly-known faculty. OPPORTUNITIES OFF CAMPUS The stature of Los Angeles as a musi c center provides exceptional opportuniti es for hearing the world's leading artists, as well as outstanding college and church music organizations. SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES The Los Angeles metropolitan area fur­ nishes many opportuniti es for remunera­ tive service in music. There are frequent openings for competent organists, church choir directors, soloists, accompanists and instrumentalists. SCHOLARSHIPS Music awards in varying amounts are available to qualified students. Complete information is available by writing: Chair, Music Scholarship Committee, Biola Univers ity, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, California 90639.

107,108,109,110,207,208, 209,210 APPLIED MUSIC - PRIVATE (1-2) Applied instruction for non-music majors and for music majors, secondary instrument. Instruction in piano, organ, harpsichord, voice, brass instruments, sering instruments, woodwind instru­ ments, percussion instruments, con­ ducting, composition and hymn improvisation. 113 MUSIC THEORY: AURAL, WRITTEN AND KEYBOARD (4) Scales, intervals, triads, notation, key signatures, fundamentals. 114(W) MUSIC THEORY (WRITTEN AND KEYBOARD) (2) Part-writing, non-harmon ic tones, cadences, figured bass, Roman analysis. 114(A) MUSIC THEORY: AURAL (2) Sight-singing, rhythmic studies, ear training, simple improvisation 118 KEYBOARD (1) Keyboard technique literature for the non-keyboard major. Prerequisite: Grade of "B" or better in Music 100 or permission. 119 KEYBOARD ( 1) Keyboard technique/literature for the non-keyboard major. 121, 122;223,224;325,326; 427, 428 PRINCIPAL APPLIED INSTRUCTION ( 1-2) For the music major, B.A. degree objec­ tive, semester 1-8. Piano, organ, harpsi­ chord, voice, brass instruments, string instrument, woodwind instrument, per­ cussion instruments. 131, 132;233,234;335,336; 437, 438 PRINCIPAL APPLIED INSTRUCTION ( 1-2) For the music major, composition

161, 162;263,264;365,366; 467, 468 PRINCIPAL APPLIED INSTRUCTION ( 1-2) For the music major, music education degree objective, semester 1-8. Same areas of instruction as under 121 above. 171, 172;273,274;375,376; 477, 478, 479 PRINCIPAL APPLIED INSTRUCTION (2-3) For the music major, perfomance degree objective, semesters 1-9. Same areas of instruction as under 121 above. 180,280,380 PERFORMANCE SEMINAR (1) Group performance, discussion of per­ forma nce practice and performance evalu­ ation. Possible sections of voice, piano, o rgan and various wind and orchestral instruments. May be repeated for up to 3 units credit in the same area of performance.


Awriting course designed to provide opportunity for developing basic ski ll s in the manipulation of musical materials. 200 CONCERT MUSIC (0) Attendance at specified number and types of concerts each semester. Four semesters required for graduation. Cred it/ no credit, no tuition. 213 W MUSIC THEORY (Written and Keyboard) (2) 7th chords, secondary dominants, altered chord.

COURSES 100 A, B, C -


TECHNIQUE (1, 1, 1) For the non-music major, designed to develop general keyboard facility. Nso for the music major as preparation for entrance to Music 118. (Un its earned by the music major may not apply toward music degree requirements .) 101 INTRODUCTION TO MUSIC (3) Elements of music and media of per­ formance in historical perspective. Provides basic background in music litera­ ture. For the non-mus ic major. Offered each semester.

213 A MUSIC THEORY: AURAL (1) Sight-singing, dictation.

214 W MUSIC THEORY: WRITTEN AND KEYBOARD (2) Chromatic harmony, Neapolitan, augmented sixths, 3rd relation, commer­ cial harmony. 214 A MUSIC THEORY: AURAL(1) Sight-singing, 4-part dictation of chromatic and modulating materials. 251, 252 SONG LITERATURE - DICTION (1, 1) See description under 151, 152 above.

1 02 A, B, C -


(1,1,1) For the student with no previous voice training who desires to study app lied music. (Section C is designated for music majors)

degree objective, semester 1-8. Instruction in composition .

104 A, B, C -


151, 152 SONG LITERATURE - DICTION (1, 1) Principles of pronunciation and enunci­ ation of English, Italian, French, German and Spanish. Texts are studied as these languages relate to song literature from periods of hi story, geographical location, individual composers or ethnic groups.

(1, 1, 1) For the student with no previous train­ ing in guitar. Survey of different styles of playing, together with music theory as relat­ ed to the instrument. First position chords, bar chords, right and left hand technique. Subsequent classes more advanced.

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