

TESOL andApplied Linguistics

A DIVISION OF THE SCHOOL OF INTERCULTURAL STUDIES Dean: Donal d E. Douglas, Ph .D. Director: H erbert C. Purnell , Ph.D. FACULTY Pro fessor: Purnell Associate Professors: Chastain, Purgason OBJECTIVES Engli sh has become the mos t widely used language in th e world today. The demand fo r trained teachers in bo th ESL (English as a Second Language) and EFL (Engli sh as a Foreign Language) con tinu es unabated . There are many opportuni ties fo r service at home with immigrants, refugees, and fore ign stud ents, as well as abroad, especially in develop ing count ri es. To help meet these needs, the depart­ ment ofTESOL and Applied Linguisti cs offers courses which can lead to an under­ graduate mi nor in TESOL and the granting of a certifi cate to recognize the particular sig­ nificance of the specialized training obtained. The program, while especially applicable to student majoring in English, Intercultural Studies, or Education, is open to all interest­ ed w1dergraduates. Classroom observati on and practice teaching are required. MINOR The undergraduate minor in TESOL requires 19 semester units of prescribed course work. Students must complete three units in each of the fo ll owing categories: Linguistics: ENGL 350 (Linguisti cs), SICS 310 o r INAL407. Introduction to TESOL: ENGL 350 (TESOL) or INT E 425. Engli sh Grammar: ENGL 320 o r INT E309. Intercultural Communi cati on: SICS 420 o r INT E 441.

492 PRACTICUM IN TESOL I (3) Structured practi ce teaching in an ESL classroom under the supervi sion of a mas­ ter teacher, plus weekl y group di scuss ion of issues in language pedagogy.

suppl ementary authori za ti on in "Introdu ctory English as a Second

Language." Those interes ted should con­ sult with bo th departments for details.



309 ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION AND GRAMMAR FOR TESOL (3) Study of majo r features of standard Am eri can Engli sh pronunciati on and struc­ ture, with appli cations fo r ESOL teachers. 425 INTRODUCTION TO TESOL (3) Basic concepts, methods and tech­ niques of teaching Engli sh to speaker o f o ther languages. Introduces principles o f language learning; techniqu es for teaching li stening, speaking, reading and wri ting, selection o f class room material s, and stu­ dent assessment. Des igned for volunteer teache rs o r tuto rs, teachers reass igned to ESL classes, untrained teachers preparing to go overseas, and those considering the fi eld of TESOL as a career. 427 MATERIALS EVALUATION AND PREPARATION (3) Princip les o f ESOL materi als des ign to enable teachers to (a) evaluate and adapt publi shed materi als and (b ) prepare their own materi als. Prerequ isite: INTE 425 441 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION FOR TEACHERS (3) Study o f cultu ral values, nonverbal behavio r, language and culture relati on­ ships, and patterns of reasoning, with the goal of increasing intercultural awareness and teaching effectiveness whil e decreas­ ing culture-based mi sunderstanding in and out of the cl assroom. 460 COMMUNICATING VALUES TH ROUGH TESOL ( 1) Considerati on of ways in whi ch TESOL may be used to promote cross­ cul tura l und erstanding through the communi cati on o f different worldviews and values . Pre requi site : INTE 425 o r ENGL 350. 480 ENGLISH: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE (3) Histori cal and social survey of the devel­ opment o f the English Language from a smal l tribal language to the widespread international language it is today. Possible future trends also di scussed .

LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS (3) Introducti on to basic concepts in the sci­ entific study of language, major areas of lin­ guisti c analysis and several subfields of lin­ guistics important fo r ESL and EFL teachers. 446 SOCIOLINGUISTICS (3) Overvi ew of the relationship between lan­ guage and society. Topi cs covered include language and culture, language and social change, ethnicity, language contact, language policy, ethnography of commW1ication, and social aspects of conversati on. Prerequisite: INAL 407, INLT 310 or equival ent.

In additi on, stud ents must compl ete INTE 427,460 and INTE 492 .

T hirteen uni ts o f the mino r must be compl eted at Bio la. Upon compl etion o f the 19 units, th e student will be awarded a T ESOL certifi cate. TEACHER PREPARATION PROGRAM In cooperati on with th e Educati on Department, TESOL and Applied Lingui stics provides courses whi ch can enabl e teachers who already hold a Ca li fo rnia Teaching Credenti al to gain a

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