


450 MUSIC PRACTICUM (1-3) Fieldwork experi ence in music under the supervision of the music faculty and professionals in the field. Open to junior and senior music majors with the consent of the music faculty. 460 PRINCIPAL APPLIED INSTRUCTION ( 1-3) Beyond degree requirements, any music degree objective. Same areas of instruction as under 121 and 131 above. (For music majors. ) 470 SENIOR RECITAL/FINAL PROJECT (0) Preparation for senior level music edu­ cation major (30-minute recital ). 480 DIRECTED RESEARCH (1-3) Independ ent study in areas such as his­ tory, literature, pedagogy, church music. Each student assigned to a faculty member for guidance and evaluation . Prerequisites: junior or senior standing and consent of instructor. 490 SENIOR RECITAL (2) Preparation for senior level perfor­ mance major (60-minute recital). Credit/ no credit course.

007 JAZZ ENSEMBLE (1) To provide music education majors and other interes ted students experience in jazz techniques and literature. A large volume and wide variety of literature is played, discussed and evaluated as to its prospective use at the various levels of sec­ ondary and collegiate education. At leas t one public performance per semester is scheduled. Membership by audition . 008 SYMPHONIC WINDS (1) Performance of standard wind ensem­ ble literature. For advanced wind and per­ cussion players. Membership by audition . 009 HANDBELL CHOIR ( 1) Performance of a wide spectrum of hand­ bell literature as separate ensemble and in conjunction with other instrumental and vocal ensembles. Membership by audition.

Chair: Rebekah Fleeger, Ph.D.

FACULTY Associate Professors: Caltabiano,Fleeger, Gewe, Guilbert, Westcott (Associate Chair) Assistant Professors: Johnson, Murphy OBJECTIVES Biola University offers a Bachelor of Science degree program in nursing which is accredited by the California Board of Registered Nursing and the National League for Nursing. The program is designed to prepare graduates for a career in professional nursing. The generic stu­ dent may select a four or five year option. The Nursing Department should be con­ sulted for these options. Graduates of licensed vocational, diploma and associate degree nursing programs may be admitted as transfer students and evaluated individ­ ually. Policies are available from the Nursing Department. Clinical nursing experiences are provid­ ed with the cooperation of hospitals and agencies throughout both Los Angeles and Orange Counties. In compliance with State Board regulations, the candidate will be eligible to take the examination required by the Board of Registered Nursing for licensure as a registered nurse. Upon grad­ uation, application can be made for certifi­ cation as a public health nurse. Both accep­ tance to and continuation in the nursing major will be determined by the student's preparation, performance and personal qualities, as assessed by the faculty of the Department of Nursing. PHILOSOPHY The philosophy of the Department of Nursing is in agreement with that of the University. As such, we believe nursing is concerned with the individual's total being. Each individual is a synergistic being, an integrated whole, uniquely creat­ ed in God's image with inherent dignity and worth. The entry of sin into the world has placed a constraint on the individual's wholeness which can only be remedied by the power and love of God through faith in Jesus Christ. God has created each indi­ vidual as a dynamic being endowed with a capacity for growth and development with the right to make decisions which influ­ ence this wholeness. Each individual, created as a social being, requires social interaction to


Performance of standard choral litera­ ture representing a variety of styles and periods. Membership by audition.


Encompasses a wide variety of chamber grouping and chamber music literature. The following ensemble com­ binations are commonly organized under this heading: brass quintet, woodwind quintet, flute ensembl e, string quartet, percussion ensembl e, piano chamber ensembles. Open to keyboard and other instrumental students by audition. 003 CHAMBER ORCHESTRA ( 1) Performance of standard chamber music literature encompassing a wide vari­ ety of styles and periods. Membership by aud ition. 004 UNIVERSITY SINGERS (1) Performance of traditional and co n­ temporary Gospel music. Membership by audition.

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