480 STUDIES IN POLITICAL SCIENCE ( 1-8) Specialized study in political science in such areas as Americ~n government, the U.S. Constitution, legislation, state and local government, foreign affairs, interna tional relations, political theory, compara tive governmen ts, the American presiden cy, the citizen and the law, political parties, law and public administration. May be repeated with different section title for a maximum of eight units. 485 PUBLIC LAW (3) Function of law in protecting the pub lic's interest in preserving the environ ment. Environmental laws, administrative action, freedom of information, air and water quality, noise pollution, solid waste, pesticides, land use, zon ing, energy and agency decision making. Prerequ isite: Business 361. Junior or senior standing. 486 PERSONNEL AND HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (3) Government personnel systems, merit concepts, classification, compensation, training, examinations, organizations, labor relations and collective bargaining. Prerequisites: 200,301,485.
304 ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY AND BEHAVIOR (3) Key concepts central to organizing and changing public agencies to meet public social needs. Review of theories, manage rial approaches and methodologies in public administrators.
391 PUBLIC FINANCE (3) Traditional principles of public finance, government spending and fiscal impacts, development of the public sector, budgets, taxation, procurement, pollution and energy incentives, state and local expenditure pat terns, property taxes and revenue sharing. Prerequisites: 301; Business 201, 202, 212. 400 POLITICAL PARTIES (3) Analysis of the history, philosophy, organization and functioning of America's political parties. 405 PROBLEMS IN AMERICAN DIPLOMACY (3) Growth and development of American fore ign relation from the Revolution to the present. Analysis of the conduct of foreign relation, its objectives and limitations. 406 LEGISLATION (3) The mechanical rules, procedures and customs in the making of laws in American government. Offered alternate years.
The government systems of England, France, West Germany and Russia com pared to the American system of govern ment. Offered alternate years. 306 PUBLIC POLICY (3) An analysis of public policy process and the political context of its formation. System-atic review of the diverse financial systems in making and implementing public policy. 307 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (3) A survey of national-state system; forces affecting international relations; sources of conflict in world politics, and their solution by power politics and inter national cooperation. 310 STUDENT GOVERNMENT PRACTICUM ( 1) The organization and function of stu dent government at the University level; parliamentary procedure, committee work and similarity to state and national legislative government. May be repeated for a maximum of four units. (Limited to Biola Associated Students Council and Senate members. Students working for A.S. for an hourly wage may not enroll.)
The historical, objectives, structure, functions and politics involved in the United Nations. Offered alternate years.
Provides an opportunity to complete an internship and a research project in a public agency. Project consists of identifi cation and analysis, with guidance, of a chosen area in public organization. 490 INTERNSHIP IN POLITICAL SCIENCE ( 1-8) In-service training and internship expe rience in various government and non-gov ernment agencies and organizations . May be repeated with different section title for a maximum of eight units.
An examination of the principles of the American constitutional system looking primarily at U.S. Supreme Court decisions and the historical development of consti tutional law. Attention also given to the judicial branch and its role in American government and politics, particularly its continuing interpretation of the U.S. Constitution as the framework for American democracy. 465 INTEGRATION SEMINAR (3) Issues in the contemporary world addressed from an interdisciplinary social
Historical development of th e office of the presidency; formal and informal pow ers of the president in executive, legis la tive, judicial, military, diplomatic and political areas. 350 GREAT WESTERN POLITICAL THINKERS (3) A study o-f selected political theorists. Emphasis on such writers as Plato, Aristotle, Church Fathers, Augustine, Aqu inas, Machiavelli, Luther, Calvin, Hobbes, Locke, Burke, Bentham, Marx, Niebuhr and others. Readings in primary sources. Prerequisite: HIS "100, 200 or POL200.
science and Biblcial perspective. Prerequisite: Senior standing.
470 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION RESEARCH AND WRITING (3) Research and writing for public admin istration majors. Special studies in public administration for majors utilizing the techniques of problem-solving, research and effective communication and writing. Prerequisite: 301.
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