dynamics and interaction upon the develop ment of children. Geneti c-maturational fac tors along with their interacti on with experi ential factors will be examined as to their effect upon behavior. Both pathogeni c and adaptive patterns will be addressed with a view to facilitating optimal development and social izati on o f children. Fall semester, alternating years. 322 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY:ADOLESCENCE(3) An in-dep th study of theory and research concerning the adolescent pe ri od incl uding the transition from childhood to ado lescence and from ado lescence to adulthood. Issues to be considered will include physiological, psychological and social changes, identi ty fo rmati on, behav ior and mo ral development. Discuss ion will include timely issues o f personal rele vance to the coll ege student 's own devel opment as an emerging young adult. Fall semes ter, alternating years. 405 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) Attitude formati on and change, attitude measurement; prejudice, confo rmi ty, lead ershi p, affili ati on dri ves and group process es. Social experiments and research. Prerequi site: 210. Spring semeste r. 410 MOTIVATION (3) Physiological , psycho logical and social bases of mo ti vati on. Topi cs include drives, obesity, sexual motiva ti on, need fo r achi evement and aggress ion. 411 THEORIES OF PERSONALITY (3) An overview of personali ty theori es including the primary rep resentati ves of th e major schools: anal yti c o r dynami c, humani stic-existenti al and behavio ral. 412 PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) A study of the physiological bases of behavior including neural, sensory, motor and chemi cal aspects with an emphasis on appli cation to hwnan rather than animal process. (Biology 311 Neurobiology may be taken as an al ternative to this course. ) Prerequisite: Biology 100 or 111. Spring semester. 414 READINGS IN PSYCHOLOGY (1-3) Reading and bi -weekl y discuss ion with pro fessor of reco rd in a topic of the stu dent 's choos ing. T he stud ent is expected
to work out, with the pro fessor's supervi sion, a detail ed course proposal and bibli ography and submit with a Learning Contract fo rm avail abl e from the depart mental o ffi ce. Prerequi site: upper di vision status. Either semester. 418 SEMINAR IN THERAPEUTIC TECHNIQUES (3) Emphasis on core fac ilitation skill s. Supportive, re-educative and reconstruc tive therap ies considered. Personal growth activiti es incorpora ted . Prerequi site: consent. 426 SEMINAR IN GROUP PROCESS (3) Techni ques fo r fo rming groups, analyzing processes, leadership facili ta tors, measurement of behavior and methods of stabili zing gains over time. Prerequi site: consent. 450 DIRECTED FIELD WORK IN PSYCHOLOGY ( 1-3) Supervised expe ri ence in mental health, educa ti onal, co rrecti onal or relat ed facili ty. Open onl y to upper division students. Prerequi sites: 306, 309 and con sen t. Either semester. 470 CURRENT TOPICS IN PSYCHOLOGY (3) Reading, research and di scuss ion o f selected topi cs in the fi eld of psychology. Prerequisi te: consent. 480 RESEARCH IN PSYCHOLOGY ( 1-3) Research acti vity consisting o f ass isting doctoral level research und er th e supervi sion o f the primary researcher o r sel f directed research under th e supervision o f the pro fessor o f reco rd . Prerequi sites : 210 and consent . Either semes ter. Note: The fo llowing graduate level courses may be taken by senior psycholo gy majors with consent of the departmen tal chair. For course description see Rosemead section ofcatalog.
309 ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) Nature, causes and trea tment of abno r mal behavio r, including the full range of mental disorders identifi ed within current categori cal sys tems. 310 LEARNING (4) Empirical findings and theoreti cal devel opment in the area of learning and their application to hwnan behavior. T11ree hours lecture, three hours laboratory. Prerequi site: 305. Lab fee : $25 . Fall semester. 313 PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE (3) An examinati on of the natu re and scope of re ligious expe ri ence incl uding such issues as the development of reli gious concepts and val ues, conve rsion, the experience of prayer and spiritual maturi ty. Attenti on is al so given to issues in th e integration of psychology and theology. 315 INDUSTRIAL/ORGANI· ZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) A study of the applicati on of the princi ples of psychology in industrial and organiza tional settings . Prerequi site: 200 or consent. 319 CROSSCULTURALIETHNIC ISSUES IN PSYCHOLOGY (3) The psycho logical dynami cs involved in the fo rmati on and reduction of preju dices, di scriminati on, and stereotypes will be explo red. T he course is des igned to increase stud ent awareness o f th e hi stori cal treatment of crosscul tural issues within a psycho logial context, and to sensitize stud ents to ethni c minorities and issues . Pre requi site : 200. 320 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY: LIFESPAN (3) A study of the theory and research con cerning life-span development . Considerati on will be given to the phys i cal, emotional, cogniti ve, social and moral aspects o f human development across the entire span from concepti on to dea th . Di scuss ion will include timely issues of personal relevance to the student 's own developmental pathway. Spring semes ter. 321 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY: CHILDHOOD (3) An in-depth study of theory and research concerning the childhood peri od from con ception through pre-adolescence. Par ti cular attention will be given to the issues of par ent-child bonding and the impact of fam ily
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