comp letion of references and official tran scripts from each institution previously attended must be sent to the School of Continuing Studi es, Biola Univers ity. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Graduation with the Bachelor of Science (B.S. ) degree from Biola University with a major in Organizational Leadership is dependent upon satisfactory completion of the fo ll owing: A. A minimum of 120 semester units of credit fo r graduation. B. The compl eti on of the Biola Organizational Leadership (BOLD) pro gram at Biola Un iversity. C. A "C" average (or a 2.00 G.P.A. ) or above is required on al l work taken at Biola Un iversity and withi n the major field . D. T he completion of the general edu cation requirements including: Writing Competency- met by comple tion of th e written ve rsion of the Senior T hes is; Communication - Compl etion of competency in oral presentation/ commu nication as evidenced by course or Credit for Prio r Learning (CPL); Composition Competency- in the English language as evidenced by six units of course work and/ or CPL. Two of the requirements in the fol low ing three areas may be met by courses in the BOLD program. The three required areas may also be met by course work at other in stitutions and/ or CPL: Philosophy - 3 units Behavioral Science - 3 units Math/ Science - 3 of 8 units The requirements for th e fo ll owing can be met by course work or CPL:
ORLD 340 Group and Organizational Behavior .. .... ......... ........ (3) ORLD 210 Biblical Concepts Seminar I .. ..... .... .. ........ .(1) ORLD 220 Symposium I ................ (1) ORLD 240 Personal Assessment and Life Planning ........ (2) ORLD 470 Senior Thesis I .. .. ... .... .. (2) ORLD 360 Statistical Methods ...... (3) ORLD 350 Management In formation Systems ..... ..... ............... (3) ORLD 310 Biblical Concepts Seminar 11... ... .. ............. (1) ORLD 370 Interpe rsonal Communi cation ........... (3) ORLD 320 Symposium II ............... (1) ORLD 380 Managerial Accounting........ ........... (3) ORLD 330 T heology and the Christian Life ........ ...... .(3 ) ORLD 430 Human Resource Management ................ (3 ) ORLD 440 Principles of Management and Supervis ion ... ..... ... (4) ORLD 410 Biblical Concepts Seminar III ................... (1) ORLD 450 Organizational Ethics... (3) ORLD 420 Sympos ium III ..... .. ...... .(1) ORLD 480 Senior Thesis II ............ (3) CREDIT FOR PRIOR LEARNING Undergraduate students working for a degree in Organizational Leadership have the opportunity to earn elective cred it toward graduation through the evaluation of prior learning acquired outside an institution of higher learning. Cred it is awarded only after a student's record has been carefully weighed by the faculty of the University. SENIOR THESIS Each stude nt wi ll complete a Senior Thesis whi ch will emphasi ze work or communi ty related research on a real problem or opportuni ty for that o rgani za tion. The stud ent wil l develop writing, oral presentation, and research ski ll s, along with the new knowledge and per spective they ga in in th e topic of their T hes is. The Senior Thesis is compl eted over about a 15-month period while the courses are being comple ted. COURSES ORLD 210 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS SEMINAR I (1) This semin ar wi ll introd uce the concept of integration of fa ith , learning and living to help students come to a more accurate understanding of reali ty. T he course will
emphasiz th e importance of thinking Chri sti anl y in order to equip stud ents to analyze issues and effect solutions to prob lems that are workable, intellectually viabl e and consistent with biblical truth. ORLD 220 SYMPOSIUM I (1) 11,js course will provide an opportunity to apply the understanding arrived at through integration to real life situations. Students will examine case studi es taken from group and organizational behavior that demon strate both the method and difficulties of integration and app li cation. Students, throughout the course, will be encouraged to apply the principles of integration to their own experience in order to develop a mind set of thinking Chri stianly as an essential component of their life and education.
In this course, individual learning styles are measured and investigated as a basis for preparation of a li fe learning portfolio which may earn the student up to 30 units of academic credit. In conj unction with this project, the IDAK Career Match instrument is taken to faci litate the forma tion of reali stic personal and career goa ls. In addition, a va ri ety of class projects probe various aspects of effective individu al decision-making processes. ORLD 310 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS SEMINAR II (1) T hi s seminar is designed to identify bib li cal concepts that provide a basis in special reve lation for human relationships and interpersonal commun ication. Attention wi ll be given to the bib li cal description of human beings as designed and created by God, the nature and conse quences of the fa ll and the impac t of sa lva tion and sanctification on human beings. ORLD 320 SYMPOSIUM II (1) Specific passages illustrating various aspects of interpersonal communi cation taken largely from O ld Testament wis dom li terature Qob, Psalms, Prove rbs , Eccles ias tes, Song of Solomon ) and selected New Testament passages wi ll be studied and their practical implications for inte rpersonal commun ication dis cussed. Case studies will be consi dered and evalu ated in the light of mater ial from both general and special revelation.
Literature - 3 units Fine Arts - 3 units History (Western Civilization and
United States) - 8 units E. Foreign Language-The general education requirement for a fo reign lan guage for the adult degree program is two years of th e same hi gh school language or fo ur units of a coll ege language. F. Completion of the Bold biblical stud ies learning outcome (Learning outcome worksheet is avai lable from Bold office) . CURRICULUM T he major consists of 18 required courses totaling 41 semes ter units. The courses li sted below are offered year arou nd in a sequencial order.
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