

358 DEATH AND DYING (3) A critical anal ysis of how death and dying affect the everyday world in the way people cognitively and emotionally per­ ceive death and respond to it; how our conception of death influences our con­ struction of reality; an interdisciplinary and crosscultural approach. 362 SOCIAL PROBLEMS (3) Major problems of social maladjust­ ment from the viewpoint of the underlying processes of individual and social disorga­ ni zatio n; deviant behavior, such as mental disorders, crime and delinquency, su icide, drug and alcohol addiction; social disorga­ nization, such as population problems, fami ly, poverty and war. 367 FIELD INSTRUCTION (3) Opportunity to integrate classroom learning with actual on-the-job training in a social work agency. Variety of available agency settings with placement based upon interest and academic background. 402 SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION (3) Analys is of religious practices that affect society and social factors that affect religious practices; Christian and non­ Chri tian beliefs and institutions. 441 DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL THOUGHT (3) O utstanding social thinkers to the l9th cen tury; ideas of men compared and con­ trasted within the various societies as background to the development of con­ temporary sociological theory. 442 CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY (3) Survey of sociological theory with emphasis on 20th century contributions; status of sociological inquiry and theory; relationship of sociology to such allied fields as anthropo logy, psychology, eco­ nomics, education and political science. Prerequisites: Psychology 210; Sociology 441 and 18 units of sociology. 443 METHODS OF SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH I (3) Survey and evaluation of methods of planning, collecting, classifying and ana­ lyzing social research data. Derailed study of the scientific method of inquiry, intro­ duction to the use of experimental designs in sociological research. Prerequisites: Psychology 210; 18 units of sociology.

444 METHODS OF SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH 11 (3) A continuation of the Methods of Sociological Research I course where the student will be involved in planning and conducting a minor research project. Prerequisites: Psychology 210; 18 units of sociology, including Sociology 443. 460 TOPICS IN SOCIOLOGY (3) Variable offering to include a critical analysis of selected topics such as Women, the Church and Society; Sociology of Sport; Law and Society; Sociology and Christian Value; Sociology of Rural Life in America. 465 INTEGRATION SEMINAR (3) Issues in the contemporary world addressed from an interdisciplinary social

science and Biblical perspective. Prerequisite: Senior standing.

470 INDEPENDENT STUDY (1·3) Prerequisite: senior status with socio lo­ gy major and prior to registration, consent of a professor to act as sponsor. T he stu­ dent must have the ability to assume responsibility for independent work and to prepare written and oral reports. Project selected in conference with faculty sponsor before registration; progress meetings held regularly.

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