Psychology A DIVISION OF ROSEMEAD SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY Dean: Keith]. Edwards, Ph.D. Undergraduate Coordinator: Gary H. Strauss, Ed.D.
Group II: Psychology of Re ligious Experience (313)
Developmental Psychology: Life-Span (320) Developmental Psychology: Chi ldhood (321) Developmental Psychology: Ado lescence (322) Social Psychology (405) G roup III: Experimental Psychology (305 ) Introduction to Measurement (306) Advanced Statistics (502). Group IV: Abnormal Psychol ogy (309) Theories of Personality (411 ) Personality and Psychopathology I (515 ). All students are encouraged to take at least one course from the fo ll owing: Group V: Human Sexuality (303) Seminar in Therapeutic
A survey of psychology as an empirical/ behavioral science with a consideration of underlying philosophical bases in light of a Christian world view. Topics to be sur veyed include development, cognition, learning, motivation , physiology, sociali za tion, personality and psychopathology. 206 PSYCHOLOGY AND CHRISTIAN THOUGHT (;3) An introduction to the nature and process of the app li cation of Christian thought to th e study and practice of psychology. Prerequisites : 200 and Theology 100. 210 STATISTICS WITH COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (4) Elementary statistics for psychological research; litera ture and computer analysis in sampling, probab ility, descriptive statis tics , basic nonparametric sta tistics , t-tests, correlation, regression equati o ns and data processing. Not for general ed ucation math/ scienc requirement. Three hours lecture, two hours laborato ry. Either semester. Lab fee: $25 . 303 HUMAN SEXUALITY (3) An examination of the areas of human sexual functionin g, behavior, relation ships, and feelings. Issues o f sexua li ty are discussed within a spiritual, psychological, cultural, and medical/health re lated per spectives. Prerequi site: 200 or Biology 100 or 111
FACULTY Professors: Guy, Narramore, Poelstra Associate Professors: Strauss, Hawkins, Pike, Quek, Ingram Assistant Professors: Grace OBJECTIVES The psychology major provides oppor tunities to study a broad spectrum of issues concerning human nature and functioning from a distinctly Christian world view. Since students select a psychology major for a variety of reasons, course offerings are designed to provide as much flexibility as possible. Only three courses are required of all students (Introduction to Psychology, Psychology and Christian Thought, and Statistics with Computer Applications). Students preparing for graduate study in psychology take a broad set of courses in the research and th eory of psychology as well as foundational courses in applied areas. Students majoring in psy chology as a terminal degree or those preparing for the ministry or ocher profes sional areas may select from both theoreti cal and applied courses those most suited to their vocational and personal goals.
Techniques (418) Seminar in Group Process (426) Industrial/Organizational Psychol ogy (315)
GRADUATE SCHOOL PREPARATION The following courses are recommended for graduate school preparation: Experimental Psychology (305), Introduction to Measurement (306), Learning (310), Developmental Psychology : Life-Span (320), Social Psychology (405 ), Theories of Personali ty (411), Physiological Psychology (412) or Neurobio logy (Biology 311 ), History and Systems of Psycho logy (530) UNDERGRADUATE PERMISSION TO TAKE GRADUATE COURSES Undergraduate stud en ts in the Psychology Department may take graduate courses in rare cases. A special form may be obtain ed in the graduate Psychology Department. It mu st be fill ed out and signed by the student's advisor, dean of Rosemead, and instructor of the course. MINOR A PSYCHOLOGY MINOR is offered with the completion of 18 units, 12 of which must be upper division. Psychology 200 is a prerequisite for the minor.
PSYCHOLOGY is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and major requirements. The psychology major requires the completion of a minimum of 35 units beyond Introduction to Psychology (200), 24 of which must be upper division. Psychology 200 is pre requis ite to all ocher psychology courses. All majo rs are required co take Psycho logy and Christian Thought (206), Statistics with Computer Applications (210) and to select at least one course from each of the following groups of courses:
Phil osophy, methodol ogy and analysis of th e experimental method. Discuss ions of probl ems in conducting and evaluating psychological research. Three hours lec ture, two hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 210. Lab fee: $25. Spring semester. 306 INTRODUCTION TO MEASUREMENT (3) Theory and principl es of measurement including the construction, reliability, valid ity and app li cation of measurement devices in various profess ional settings. Prerequisite: 210. Fall semester.
Group I: Learning (310)
Phys iological Psychology (412) or Neurobiology (Biology 311) Motivation (410 ).
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