10. Fo ll owing notification of accep tance into the Department of Nursing, th e candidate may begin the challenge pro cess. The process consists o f examination with theory and clinical components. Contact the Department of Nursing for specific details. 11. Pri or to going to the clinical agency, all challenge stud ents must have a current CPR certifi cate. The Department of N ursing health form required o f all nursing majo rs must be submitted prior to clinical chall enge and admission to clinical nursing courses. This is neccessary for Biola to meet agancy contract requirements. 12. Candidates for the chall enge process have the option of scheduling the examinations in such a way that if unsuccessful , subsequent enrollment in the course is poss ibl e. 13. Course credit will be granted upon successful completion of the chall enge exam. Courses may be challenged one time o nl y. (C·) denotes that a class can be chall enged for the units li sted. 14. Specific poli cies related to R.N.'s, L.V.N.'s o r L.P.N. 's fo ll ow. Transfer chal lenge stud ents from other nursing pro grams or other heal th profession back grounds will be evaluated individuall y. ADDITIONAL POLICIES: REGISTERED NURSE AND STUDENTS TRANSFERRING FROM RN PROGRAMS 1. App li cants must mee t one or mo re of the fo ll owing criteria: a. Hold current licensure in the United States. b. Be a grad uate of a regiona ll y accred ited program. c. Be a student in a regionall y acc redit ed program. 2. N ursi ng in the Community (460) and nursing research cou rses (441,442) must be taken. Admission to these courses is contingent on successful com pletion of al l components of the challenge process. The following courses may be chall enged: 205,206,310,330,340,350, 360, and 450. ADDITIONAL POLICIES: LICENSED VOCATIONAL NURSE l. The applicant must hold current reg istration in the Un ited States. Graduates of regionally accredited nursing programs in the process of obtaining licensure will be admitted on provisional status.
2. The app li cant may take the 30 unit curriculum or the transfer-cha ll enge curriculum. OPTION I: THIRTY UNIT CURRICULUM 1. This option permits the L.V.N. to take nursi ng and re lated science courses in o rder to qualify for the California regis tered nurse li censi ng examinati on. Transfer into the degree program is possible. 2. The applicant's portfoli o wi ll be eval uated on an individual bas is. Academic cred it earned in regional ly accredited instituti ons of higher education for comparable prelicensure courses wi ll be accep ted for transfer. 3. The following courses must be com pleted prior to taking the R.N. li censure examinati on: Biology 281 Physiology''· 4 units Biology 282 Microbiology'· 4 units N ursing 300 Profess ional Nursing Seminar 3 units Nursing 320 Directed Individual Studies (Geriatrics) 3 uni ts N ursing 330 Advanced N ursing of the Cli ent/Fami ly 5 units N ursing 340 N ursing of the Cli ent/Family with Complex Mental H ealth Problems 4 units N ursing 450 Leadership/ Management in Nursing 7 unit 30 units ' 'Transfer cred it will be granted. OPTION II: TRANSFER CHALLENGE 1. Nursing 205 and 206 must be chal lenged in sequence. 2. Other courses required for li censure may be challenged based on indi vi dual portfolio evaluation . N ursing in the Communi ty (460) and nursing research courses (441,442) must be taken.
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